Meeting in the lab

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Gil's POV
Last night, was one I will never forget. I've felt like that before. After I transformed I took a hot shower, it was nice and warm. I turned back into a human after that. Flint stayed over the night just in case something bad happens.

After we woke up Flint waited for me outside while I made mayor dad breakfast. Then I came back upstairs, got dressed,  me and Flint climbed out the window of my bedroom, I didn't want mayor dad to see that Flint was over here and wondering why he was. It was the weekend luckily. Me and Flint decided to just go get breakfast at a coffee shop.

I wasn't too worried about transforming because I had more control over it during the day then I did at night. Although I can never be too careful. We arrived at the coffee shop. I got a white chocolate mocha, and Flint got the same thing. We also got some muffins to eat for breakfast.

Flint texted Sam and Brent to meet us at his lab after we finished breakfast, so we can update them on what happened last night. After we finished, we made our way to Flint's lab, Sam and Brent was already there. We all sat in the lab.

Okay guys, so last night I had my full transformation. Sam and Brent looked at each other, then back at me concerned. There was a full moon last night, and Flint was there with me. How was it? Sam asked. It was painful. I replied. I felt like my bones were being pulled apart.

For a while I was scared it was going to die. That's why I called Flint, and he came over right away. I think the reason it was so painful for Gil is because that was the first time he was fully transforming, and his bones were forming and resetting themselves slightly. That's scary, Brent said.

I watched the whole thing, it was scary said Flint. I wish we could have seen it, Sam said. I thought for a second. Flint you don't think it would be as painful to transform at it was last night do you? I don't think so, Flint replied. I wonder if I could do it right here. Are you sure Gil? You don't have to, said Flint.

I just want to see if still be that painful, I said. I've been worried about that all morning. Okay Gil, if your sure, Sam said. Can you even do it during the day? Brent asked. We're about to find out, I replied. Okay you guys let's back up a little, to give him some space, said Flint. The 3 of them backed up to give me some space.

I took a deep breath, I closed my eyes. It was hard doing it during the day time. I  had to really concentrate for a minute. I focused hard. I could feel some wind swirling around me, which is the first sign of transformation. I could feel my bones begin to make that popping sound again. It was uncomfortable. And then it happened.

I had fur all over my body. My ears were pointy, my teeth were fangs, my claws were long and sharp. Luckily my clothes didn't rip since I got more stretchy ones. My body got a little bigger, and I made sure not to howl this time, even though it was very tempting. Everyone looked at me.

Gil that's incredible! Thanks, this time it wasn't really painful, just uncomfortable. That's good said Flint. It was harder to transform though cuz it's daylight. I kind of expected that though, I tell them. I took another deep breath, and concentrated, I turned back into a human.

I just really need to practice doing that, so I can control it. I tell them. Well your doing great, Flint said.  Thank you. I looked down from the lab and saw mr Lockwood looking up at us. Oh no.. Flint. Yeah? He asked. I think your dad might have just what happened. Oh. We all climbed back down from the lab.

Hey dad! Flint said. Hello son, he said. Hello Gilbert, Samantha, Brent. he said. So umm, I guess you saw what happened huh? Flint asked. I did. Mr Lockwood replied. Okay dad, so it's like this.. about a little over a year ago on Halloween night we saw the mayor transform into a werewolf, so apparently he has this power to transform into a werewolf, said Flint.

Now Gil is starting to experience the same thing. Flint said. Like some kind of horrible genetic curse!!! Brent yelled out dramatically. Mr Lockwood looked over at me. I Just smiled nervously and waved. Ummm okay. Mr Lockwood replied. Thing thing is, Gil doesn't want very many people to know about this, especially his dad. Please don't tell my dad mr Lockwood, I looked up at him with sad puppy eyes. I won't, mr Lockwood replied.

Thankyou! I said. Gil, I know your afraid of your dad, said mr Lockwood. How did you know?? I ask. I've seen it before. I've seen the way he treats you, mr Lockwood replied. I hung my head down feeling very sad suddenly. Mr Lockwood put a reassuring hand my my shoulder.

I looked back up at him with sad eyes, feeling hopeless. It's going to be alright Gil. I know you love your father, and deep down, really deep down, I think he loves you too. Even if he treats me like garbage?? I ask. Yes, mr Lockwood replied. Just trust yourself Gil. You can tell him when your ready. And if you ever need to talk I'll be here.

I smiled up at mr Lockwood. Thankyou that means a lot. I reply. Anytime, mr Lockwood replied as he went back inside the house. Flint is so lucky, his father truly cares for him and is there for him. My father never is. You guys wanna go get some pizza?? Brent asked. Actually yeah, that sounds good I replied. I could go for pizza said Sam. That sounds fine, it's about lunch time anyway. Said Flint.

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