Halfway there

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Gil's POV
I made me and mayor dad dinner, then I went back upstairs to my room. It was a cold night, I turned on the fireplace in my room. I turned my nightlight on as well. My nightlight was shaped like the moon, so I wonder if it would have the same effect as the real moon.

I decided to test it out, I was scared, but I knew deep down that one way or another, eventually I was going to have to face this scary, weird, genetic curse that my father has no freaking idea he gave to me.

My inner wolf was coming out soon wether I liked it or not. I could feel it. I was getting close to being able to transform. I wasn't quite there yet but I knew it was getting close. Like a baby bird learning how to fly sort of. And yet my father has no idea that I'm experiencing this really weird rite of passage.

The same one he did. I looked at my moon nightlight for about 30 seconds, nothing happened. So I guess only the real moon works. I told myself.. it's time to be brave. To just let it happen. I walked up to my window, and I took a deep breath. I was terrified yes, but this was out of my control. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

You can't stop yourself from changing and growing up. It's just nature. You can't stop nature. Even if nature is really weird and unheard of for some people. There was nothing I could do about it. There was nothing anyone could do, not even Flint Lockwood. I was glad he was helping me through this though. The sun has been down for a while. I took a few more deep breaths, and opened my bedroom window. I saw some rat birds fly by.

I have to do this.. If I don't it's just going to happen on its own anyway. I told myself. It's going to happen wether I like it or not, one way or another. I took a shaky breath, and I looked up at the moon. I was scared, but I really don't have any other choice. My body began to tremble, I could feel my heart rate rising.

My hands were shaking. All my muscles began to tense up. My arms and legs buffed out a little with muscle. My hands grew bigger, my fingers longer, and I could feel what felt like fur growing on my hands, suddenly my finger nails, started getting very pointy, until they were long and sharp.

I felt something similar happening to my feet, I let out a yelp as my feet were starting to tear through my socks. It's a good thing I put on stretchy sweatpants and a t shirt after I got home, because if I was wearing my tight dress shorts or pants and my sweater that would have been a problem.

My body would have tore right through them I could just tell. I looked down at my hands that were now claws. I ran back inside and looked in the mirror. I was shocked at what I saw. I had claws, and fur on my hands! I looked closer and I could see my teeth had sharpened quite a bit.

I had fangs too! I could tell that this was not my full transformation though. This was only half way. I wondered what I would look fully transformed. I guess I'll find out soon. I remember seeing mayor dad fully transformed, and- Holy freaking CRAP! I forgot about mayor dad!!!

I ran to my bedroom door nearly slamming it shut almost. I locked it shut. That was close.. I told my self. I CANNOT let him see me like this. Okay, okay, I looked at myself in the mirror, so how do I like..? Turn this off or whatever..? How do I make make myself human again.

I didn't know how, that was the problem. That was something I was seriously going to have to figure out. And quickly. It's not like I could just go up to mayor dad and be like, oh by the way how do you make yourself human again?

I walked near the window of my bedroom and looked at the sky. I saw storm clouds coming in through the distance. Great.. some more storms. Man.. it's so cold out tonight. The wind blew all over me and almost felt icy cold. It had to be like 40 degrees out.

Everyone was starting to wear wearing jackets and coats, I noticed when I was in the town. I began to shiver, then suddenly I could feel something on my arms and legs. It was fur.. fur was growing some more on my limbs. This must be happening because I'm cold!!!! My inner wolf was reacting to my body being too cold.

This is a good thing. Im learning more about this. I took some deep breaths and looked around. Suddenly I hear a sound coming from the trees, I see something moving in the bushes, it scared me a little. My claws and teeth suddenly sharpened, my ears moved slightly towards the sound.

I saw it was only a little bunny running around. Then my claws, and teeth, lessened with the sharpness. My body relaxed. Wow.. this is insane, I told myself. I was pretty cold so I went back inside and shut the window. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped myself in it. I walked to the fireplace on the other side of my room and sat in front of it, getting myself warm.

A few minutes after that, I was beginning to warm up. Then I felt something strange, I looked at my arms and saw that my fur was vanishing from my arms. I could feel it with my legs too. My claws turned back into hands, and my nails became normal again.

My body shrunk slightly, my muscles got smaller until was back to my usual size. I could feel my teeth going back to normal too. So that's what triggers it..I tell myself. Whenever I feel like I'm threatened, or scared, or upset, my inner wolf begins to come out.

What I don't understand is though, Mayor dad gets angry all the time. He gets upset when he doesn't get what he wants, I've seen him upset, angry, and scared before. So how does he keep his werewolf in? How does he control it when he's that upset?

Even due to little things like me being cold. If I'm uncomfortable in any way my inner wolf comes out to protect me. I'm going to have to practice having control over it. This is insane.. I remember though, last year on Halloween night, mayor dad transformed because he was mad the ghosts were eating his candy. So I guess this happens if I feel threatened or uncomfortable in any way. I better call Flint. I grabbed my cell phone and typed in his number, it rang about twice and he picked up.

Oh hey Gil! He answered. FLLLIIINNNTTTT!!!! I said, still in shock. Your not going to believe what just happened! What?? what is it?? Are you okay? Flint asked over the phone. Yes I'm okay, but weird things are happening to me!!! I looked up at the moon, and I had claws! And fangs! My whole body just freaking buffed up!

What? Flint asked, confused. Wait, as in because of the transforms? He asked. Yes! I tell him over the phone. Although this was only like a halfway transformation, some how I can just feel it. Anyway ummmm how are you?? Oh I'm good Flint said. I was having an invention war with hector evil man earlier. Oh yeah...my grandfather.. of course you were I said. Sounds typical, I thought. Anyway Gil, I'm coming over! Flint tells me. Okay, I replied. Are you sure? It's about to poor down rain.

It's okay, he replied. I'm going to take a cab so I don't get wet, then I'll take one again back home. Okay sounds good. Okay I'll see you in a few minutes. Alright bye. I hung up.

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