Caught in the hands of fate

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Gil's POV
I couldn't really fall asleep for some reason. I heard the thunder and rain outside. I was in my human form, as I was trying to fall asleep. It was around 11:00 at night. My mind was too full to relax. I thought about the wolf ghost thing. How is it even possible?? That man has been dead for years! At least according to Old Rick.

I started to shiver a little. I got out of bed and walked over to the fireplace and turned it on. There was a snow globe on my fireplace mantle. I grabbed it and took it back to bed with me. I looked at the snow globe watching all the snowflakes inside.

It's almost time to set up the Christmas decorations. Maybe I could do that tomorrow. That would help take my mind off things. That would give me something to do inside the mansion so I can keep hiding from that thing. I only hear it at night, but you never know..

Part of me really wanted to know what it wanted. Old Rick said, he was pretty sure that man had killed people before. Maybe the ghost saw that I had wolf abilities and now it's determined to kill me too? Or capture me? Who knows?? Maybe it doesn't want to kill me, maybe it wants something els. I just didn't know.

I put my snow globe on my nightstand beside my clock. I tucked myself in and tried to fall asleep again.

The next day in the Shelbourne mansion:

Mayor dad was out today, he told me to clean everything by the time he got back. I cleaned the mansion from top to bottom. I laundered all the money inside the money vault, which takes forever by the way, cleaned all the windows, I cleaned the chimney and the fireplace.

I dusted the furniture and the fireplace mantle and lots of others stuff. I polished all the stairs and everything. I then pulled out the Christmas decorations, I set up the tree using a ladder. I put the ornaments on the tree. I saw my reflection in one of the silver ornaments. I sighed sadly, I wish this was something mayor dad and I would do together each year.

I already knew he wouldn't though. Our tree was massive, which was why I was using such a big ladder. I put the rest of the ornaments on, as well as the star on top. I climbed down from the ladder and plugged in the tree. And there it was, glowing and looking beautiful. Everything on tree dazzled. I loved looking at stuff like this.

After that, I set up some Christmas stuff everywhere els, I put the wreath on our front doors. I hung up the stockings over the fireplace. Once I finished I looked at everything. It looked great! And I finished it all before mayor dad got home.

Some time later:

It was starting to get windy outside. Mayor dad was back home from doing some mayor stuff. I was in my room looking out the window. It will be dark soon. I could see a lot from the mansion window of my room. I could see a lot of the Christmas lights out in the town. To be honest, I really wanted to find out what that ghost thing wanted.

I know sometimes things don't always make sense, and sometimes we will just never know why some things happen, but I still wanted to try, but it seemed so dangerous. What could it possibly want with me? Maybe it's just angry because I'm half werewolf? If that man killed people while he was still alive.. then how could he now if he's dead..?

Old Rick wants me to stay safe, and hide myself. I guess that's what I'm going to do then. Although.. tonight maybe I could sneak out after mayor dad goes to sleep just to get some fresh air.

Some time later:
Flint's POV

It was late at night, I was in my lab, I was looking up at the stars with my awesome new telescope! I loved doing that after dark. Such beauty.. I thought to myself. I looked around the town with all the Christmas lights. Then I looked down below my lab, then suddenly I see a familiar figure...

It Just standing there in the street near my house. I looked away from my telescope, who was that? Wait.. is that Gil? That is Gil! What was he doing out so late? It was past midnight. He looked like he was out of breath.. Gil? I yelled out. What are you doing out here so late??

Gil..? Then suddenly he ran very quickly like he was running away from something. Then what I saw next made my heart drop.. there was that ghost, I watched as it chased Gil down the street and then snatched him up right up. I screamed. Oh my gosh! Gil!!! That ghost thing ran away so fast I lost track of where it was going.

I climbed down from my lab and ran to the street, I was running where I saw the ghost last. No!!!!! After a few minutes of running, I simply could not find it.. no.... Gil... please.. no. I fell to my knees, I couldn't believe what I just saw.. That ghost just snatched up little Gil like an owl just caught a mouse for dinner. No..

Oh man! What am I am I gonna do?? I can't just sit here and wait! I have to do something! But for the first time in a long time... I really didn't know what to do.. I went back up into my lab and pulled out my cell phone, getting ready to call Sam and Brent and tell them everything that I just saw... I just hope little Gil will be alright until we get help.

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