Drowning in the fear

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Gil's POV
It was lunch time at school, I was sitting with Flint, I texted him last night about what I heard. And your sure this wasn't a dream? Yes Flint, I'm sure. Your dream invention, has actually been working really well, but I know for a fact I was awake.

Okay, how about this? How about late tonight we will meet up near your place and see if that sound comes back. Okay yeah that sounds good. I replied. I spent all morning in mayor dad's office organizing all his paper work and stuff. I'm getting anxious Flint, I don't know why.

I just have a bad feeling. I'm sure your just on edge with everything going on, said Flint. I don't know why but I just want to go home. Flint put a hand on my shoulder. Gil, I know your stressed out, and tired, and scared. If you need to, go home. I can meet you there after dark okay?

I thought for a minute, I really do just want to go home. I'm anxious for some reason, and it's getting worse. I really need to just calm down. Are you sure your okay Gil? My heart began to beat faster and faster.. Flint.. I said while breathing heavy. Gil, are you okay?? I began breathing faster and faster. Flint!

Gil, breathe! Calm yourself. I think your having panic attack. I can't take it Flint! My own father hates me! I'm trying me best to control this curse I have! It's so hard! Gil, hate is a strong word, I don't think he hates you. Well he seriously doesn't like me at all! He probably wishes I was never born!

Gil, breathe! Your going to transform, you have to hold together.. Exactly! I said almost yelling, I'm ALWAYS holding it together! I'm trying to hold in my wolf! I'm trying to hold myself together and be the best I can for mayor dad! I'm trying to hold myself together for my own sake! If I ever do one thing slightly in a way that he doesn't like, he makes me feel like I'm unworthy of existing!

Gil.. Flint said gently. I had tears forming in my eyes, I looked down at my hands, they were starting to turn into claws. I felt like I was about to break down. My tears began to flow down my face. I could feel my control slipping away. I ran out of the cafeteria and down the hall towards the restrooms. I was running down the hall practically crying on the way there.

That was until I ran into someone in the hall, I fell on the floor. I looked up. It was mayor dad, I looked up at him with tears coming down my face, he just stared at me, kind of stunned. Gil, wha- before he could say anything I got back up and ran to the restrooms trying to get away from him.

Gil wait! I could hear Flint running after me. I went into the restroom and I saw Brent in there. He looked at me worriedly. Gil? What's wrong? Did something happen. Then Flint came in the restroom as well. Gil... he said out of breath. What happened? Brent asked. He's upset, Flint replied. I think everything that's been happening is just starting to get to him.

My tears were still flowing, I suddenly felt my fangs and claws coming, I went into one of the bathroom stalls so no one els would see. Gil, there's no one else in the bathroom. I don't care! I said through my tears. I'm sorry I got upset Flint. It's okay Gil, Flint replied. And to
make things worse, I literally ran INTO mayor dad in the hallway!

Gil, breathe, okay? For what it's worth, I'm sure it was nothing, knowing your dad, he probably didn't even think twice about it, said Flint. He didn't see your claws or anything did he? Brent asked. No, I said, but it was close, too close. I replied. I just want to go home, I said through tears.

Gil, you seem to be very overwhelmed, said Flint. If I was being honest, I was on the verge of hyperventilating. I think you should go home and get some rest. Do you still want me to meet you there later? He asked. Yes.. I said softly. Okay Gil, please come out. I focused, and some how managed to become human again.

Okay.. I came out of the stall, Brent and Flint looking worriedly at me. I'll see you at my place later tonight. Alright, get some rest Gil. I went over to my locker to get my backpack. Luckily I didn't see mayor dad anywhere. I grabbed everything and went out the doors of the school, and made my way home.

Flint's POV

Do you think he's gonna be okay? Brent asked. I looked at him with a sad expression. I hope so Brent.. I really hope so.. suddenly I heard a voice on the loud speaker, it was mayor Shelbourne. Flint Lockwood to the principal's office! Oh great.. I looked at Brent, he knows something.

Bro, do you want me to come? Brent asked. Yeah just wait outside the door. I replied. We walked over to the office. You know Brent, I know Gil wasn't exactly my favorite guy, he's done annoying things to me, and so have you, but after seeing everything he's been dealing with I just don't know how he handles it all, I tell Brent.

We arrived at the office, Brent waited outside the door. I went in. Ah, Lockwood there you are. Have a seat. Yes mayor Shelbourne? Have you noticed my son has been sort of avoiding me lately? Ummm no. I said with a nervous smile. Are you sure Lockwood? I saw you chasing after him in the hallway.

Ummm, well, I haven't noticed anything.. I replied nervously. Lockwood, my son is an irritating, needy, little thing. And for some reason he's been slightly less irritating. Which is very out of character for him. As well as not following me around the school as much. Umm I'm sorry to hear that? I said not really knowing what to say.

Oh don't be! I love it. Mayor Shelbourne replied. Any day I can be away from him is paradise to me. He embarrasses me. And running down the hallway crying? I wish he would just grow up! Anyhow, have you noticed he hasn't been totally himself lately? Not himself..? No of course not! He's just the same old Gil with his same old self as always! Heheh... I laughed nervously.

Lockwood, do you know something that I don't? No of course not! I replied. Really? Then explain to me why you were chasing after him him in the hallway? Mayor Shelbourne asked. Oh heh.. he's just dealing with some personal issues, you know..it has nothing to do with you.

Mayor Shelbourne frowned. Like what? He asked. Ummm.. I thought for a minute.. what the heck was I supposed to say? If I told the truth about Gil, he's going to be terrified! Umm you know, just changes? What kind of changes? Mayor Shelbourne asked again. Ummm puberty? I blurted out in a panic.

Mayor Shelbourne gave me a confused/annoyed look. I'm not buying this Lockwood. I don't even really care what's going on, but know this. Nothing gets past me, Lockwood, nothing.. now, off to class. I walked out the office. I saw Brent waiting for me. Brent we've got a problem.. what? He asked.

Mayor Shelbourne is on to us. I replied. He was asking about Gil. Uh oh.. Brent said. Yeah. This isn't good, we need to tell Gil what's happening. Are you sure?? Suddenly I hear sam's voice, as she popped out of no where, woah! Where the heck did you come from?? I was listening to the conversation behind you.

Oh. Gil is already dealing with so much stress, do we really want to add on to it? Sam asked. She does make a good point, I say, but wouldn't he rather know the truth? If anything he would want us to give him a heads up. I'm supposed to meet at his place later, you guys should come. Okay, they both said.

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