Nothing to fear

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Gil's POV
I made sure I cleaned everything that needed cleaning today, I only have faint memories of last night. I only slightly remember seeing something that was scaring me, and then it flew out the window.

I don't know why, but it went away for some reason, and everything was calm. I was just glad it finally left. It made this growling sound, and the scary part is, I can't tell if I was dreaming or not. Which kinda creeps me out. It can't possibly be real though.

I don't know why it was growling. I don't even know what it was, but it's gone now.

                           Some time later:

Mayor dad and I were at a town meeting. Mayor dad was talking in front of the crowd, about some town announcements as always, one of them being about thanksgiving. Just more mayor stuff.

At one point mayor dad was trying adjust the microphone because it was too tall and it wouldn't lower itself, so he decided to push me down and stand on me like a stool. Which is actually pretty typical of him to do. Eh.. I'm use to it though.

It was cold outside today, and after mayor dad finished speaking to the crowd, he told me he wants me to go to the grocery store for food. I guess we were running out, and I just didn't notice.

Apparently he had a few more work things to do, and then told me to just meet him back home after getting the groceries.

Flint's POV
I was walking around town with Sam after getting lunch, I told her about Gil and what's been happening. Oh yeah, is he doing okay?? Sam asked me. Well, he's just trying to keep it together. I mean developing ware wolf abilities? Definitely not something you see every day. I wouldn't know how to handle it either, I tell her.

I guess we probably should have seen this coming when he told us about the changes he was experiencing, Sam replied. Yeah, I said. Anyhow, he doesn't want his father to know what's going on. Sam looked at me, what? Why? She asks. Well, he told me he's afraid of what he will think.

But doesn't the mayor have werewolf abilities too?? She asks. Yes, I replied. But I think he's scared of his father just in general. He's afraid his father thinks of him a burden already. Oh. Sam said. I know it doesn't completely make sense, but when your afraid of someone, I guess your just kind of scared that if you make even just 1 wrong move something bad might happen.

Yeah that's true, replied Sam. We have to tell Brent about this as well. He's around Gil a lot too. As a matter of fact, I don't think Gil wants anyone to know about this besides us. I mean think about it. The son of the mayor becoming a werewolf? What kind of story that would be?

Gil wouldn't like unwanted attention from the town. So no reports about this, okay? I tell Sam. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, I guess your right. Sam replied. Thankyou Sam. Your a good friend Flint, Sam told me. Thankyou Sam.

                               Mean while:
Gil's POV
I got everything we needed from the grocery store and checked out. It was only a few things, I carried the grocery bags and started my way home. After I get home I should probably text Flint and tell him about what I've been seeing at night.

But what would that have to do with this? I still don't quite understand. Why would nightmares be a part of this? Are they a sign? A warning? I really didn't know. I was just gonna try and keep myself calm as best I can.

A little while later I got back to the mansion with the groceries we needed and put them where they go. Mayor dad was in the living room just sitting in this big pile of money, enjoying it all.

I got the groceries mayor dad. I tell him. What? Oh yeah, okay son. He replied. I went upstairs to my bedroom. I decided to play some video games on my tv. Try and take my mind of things.

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