A son's worth

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Gil's POV
We were thinking of getting some pizza somewhere, when Brent suddenly spoke. Gil, we're glad your not dead! Brent said. Yeah, I laughed. Last night was insane.. I know I was all calm and everything Gil, but I was really worried about you there, for a while, Flint confessed. I know.. I replied. That would have really sucked to die the night before my birthday.

All 3 of them looked at me. Wait.. today is your birthday?? Sam asked. I pulled out my new phone out of this expensive looking box, and looked at the date. December 1st is my birthday, and December 1st is today. Yes it is. Happy birthday Gil!!! How come you didn't say anything?? Flint asked.

Ehh.. There's never really been a big fuss over my birthdays, I replied shrugging my shoulders. Woah! Is that yours?? Brent asked. Oh this? I opened the expensive box to reveal a very luxurious cell phone. It was gold plated, with the mayor Shelbourne symbol on the center of it. The screen was a perfectly clear silver mirror, except for when I unlocked it. Yes, I just got this for my birthday. Mayor dad gave it to me this morning while I was making breakfast!

Woah really?? Flint asked. Yeah.. I replied. I wasn't expecting much but I definitely will not argue with this. It's nice because all my contacts were already in this new phone. I literally just tossed my old one out, I tell them. On this beautiful thing, I can see movies and play video games, that haven't even come out yet. And check this out!

I called mayor dad's contact, and there he was popped out in a video call with a hologram simulator. Mayor dad was in sitting in a cash pile counting his money. Woah! They all said at the same time. Gil, what do you want?? I'm busy! Mayor dad asked annoyed. Oh nothing mayor dad! Just trying out this thing. Oh yes, the new phone I gave to you.

Yeah! I love it mayor dad! It's so cool it can do all these things and- yes, yes, that's great but I don't care Gil, so go away. I'm a very busy mayor. Yes! You are. I reply. Mayor dad is the best darn mayor this town has ever seen! I say enthusiastically. I am the town's leader, Mayor dad said. Yes you are mayor dad! I am.... He is!!!! Gil! Enough! We've talked about this! Right sorry...

Okay I love- mayor dad hung up before I could finish. Gil that is so cool! Flint said. Oh and it can do so much more, I tell them. My phone screen automatically became a perfectly clear silver mirror we saw my reflection. And the camera quality is great too! The apps are endless. And when I watch movies it can play them 3D with a hologram simulation thing too!

Woah.. man you are so lucky!!! Brent said. Yeah.. I thought in my head. Although I would much rather have my father's love then any luxury I could ever have. And I remember that one day, that mayor dad said, there was no amount of money in the world I could buy his fatherly love with.

My father is the mayor. I lived in a mansion full of luxurious riches. Of course, for his pleasure not mine. Oh mayor dad..Why has your love for money and power exceeded over any love you might have for me? And if I could have all the luxuries in the world, my heart would remain unfulfilled.

No other luxury I could ever want, would do. Your love and approval, was simply desired beyond compare.. and of course.. your love was the only luxury I always wanted, but could never have.  You love money, you love gold, everything in your life is gold except for me. I was that one mistake you made.

Everything in your mansion is priceless to you, and exorbitant, and important to you, except for me. All your dreams came true, I was the only thing in your life that you never wanted. The only thing in your life that wasn't a dream.. and still came true. I was silly to think I could buy your fatherly love, for what is the point of love if it's under conditions? There is no point. That's why they call it unconditional love.

Something tells me, I'm speaking words of wisdom. But what is a son compared to everything els in your life? At least I am worth it in the dreams of my own. For I would rather have an empty mansion, than an empty heart. My heart poured all of this out deep inside for no one to hear. My smile faded. My heart sank a little.

Flint must have noticed my change of mood, so he began talking about something els. Common Gil it's your birthday! We should go do something fun! Like what? I asked. Anything you want! Sam said. I mean there really wasn't many so called, fun things to do on a tiny island surrounded by the ocean, that runs on sardines.

Can I tell you guys something? Sure. Is it like a top secret that no one can know?? Brent asked. Well, kind of, I reply. My entire life, I've been completely devoted to my dad, and him being mayor of swallow falls. Completely devoted, to swallow falls itself being my dad is in charge of everything. It was always my father, Mayor Shelbourne I represented, but to be honest with you, I really wouldn't mind seeing other places in the world.

You do? Sam asked. Yes, I reply. I kind of want to see other places besides swallow falls, I mean, I've been here my whole life! There's got to be more then just this. Just knowing that this is only a tiny fraction of what is all out there just makes me want to go and see it! Like Europe! England would be so fun to see!

What about France! Or Italy!!! Sam added. Yeah! I reply. I remember seeing pictures in America, New York City sounds cool too! Flint said. Let's go to Alaska and get frost bites!!!Brent suddenly blurted out. We all looked at looked at him like he was a weirdo, which he is. What? He asked. Yeahhhhh no one wants to do that. Sam said.

I'm sure Alaska is great, I reply, but I would want to make sure there would be warm shelter before visiting. You know something Gil? I've always wanted to see other places too. My dad is so tied up with fishing and sardines, and his shop and just the same old thing over and over everyday.. I always wanted to see places besides swallow falls too.

Your so lucky you've been to so many places before moving here Sam. Flint said. Yeah.. this island does seem to be kind of depressing and boring sometimes, Sam replied. I wonder if.. maybe we could leave.. like what if we visited other places? Brent asked. I've thought about leaving swallow falls to see more of the world when I'm older, I confessed.

Only temporarily though! I could never just leave mayor dad here! Anyway, do you guys want to go to the arcade, they have bowling in there too. Heck yeah! Brent said. Oh wait.. I forgot, the arcade is temporarily closed for remodeling. It's alright though, I love arcades, and if they're making it better, then I say you can't rush art! I tell them.

Oh I know! We could go ice skating! Sam said. We all looked at her. Ice skating? We all asked at once. Yeah! Why not?? Christmas is coming and they opened up the rink at the mall about a month ago. Sam, I don't think either one of us are very good at not falling for over 5 minutes when it comes to ice skating, Flint said.

Gil is pretty decent at it! Sam said. Of course there I go, blushing again. Wait! That gives me an idea for an invention! Sam rolled her eyes of course it does. I'll be right back! Flint said heading into his lab. I wonder what it could be this time.. I thought to myself.

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