The mall

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Gil's POV
I woke up, made mayor dad breakfast and got dressed. It was pretty cold this morning. Mayor dad had some mayor work stuff to take care of today, this is perfect. He will remain occupied while me, Flint, Sam, and Brent go out. Of course he told me to make sure everything was neat and tidy, by the time he got back. He took an umbrella with him in case it starts raining again.

A little while later I finished my chores and cleaning, and I got a message from Flint. They arrived, I let them inside. Sam and flint were wearing raincoats, and Brent was wearing a jacket similar to them. Can't blame them it's cold and wet out. Hey Gil! We stopped by the coffee shop and got you some warm coffee! Sam handed me a hot white chocolate mocha. Thankyou Sammy Sam Sam! I said with a smile. I took a sip, it was really good. Nothing like a warm coffee on a cold day.

Flint told us what happened to you last night, Sam said. Oh yeah, it was crazy, I still can't believe it. Do you guys want to see? Heck yeah we do!!! Brent said excitedly. Alright come upstairs with me. The 3 of them followed me to my bedroom. Okay so it's rather cold today.

I walked over to my window, and opened it and exposed myself to the cold air. It was day light right now, but cold enough to make me transform. I took a deep breath and suddenly some wind and leaves began to swirl around me. My claws, and fangs came out. My fur began to show. I turned around and showed them my claws. All 3 of them stared in in amazement.

I opened my mouth and exposed my teeth. They saw my fangs. Gil.. this is so amazing! Sam said. Your the werewolf man!!! Brent said excitedly. It really is phenomenal isn't it? Said Flint. So Flint tells us the wolf is triggered if you feel threatened, or uncomfortable right? Yes, that's what I could tell so far, I replied. However, this is not my full transformation, this is only halfway.

Once I can fully transform, I will have fur all over my body, not just on my hands and feet. That's the problem. It's going to make it harder to keep hidden. Speaking of, I just tore through my socks again.. great. I really need to get bigger socks. We all laughed for a second. Well then we should get to the mall, Flint said. Yeah good idea, I replied. I'm just worried about being in the cold, what if my fur start to show?

Well, I guess I could just pull my socks up higher, I always wear long socks anyway. I pulled my socks up a bit higher. It's okay Gil, we're gonna help you get everything you need. I appreciate it Thankyou I replied. Its supposed be in the high 40's today, Sam said. That's cold I replied. I walked over to my closet and pulled out one of my trench coats. It was oversized, even if I transformed it would still fit and not tear. I put it on and buttoned it up.

Okay, no one should notice a thing. Well except my claws is they start to show up. Gil, do you have any gloves? Flint asked. Good idea Flint! I mean it's cold outside anyway. I went into my closet and got some gloves, luckily they are oversized too and my claws wouldn't tear through them. I went to my nightstand, opened the drawer and pulled out some cash. I grabbed my cell phone, and wallet and put it in the pocket of my trench coat.

A little while later:
Gil's POV
We arrived at the swallow falls mall little while ago, all the Christmas decorations were up. It was almost December after all. Which also meant, I have a birthday coming up. I saw a big Christmas tree they put up, it was so beautiful, there was also an ice skating rink on the first floor. I loved watching people ice skate. We took the escalator upstairs looked around some stores.

Once we found one I liked, we went inside. I found some sweaters, with colors I like, some purple, some black, navy, and red, and grey. I just had to make sure they were a stretch enough so they wouldn't tear. I took them in the fitting room. They were oversized a bit which was good. They felt nice and cozy.

I picked out 2 of each the colors, as well as 1 t shirt. We also found some shorts and dress pants that were stretchy enough as well as bigger socks, that were long so I could pull them up if I needed to. I picked a few black socks, and a few white ones. Luckily my shoes were strong enough to withstand my clawed feet, so I didn't have to worry about that, and a had a few bigger dress shoes at home already just in case.

Hey Gil, Flint said do you like this book bag? I looked over at Flint holding it. I actually really liked that. I like that yes. I guess I could use a book bag for school and stuff. I folded all the clothing neatly and Flint handed me the book bag, I carried them to the check out. The store person scanned them, and the book bag. Sir do you want me to put the clothing in the book bag for you? The cashier asked me.

Yes that would be lovely. I replied. I payed him the cash and he handed me my book bag with the clothing folded inside. We exited the store and headed back downstairs. Thanks guys for coming with me, it's nice to know I'm not alone. Of course Gil! Flint replied. I'm just a little nervous about school starting back up.

It's gonna be alright Gil, we will be right there with you. Sam said. Yeah! We're gonna get through this together! Brent said. That's right, and my invention just needs a few more adjustments and then it will be ready to help with your nightmares, Flint said. Thankyou guys I really appreciate it. Well, I guess we should head back before Mayor dad gets home.

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