Searching for Gil

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Flint's POV
I finally convinced Sam and Brent to go to the woods with me to try and find Gil. That was until I suddenly see mayor Shelbourne show up at my lab. Lockwood! Where has my son gone? Me Sam and Brent all looked each other concerned.

Mayor Shelbourne, Gil is gone. Gone where? He questioned. Flint, I think we should just tell him the truth, said Sam. Okay, I replied. Mayor Shelbourne, I think you should sit down, and we'll explain everything.

It took a while to explain everything to mayor Shelbourne, he didn't believe us at first, then it took a solid hour to convince him that what were were saying was true. We told him the story of the man who became a wolf long ago, killed people, and now the ghost was after Gil.

What on earth would it want MY son for?? Asked the mayor. We don't know, I replied, but we saw it attack Gil one night in the woods, and it he was taken by it last night. Mayor Shelbourne's heart dropped after hearing that. He was confused and irritated, and worried..?

Lockwood, where would that ghost have taken my son? I don't know exactly, I replied. What do you mean you don't know?! You saw it happen! Well, my guess would be somewhere in the woods. We're about to go look for him. I'm coming with you, said mayor Shelbourne.

Suddenly officer Earl showed up too. Flint Lockwood!!! I think I know where Gil is! We got a call at the police station saying an older man found Gil in a grave in the woods, a grave?! I asked. Yeah the old man said it looked like he was being buried alive, and that Gil looked like he had hypothermia and he might not make it through the night..

What?! Mayor Shelbourne yelled out. His entire body began to shake, his heart racing, who did that to my son?! I don't know, but we have to hurry! We have get Gil down from that mountain! That's at the back of the island! Sam said. Well then we better hurry! Said officer Earl.

A little while later in the woods:

Glen's POV
I was trying my best to help this poor boy I found out in the cold. I knew all about that man long ago who became a werewolf, only some of the oldest people actually have seen that man in swallow falls before. I gave Gil some blankets, and turned on the fireplace, trying to keep him as warm as possible.

This mountain on the back of the swallow falls island can actually get a lot colder then people think. And now I look at this boy dying of hypothermia right before me. He has been haunted by this man's ghost, and know he's trying to make him sick and die. I can only hope poor Gil can hang in there until help arrives.

He was drifting in and out of consciousness, he really wasn't doing so good. I think a storm was coming outside, that's really not good because the power could go out. Glen..? I hear a weak voice.

Gil, don't worry help is on the way, I have to lock all the doors and close the windows and everything because -AHHHHHHHH!!! We both screamed as we saw the wolf ghost bash in through the window, it chased me out the door. Nooooo!!! Glen!!! I could hear Gil say.

Gil's POV

I saw the wolf ghost outside attacking Glen! No! I can't let anything happen to Glen! I got up barely able to stand, I was no longer able to transform to my werewolf form due to how sick I was. I could barely walk, and I walked out to the ghost. Hey! I yelled, leave him alone! Gil run! Glen said to me. No! I won't let him hurt you! Then the wolf stopped attacking Glen, and then charged at me. It was me he wanted. It began attacking me.

No!!! GIL!!!!!!!!! Glen yelled out. The wolf was tearing up my flesh, I was bleeding so badly, my blood was smeared on the snowy ground. Before Glen could try and stop him, the wolf dragged me away deeper into the woods, NO GIL!!!!! GLEN!!!!! I yelled back. A trail of my blood followed, as I was dragged into the woods.

Flint's POV
We finally made it to the woods, we were near the graveyard where me Sam and Brent saw the man's grave. Officer Earl, mayor Shelbourne, old Rick, and my dad were all with us looking for Gil. Then we all suddenly stopped dead in our tracks.

We all had flashlights, when suddenly officer Earl shined his flashlight on something on the ground. Two familiar black dress shoes on the ground. Those are Gil's shoes! Mayor Shelbourne cried out. There's blood all over them... I point out. Wait! Look over there! My dad said.

In front of use was a trail of blood. We followed it until we reached some rocks. There was more blood on the rocks.. I think that's Gil's blood I pointed out. No!!!!! Brent cried out. Does that mean Gil is dead!?!? I suddenly felt tears in my eyes. I hate to say it.. officer Earl said with a cracked voice, but I think Gil is dead..

Officer Earl took off his hat in respect to Gil.. no...No this can't happening to my son!!!! I hear mayor Shelbourne cry out. No! He can't be gone!!! Keep looking! He has to be here somewhere!!! Said mayor Shelbourne. Where is he?!? Where is my boy?!? He cried out. I'm sorry mayor Shelbourne, but it looks like that wolf killed him.

I watched as mayor shelbourne fell to his knees trembling. I think he was starting to sob. This is my fault...he muttered out. I'm not leaving until I find my boy! No mayor! Let me Tim, and old Rick find him. Because if he is dead, trust me, you don't want to see your son's dead bloodied body. Said officer Earl.

I don't care! Said mayor Shelbourne cried out, I'm not leaving without my boy! He walked over to the rocks, no mayor don't! I yell out. I tried to cover the rocks, but it was too late, he already saw the rocks covered with Gil's blood, which only made him sob even more.

Hello...? Hello!!! We hear a voice cry out. Who's there?? Officer Earl shined his flashlight in the dark at the stranger! My name is Glen! I'm the one who called! I found Gil out here! I brought him to my house but then the wolf came and attacked us, and he took Gil! Suddenly mayor Shelbourne transformed into his werewolf form.

He walked up to up to Glen, where is my son?!? Tell me now!!! Mayor Shelbourne demanded. I don't know! Said Glen. Last I saw the wolf was dragging him away that direction!!! Glen pointed to where we saw some more blood. We better hurry and go! It's leading back to the graveyard!!! We all ran that direction. I just hope poor Gil is still alive..

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