The coldness of the night

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Gil's POV
I had woken up a few hours after going to sleep. I really wasn't feeling good for some reason. The flu has been going around so I think that's what I have. My entire body was aching, and I felt dizzy. I was freezing cold. I felt awful. I hope nobody els caught it from me at the thanksgiving thing.

Suddenly I heard a roll of thunder outside. There was a thunderstorm coming. I guess it woke me up. I looked over at my clock. It was around 11:00 at night. My throat was sore. I really needed some water. I went to my closet and pulled out a sweater, I put it on over my t shirt. I went downstairs to the kitchen, my body was really shaky and weak. I trembled with every step I took.

I drank a big glass of water, my throat hurting whenever I swallowed. I could hear the hum of the thunder ring through the mansion, along with many lightning flashes. I was dizzy and I felt really dazed. I was really cold. I was shivering. I made my way back upstairs with shaky steps.

I saw my mayor dads bedroom down the hall. I walked in his bedroom. He was sitting in his chair drinking some wine, and reading a newspaper, near the fireplace. Mayor dad.. I walked over to him. Gil, what are you doing awake? He asked. I don't feel good. I replied.

I started shivering some more and I stepped closer to the fireplace. There was a furry rug in front of it. I was so dizzy and I just wanted to get closer to the warmth. I laid down on the rug in front of the fireplace. Mayor dad was watching me from his chair in front of the fireplace. He looked down at me, from his chair.

This feels so good, I thought to myself, just laying on the rug in front the hot the blazes of the fireplace. And mayor dad was sitting right there too. There was a blanket on the arm of the chair mayor dad was sitting in. He tossed it down to me and I immediately curled up in a little ball with the blanket.

I didn't care that I was laying on a rug on the floor. I was so comfortable. Mayor dad continued reading his newspaper and drank some more wine. I could feel myself dozing off. After about an hour, mayor went over to his bed on the other side of the room, and went to sleep. I just stayed near the fireplace laying on the rug in front on it curled in a ball.

A few hours later I was the middle of the night. I heard some more thunder, and I woke up slightly. I could hear mayor dad snoring a few feet away in bed. I finally stopped shivering so much. I looked over at the blazes in the fireplace. It was so calming. I eventually drifted back off to sleep.

I was having some dreams. They were like lucid dreams. I was aware that I was asleep and dreaming. I guess since I was so cold earlier, I was having dreams where I was in this blizzard. It was nice though because I was still warm. And I knew this was a dream, and I was still in mayor dads room asleep.

A little while later:
It was morning and there was still some thunder rolling through, me and mayor dad woke up around the same time. We both went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I still felt a little uneasy, but I was better then before. I'm glad I got some rest. That will help make the sick go away.

I made some eggs for breakfast since I could use some protein. Me and mayor dad sat down and ate some eggs and I had got some orange juice. Mayor dad had his usual morning coffee. I also heated up a blueberry muffin and ate it. Something soft for my throat. I also drank some medicine to help as well. At least mayor dad didn't catch the flu.

After breakfast I got dressed, and brushed my teeth. Mayor dad said we had some errands to run in the town today. I went to the mirror to comb my hair, then I noticed something weird. I opened my mouth to look at my teeth. They looked sharper then usual. Why am I suddenly getting vampire teeth? I asked myself.

This is probably just part of the werewolf process. I was a little nervous as I still wasn't totally sure what to expect. I walked over to my night stand and grabbed my cell phone. I put my wallet and phone in my pocket and made my way downstairs.

Sharp teeth, what els is next? I thought to myself. I knew that this was only the beginning. At least I was feeling better.

Some time later:

Me and mayor dad were in the town. It was pretty cold out. There were Christmas decorations up since December was almost here. Which meant my birthday was almost here. December 1st is my birthday. I was turning 14.

Soon the Christmas tree would be set up at home as well. I always enjoyed decorating for Christmas. I'm also glad I didn't have those horrible nightmares last night. And I was still a little nervous because I could feel my transformation coming. I guess I'll just have to take it one day at a time.

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