Silent night

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Gil laid in bed only halfway conscious again. It was the middle of the night. His eyes opened. Every now and then he blinks. However, he stares up there at the ceiling. His awareness of his surroundings fading. He could see something flying around his room, but this time, with his eyes open.

There they were.. 3 ghost looking things just flying around in a circle on the ceiling, as Gil watched from his bed. His eyes almost glowing, as he stares up at them circling around on the ceiling. Gil began to wake up a little, wha-? He saw the ghosts.. I don't understand... he thought to himself.. He couldn't really think clearly or get the words out, as he was still only half awake. Just watching the 3 ghost looking things swirling in the air on the ceiling.

Am I dreaming? He thought for a second. He couldn't tell if this was a dream or not. Gil began to whimper, and try to toss and turn, but it was hard to move for some reason. It's like the ghosts just wanted him to relax, and go back to sweet oblivion. Suddenly he heard some more growling, this time really deep growling. It wasn't coming from the ghosts above his bed, it was something els. The growling sounded like it was getting closer and closer. Gil began to cry out again. Is this some awful nightmare?

Meanwhile, Mayor Shelbourne had been asleep for a little while now. Until he heard Gil cry out and woke him up. Ugh... again? Mayor Shelbourne told himself. This time he was really tempted to just smack his son in the face to wake him up. The mayor took a deep breath and got a hold of himself, as he got out of bed and made his way to his son's bedroom.

Good Heavens child! This is the third night in a row! He entered his son's bedroom as Gil cried out again, sounding like he was afraid of something. Mayor Shelbourne looked around the room. Balderdash.. there's nothing in here... the mayor whispered to himself.

Gil cried out again as he could hear the growl in the dark. Mayor Shelbourne walked over to his son's bed and sat on the edge. Maybe.. I was too harsh with him. The mayor thought, mayor Shelbourne shook his head, no. Who els is going to keep him in line? He's my son, and I'm the mayor. He needs to act like it. Mayor Shelbourne thought to himself.

Mayor Shelbourne could hear his son whimper again. Oh how he wished his son would just shut up.. It seemed like his son was having night terrors, the mayor thought. The mayor placed his hand on his boy's head like the night before, and Gil responded well to it. He began to calm as he no longer heard the growling. Like somehow he could sense his father nearby him. When he sensed his father was close by, it seemed to scare off the creature making that growling noise. Gil faintly saw a shadow fly out the window. Although he was too far asleep to really remember or process it.

Gil.. the mayor tried to wake his son, but it was no use. Gil looked up at the ceiling and saw the ghosts circling around. The ghosts were rather soothing.. like they weren't trying to scare or hurt him. They were just there.. watching him through the night. Mayor Shelbourne was surprised at how blue Gil's eyes were. Like an icy blue. The mayor remembered his own eyes did the same thing back when he was a boy, slowly becoming a werewolf..

That was definitely not a pleasant experience, the mayor thought to himself. He was just glad he was able to control it for the most part and become human again whenever he wanted. It was harder to control at a younger age, as it was a new ability.

The mayor looked down at his boy again, Gil's eyes were open, although he seemed unaware of his surroundings. He was just looking up at the ceiling. The mayor tried waving his hand in front of Gil's eyes again. Nothing.. as if he were blind.. Mayor Shelbourne could tell his son was not awake.

Gil turned to his side towards his father he was trembling and shaking. Why was his son shaking? Gil suddenly grabbed him like his life depended on it. Mayor Shelbourne of course, hates it when Gil just launches on to him, but he wasn't even fully awake. Not really knowing what to do about this, Mayor Shelbourne just wrapped his arms around his son, sitting on his lap. He placed a hand on Gil's head and gently pushed it against his chest, hoping this would hush his boy.

And for a while Mayor Shelbourne just held his son, slightly rocking him, hoping this will quiet him for the rest of the night. He was relieved that Gil was asleep. He wouldn't want Gil to know about this. It would encourage the boy to seek affection. Mayor Shelbourne just wanted Gil to stay clueless about his father coming into his bedroom at night and holding him like a baby. He wouldn't be caught dead doing amount of money could make him do it if Gil were awake.

I really hope this works, the mayor thought to himself. Even when Gil was a baby, the mayor only held him a number of times. He really didn't want this to become a habit. He's so irritating.. the mayor thought to himself. The way he looks at me like I'm his lifeline, with that stupid smile on his stupid face, repeating every thing I say, trying to hold my hand and hug me, all the time, and all of his stupid stupidness!

Mayor Shelbourne looked down at his boy in his arms, at least he has no idea this is happening.. the mayor thought to himself. His son, wrapped in his arms clueless of what was happening. Although Gil had calmed down quite a bit, he looked so vulnerable, confused, and scared. Gil curled himself into a little ball in his father's arms. He's so small... Mayor Shelbourne thought to himself, such tiny hands... the mayor looked at his son's hands.

He gently picked up one of Gil's hands with his own, careful not to wake him. Have they always been this tiny? The mayor asked himself, looking at Gil's hand closely. It was so small compared to his own. Gil's fingers began to curl around the mayor's hand, it startled the mayor as he yanked it away. Ugh! I hate it when he does that, the mayor thought to himself.

It was like Gil could sense his father nearby, and calms down but has no trace of the memory once he wakes up. The mayor wanted to keep it that way. The mayor was getting sleepy himself. It was almost morning anyways. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to close my eyes for a bit too. The mayor knew he wouldn't fall asleep, not like this. Once his son started to wake up he would just tuck him in and then wait for him to come downstairs to make breakfast like nothing happened.

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