The brave and the bold

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We were close to the graveyard when the blood trail ended, Mayor shelbourne was in his werewolf form, and he began to walk around on all fours, he was sniffing the ground as he walked. I think he was trying to pick up on Gil's scent. We followed him.

Mayor Shelbourne led us near the graveyard. Gil! Gil, where are you?! He cried out. Then suddenly, we all heard a small squeal. It was the most helpless sounding squeal I've ever heard. Like an injured puppy. Then I saw a bloodied hand, underneath a log. Mayor Shelbourne grabbed the sleeve of Gil's sweater with his teeth, and pulled Gil out from under the log.

What we saw shocked us all. Poor little Gil was covered in bloody scrapes and looked really sick, he was shivering violently. Gil!!! Mayor Shelbourne scooped up his son into his arms, daddy's here, he said nearly sobbing. He took off his business jacket and wrapped it around his shivering son.

Gil wouldn't stop shivering. Mayor Shelbourne cradled him close, like a baby. He grabbed Gil's head and gently pushed it to his chest. Mayor Shelbourne went back to his human form. I've never seen mayor Shelbourne so worried about his son.. never.. he looked down at his son, trying to warm him.

I heard something behind me, I looked and there was that evil wolf ghost, AHHH I screamed as it charged at me, son!!! My dad said he grabbed me just in time. Then suddenly Glen ran with an axe over to the man's grave. He beat it until it shattered in pieces. Until you could no longer tell it was a grave..

Then the wolf ghost disappeared.. that's how the ghosts were always able to get out.. through there! Glen pointed to the shattered grave. Well now it can't get out anymore. I'm going to dump all this deep into the ocean, where that evil man's ghost can never hurt anybody ever again.. Glen had saved us..

Some time later at the Shelbourne mansion:

Flint's POV
Mayor Shelbourne put some warmer clothing on Gil and tucked him in tightly. Doctor manny was on his way with medicine to help with the hypothermia. We all stood there in Gil's room. I just hoped manny would get here soon, Gil didn't look so good. Mayor Shelbourne turned on the fireplace in Gil's room and turned up the heat in the whole mansion.

This was one Christmas that Gil will definitely never forget.. I'm just glad we finally defeated the ghost once and for all. Mayor Shelbourne may not admit it, but could tell he was very worried. Gil let out another coughing fit. Mayor Shelbourne sat on the side of his bed watching his boy.

Some time later:
Manny finally arrived and brought his medical equipment. Mayor Shelbourne wanted to take Gil to the hospital but Gil cried saying he wanted to stay home. So that's why we called doctor manny instead. I watched as he listened to Gil's heart, and did some other things.

After examining Doctor manny turned and looked at mayor Shelbourne. He should be okay.. Mayor Shelbourne let out a sigh of relief. However, your son is still very sick, but I've brought medicine for that. Doctor manny cleaned and wrapped Gil's wounds. He also had to do stitches to keep the bleeding under control.

I was so glad to hear that Gil will be okay. Eventually doctor manny left, Gil would need lots of rest, but the important thing is that he survived, this was a crazy last few weeks. I watched Mayor Shelbourne hold his son close, eventually we all went back home too.
I was happy that the father and son was reunited, and that was the story of Gil Shelbourne becoming a werewolf.

The end I guess? I don't know.

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