Of wolf puppies, and papa wolf

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Gil's POV
It was completely dark out now. Flint, Sam, and Brent were on they're way. I think old Rick was right. I don't think mayor dad hates me. He's the best dad ever! Oh, there I go again, saying he's the best dad ever.. old Rick says he just sucks at being a dad. I don't know why but I feel a lot better.

Flint texted me, they were waiting outside. I climbed out the window of my room and climbed down the mansion. I accidentally fell a few feet from the ground. Oww.. I went over to the gate and walked out. I couldn't ever climb over it considering there was barbed wire on top.

Some how the rat birds don't seem to be affected by it. Hey guys. I greeted them. I'm really sorry I lost it earlier at school today. It's okay, said Flint. So- my sentence was interrupted by that howling sound. Arooooo... woah what the?? Said Flint.

That's what I've been telling you about! Okay that sounds really scary, said Brent. I know. Old Rick thinks that something is coming after me. I know people think he's crazy, and I don't know why, but I think he might be right. It's coming from the direction of the woods, said Sam.

It happened again. Okay now I'm getting scared..said Brent. Me too. Suddenly I see a rat bird land on the gate again. I jumped on the gate, avoiding the wire trying to catch it. Gil what are you doing?? Sam asked. I suddenly transformed into my werewolf.

The rat bird flew to the ground. My tail began to wag and I was so excited! I began running on all fours around the rat bird. Bark! Awww he's like a puppy! Said Brent. That's so cute! I chased the rat bird around. Ruff! I barked a few times. Gil be quiet! Your dad might hear you!

I couldn't help it, I was feeling so playful. I was running on all fours jumping around. I ran back over to Sam, Flint, and Brent. I ran around in circles. Then I stopped and scratched my ear a little with my foot. Aww this is so cute!!! Brent and Sam said.

Arooooo... there was that howling sound again. My pointy ears moving toward the sound. I looked in the distance. I transformed back into human. Man that is scary. Said Brent. Gil, whatever you do you have to stay away from the woods! Said Flint. I saw the rat bird again, I kept staring at it. Gil? Are you listening?? This is serious! Flint said.

Suddenly the gate was wide open, and there was mayor dad. What are you 3 doing here at this hour of the night?? Ummm just enjoying the cool night air? Flint said. Mayor dad frowned, I'm not in the mood for one of your games Lockwood! Gil what are you doing?! Gil!

Thank goodness I was in my human form, but I was still trying to catch the rat bird. It landed on the gate again and I jumped on it. Umm we'll see you at school tomorrow Gil! Yeah see you! They all said and left. Gil! What are you doing?! Stop that! Mayor dad said, but I wasn't listening, I was too occupied with the rat bird.

I wasn't scared anymore! I wasn't scared of anything. I was feeling so playful and curious about everything, like a puppy. I wasn't even afraid of mayor dad or what he thought. Then it happened.. I transformed into my werewolf right in front of him. I let out a howl. Aroooooooo!

Mayor dad looked at me, shocked. OH MY!!! Gil?! What?! How did this happen?! I chased the rat bird around some more. My tail wagging, this was so much fun! I let out a few barks. Mayor dad just looking down at me still in shock. Wait.. is that why Lockwood was running after you down the hall?

Mayor dad suddenly looked angry. LOOOOCKWOOOOOOOD!!!! He yelled out. I was running in circles on all fours around mayor dad. Then suddenly he snatched me up by the collar of my sweater. He then carried me inside.

                    The next day at school:

Flint's POV
Lockwood report to my office immediately! I heard mayor Shelbourne talk over the loud speaker in the hall at school. Oh crap.. I thought to myself. He doesn't sound too happy. I made my way to his office and went inside. What I saw made me stop dead in my tracks...

I saw Gil in a big clear bucket, with a lid on top, like a cage. He was in his werewolf form, and he wasn't upset at all! In fact he looked rather playful like he did last night. He was laying on his back and chewing on something like a puppy. I walked closer, it was a shoe. A black dress shoe. I looked over at mayor Shelbourne.

He looked angry, only having one shoe on. His other foot just wearing a sock. Well, as long he's not chewing the bottom of the shoe. That would disgusting. Lockwood what did you do?? Did you do some kind of science experiment on my son?? No! Of course not! It just happened naturally! What?!! Said mayor Shelbourne. I swear it's true! It happened on its own!

Remember last year on Halloween night?? Your transformed into a werewolf too! What I'm saying is, I think this is some kind of genetic issue. Genetic?? Mayor Shelbourne said, looking down at his son chewing on his shoe. Umm, why is he in a cage? I asked. Because I don't want him walking around the school looking like that! All it's going to do is attract unwanted attention to me!

And he wont stop chewing everything!!! Mayor Shelbourne said almost yelling. Do you know how many shoes I've had to give him?? I walked closer to the plastic container mayor Shelbourne put his son in. There was a lid on top with some kind of lock so he couldn't get out. There was also some breathing holes for air.

He doesn't seem stressed out or anything.. hmm.. I thought to myself. I think this is just a new change. Like another step into the wolf process. He's just simply just embracing his wolf side that's all. I said out loud. He's like a puppy. I want you to fix him! Mayor Shelbourne said. I can't.

I can't just invent something to change someone's genetics or DNA, I mean there is a genetic editing process, but it's way too risky. One wrong move and things could go horribly wrong. It could end up making it worse. Also, your part werewolf too. This looks to me like a genetic thing, which is too risky to try and change at this point. Mayor Shelbourne's hand covering his face in frustration. Ugh... he looked back at me.

Well if it's genetic, then what am I supposed to do about this?? I don't want him being seen like that! All it's going to do is create unwanted attention from the town. Well, how do you keep yourself from turning into a werewolf? I asked. I don't know! Mayor Shelbourne replied. I suppose I just figured out how over time!

Well, Gil will learn how over time too! Mayor Shelbourne sighed heavily. How long has this been going on Lockwood? Maybe like a month? A few weeks, for sure. And no one told me about this because....? Because Gil didn't want you to know, he was worried about how you would react! Although, he doesn't seem to be bothered by it anymore. In fact, he looks pretty occupied chewing on your shoe in there.

I looked at Gil in the cage. Hey Gil, I see you've relaxed quite a bit. This is a good thing! Your starting to embrace your wolf half! Gil smiled back at me. I feel better, Gil replied. That's good. Im glad. That will help as you work on learning to control your wolf. He went back to chewing the shoe.

I would recommend buying him something he can chew on before you run out of shoes. Mayor Shelbourne looked at me annoyed. Go to class Lockwood. Okay. I left the office. Im so glad the mayor knows about Gil's wolf now. And Gil seems totally relaxed. This is great news. I can't wait to tell Sam and Brent. Although there was still one question in my mind. What was that howling last night? And why was it after Gil?

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