Gone to the graveyards

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                        A little while later:
Gil's POV
Today me, Flint, Sam, and Brent are in the woods again taking another look. Mayor dad was busy today, so I was able to sneak out again. So here we are. After a few more minutes of walking, I actually ran into this small, spooky looking graveyard. We all went into the black gate of the graveyard.

It was cloudy and foggy today which made it even more creepy. It was cold and there was some snow around too. Why is there an old graveyard hidden here in the woods? I could tell these gravestones were at least a hundred years old. Some of the stones have crumbled. The names on them have worn down. There were spider webs on a lot of them.

It looked like an abandoned graveyard, with graves looking like a century old or more. We are all looking around. It was so dark the other night, we didn't even see this. I guess these were old people who use to live in swallow falls. After a while of searching, I came across this one grave.

And what I saw made my heart drop. There was a picture of a wolf, identical to the one we saw in the woods carved on the headstone. It looked exactly like what I saw... I couldn't read the name, because it had been worn down over time I think. You guys! We may want to check this out..

What the?? That's the wolf thing we saw the other night! Said Flint. Okay, that's really creepy, said Brent. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of  the headstone. Me, Sam, Flint, and Brent all looked at each other with concerned faces.

                          Some time later:

I went looking for old Rick, I looked where he was last time I saw him. Old Rick? Are you here? Where- AHHHHHH!!! I screamed as he popped out of no where. Well, hey there young whipper snapper! Old Rick, I have to tell you something! I know you told me to stay away from the woods, and I'm so sorry, but I went up there a few nights ago.

I went up there with Flint Lockwood, and Sam and Brent! And we saw this really scary black shadowy wolf like thing! And it charged at me, and we ran away, but earlier today we went back to look around in the day light, and there  was a really old graveyard! And look! I pull out my phone and show him the picture of the headstone.

This grave has a picture of a wolf carved on it! It looks exactly like the one we saw the other night! Oh no.. young Gil, come sit down. We sat down on a bench together. Do you know anything about this? I ask him. Yes Gil, I do. Gil, that grave belonged to someone I use to know.

A very long time ago, there was an older couple, who lived on a large property on a farm, here on swallow falls. They moved to swallow falls, away from Canada, grieving the loss of their only son. They were extremely solitary, no one ever saw them out in public much. They had only one son.

The knew the father a little. We would talk here and there whenever I saw him. I've never seen his wife. Apparently they moved to swallow falls, because it's a small Islam in the middle of no where, because they didn't want to be around anybody. A very long time ago, their son was attacked and killed by wolves one night.. The parents never really got over it, the mother was drowning in devastation, and unimaginable pain and grief. Years after the boy's death, the mother just couldn't bear to live there any more.

All the memories of that place were too much for her to bear. The loss of their son had sucked the life out of them. Eventually they moved to swallow falls on a farm. I was sort of friends with the boy's father, I can't remember his name, but he was older then me at the time. I was pretty young. He told me what happened to his boy. And how no matter how much time had passed, the pain never eased.

Then one night, there was a full moon, I was walking passed the farm, and I saw him transform into a werewolf. He was howling and he looked bloodthirsty. He was so angry and hurt.. I've never seen anything like it.. Old Rick said. It made me wonder.. was his son really killed by a pack of wolves..? Or did that man kill his own son? Wait... they're not related to me or mayor dad are they?? No Gil they are not. They are not related to any Shelbournes.

They were a completely different family. I think some kind of horrible curse happened to that man. The pain built up so much in him, he could no longer stand it. There is no pain like losing a child, young Gil. I still couldn't help but wonder if he was the one responsible for his son's death though. His wolf was a curse, yours is just genetic I think. Old Rick said. When you showed me that picture, I recognized the headstone right away.

I can't believe you knew this man.. I tell old Rick. Yes, and I have no doubt he had killed some people in anger. Then one night, that old couple went on a train out to the woods, and never returned. Some people would disappear in those woods. Although eventually the woods were safe again. Some use to say, a wolf like ghost would come out of the headstone at night, and kill people.

That's insane! I tell old Rick. Yes it is, he replied. I think he had some kind of mental problems and lost all sense of control one night, and killed his child. I could just tell something wasn't right about him. Your lucky you and your father don't have that kind of problem.

The thing is though, the ghost finally stopped the killings about almost sixty something years ago. This doesn't make sense, why would it want me? I ask. I think it may be because you are around the same age as his son was, when he died about a hundred years ago.

And suddenly, you possess a wolf curse similar to him. I don't know why, but I think it's angering him some how. The wolf ghost is not after your father for some reason. It's only after you, Gil. So, at least your father is safe. Why? What do I have to do with this?? I ask. You don't have anything to do with it Gil. Rick said. Sometimes, when someone is hurting so much, it can make them crazy.

Sometimes people do things, that just don't make sense. We don't always know why we do the things we do. Suddenly I see officer Earl walking towards us. Oh hi officer Earl. Are you telling him about the wolf thing? Officer Earl asked old Rick. Yeah he replied. Sorry, young Gil, some of your friends told officer Earl everything.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, of course they did... Gil, they just don't want to see you get killed, officer Earl said. Make sure you stay away from the woods Gil. Said officer Earl. Okay I will, I reply. Now I know what that ghost thing was, it was the ghost of that boy's father.. but why does it want to kill me? I went on my way back home, before Mayor dad knows I'm gone.

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