A Stormy night

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Gil's POV
After mayor dad came back it was time for lunch, I made my way to the cafeteria. I got a sandwich and a juice box and sat down with flint, Sam, and Brent. Okay Gil, wanna tell me about the nightmares? Nightmares? Flint asked.

Yeah I've been having these really weird nightmares. I told him. Looks like a job for science! I can invent something to help with your nightmares! Flint said.

But what if these nightmares mean something? Sam said. What if they are trying to tell you something? Like a warning, or a sign? Brent asked. Yeah! Sam said. Tell us about the dreams Gil.

Okay well, at night, as I'm falling asleep I hear this weird howling. It starts off as just one howl, and then there's more and more howling. Like it's getting closer. It sounds like wolves. Wolves? Flint asked. Yeah I know weird right? It sounds so real. I tell him.

Anyways, in my dreams I'm deep in the woods somewhere, and I always see this giant black wolf walking closer and closer to me, he looks like he's ready to attack. But right before he ever attacks that's when I wake up luckily. And it keeps reoccurring, and every time it does the black wolf gets closer and closer.

Huh.. that is pretty creepy, flint says. Maybe the wolf thinks your delicious like pizza and wants to eat you!!! Brent says. I looked him and giggled, yeah probably heheh. Gil, is there anything in your life that your afraid of? Sam asks. Something the wolf might be resembling? I looked over at Sam.

I am kind of scared of my dad.. I confessed.. we know you are, Sam says. We've all seen the way he treats you. It's pretty bad. Flint says. Maybe the wolf is resembling your father. Sam says. Yeah maybe.. is it my father or something way worse? I ask.

Like something I don't even know about? It's very possible, Sam says. Just keep us updated Gil, flint says. Okay I will, I tell him. Sam pulled out one of her weather devices and looked at her weather radar. It looks like we're getting thunderstorms tonight, she says.

Oh yeah I meant to ask you about that, I tell her. It looked dark and cloudy today. I tell her. Well it looks like storms will be on and off for while, my weather radar is pretty advanced and can tell approximately what will happen for the next few weeks, she says.

That's  really neat Sammy Sam Sam! I said with a smile. Thanks Gil. Lunch was just about over and we eventually all headed to the rest of our classes for the day. Unless mayor dad wants me in his office to do other stuff.

I never had to worry about being late to class, since everyone knows my father is not only the principal, but the mayor of swallow falls too. I can show up as late as I want, do what I want, which is nice.

Some time later

Gil's POV
I was back home at the mansion, I was trying to play some games on my cell phone to distract myself. It was around 9:30 pm. I finished all my homework, and made dinner for me and mayor dad.

Now I was just sitting in my room, trying to take my mind off things. My room had a fireplace which I turned on to stay warm. I changed into some sweatpants and a t shirt to be more comfortable. I saw my nightlight glowing plugged into the wall. I looked out the window and saw some rat birds fly by.

I looked out one of my bedroom windows and saw storm clouds coming in through the night time sky. A thunderstorm would be beginning soon, just like Sam said. I heard the first hum of thunder ring through the mansion, along with lightning flashes.

The first rain dropplets began to hit and slide down the windows. I went down the hall over to my mayor dads massive bedroom. He was sitting in his chair, near his fireplace reading a newspaper.

Dad, a storm is coming, I tell him. Yes Gil, I know. He says. I walk over to his chair as he gets up. He towers over me, although we're both not very tall, he's still much bigger then I am. Im only 4 foot something. He's 5 foot something.

Im really short and small. I wonder if I would always be like that, even after I reach adulthood. Since he's not very tall, I probably won't be either. I'd be lucky if I reach his height one day. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. He walks over to one of his massive bedroom windows and looks out, as thunder and lightning sends flashes through the mansion.

He watches as the rain pitter patters on the windows, arms crossed behind him. I could hear the wind howling, as I let out a whimper remembering the howling in my dreams.

Mayor dad looked over at me. It's going to be okay. It's only thunder. He said in a quiet tone. Mayor dad looked over at the grandfather clock. Go to bed Gil, he tells me. Yes mayor dad, I obeyed.

I made my way back to my own bedroom and climbed in bed. I look at my nightlight glowing in the lower wall near my bedside. It was shaped like a moon. I always liked it. I tucked myself in.

I said my prayers for the night, and then closed my eyes. I heard the rain and thunder in the distance. The sound of the rain gently tapping on the windows helped me relax, and eventually I fell asleep and drifted off to dream world.

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