Midnight madness

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Mayor Shelbourne's POV:

Where is that boy?! I asked myself harshly, as I looked at the clock. Why is he out so late?! I send him to the bucket, and when I get back he's gone! Most of the time I like it when he's not around me, but it's almost midnight! He hasn't made dinner and everything still needs cleaning! He's never out this late!

That son of mine... I say to myself with an angry tone. Sometimes I wish he would just go away whenever he's irritating, but that's no excuse! He knows he still has cleaning to do at home! The mansion is not going to clean itself! I took a deep breath. I just need to sit down and relax.. I thought to myself. He will come back home. He always does, I told myself.

Gil's POV
I was walking back home, I didn't realize how late it had gotten. The sun went down hours ago, I'm not surprised though, the sun was already setting when I was on my way to flint's lab. I said hi to Mr Lockwood on my way out. He replied, hello Gilbert. I remembered what Flint said about changing and getting older. He's right.. I thought to myself.

This is just a new part of me starting to come out as I grow up, that's all. It's not a big deal, I thought, trying to reassure myself that it's going to be okay. I just don't want mayor dad to find out. I saw some fall leaves swirl around in the wind. The leaves were falling off the trees and it was starting to get chilly out. Suddenly my body began to shake a little, I was trembling. Oh no... I said to myself. Was I cold? Wait no...

That weird feeling came back. That feeling seems to come and go, but I noticed whenever it does happen, it happens at night. After the sun goes down is when I get that weird feeling in my body. I knew better then to look at the moon.

Don't look up, don't look up, I told myself. I didn't know if the moon was full tonight or not, but I didn't want to look up and risk it. Even if it's not full, it still intensifies that feeling in my body. Flint was right, whatever is happening, it was happening slowly.

Growing up doesn't just happen overnight. You don't go to bed as a child and suddenly just wake up as an adult. It takes time. So this werewolf thing will probably take time to grow too. I thought to myself. I think that's what Flint was saying.

I guess mayor dad got this ability when he was around my age. I've seen him transform before, more than once. I can't let him know about this though.. I thought to myself. My body was still trembling as the feeling began to rise.

Oh man... I thought to myself, please stop.. please stop.. I begged the feeling to just go away. Don't look up Gil! I told myself. Just keep going, your almost home. I could finally see the mansion from here. I walked up the to the gate and typed in the code to let me in. Mayor dad always told me to never share this code with anyone.

If anyone came over they have to be let in. Once I got in the gate I typed in the code again to shut it. I forgot to shut it behind me once.. boy did I get an earful from mayor dad that day. The gate shut and I went up the stairs to the golden front doors of the mansion, got my keys out of my pocket and unlocked it.

I walked inside the mansion and locked the front doors. I made my way upstairs to my bedroom down the hall. Mayor dad's bedroom is on the way to my room, so I just hope he doesn't see me. I was hoping- GILLINGTON SUSAN SHELBOURNE! Mayor dad yelled out. He was in his bedroom.

Great.. he saw me. Just great.. I knew I was in for it now. I really don't know why mayor dad is so mad though. He loves it when I leave him alone. Then I remembered there was still some cleaning I had left to do... oh crap.. I considered texting Flint, Sam, and Brent, and tell them to just go ahead and start planning my funeral, because I was probably about to freaking die..

Yes father mayor? I said with a nervous smile. All I ever want is my dad to be happy.. to please him in anyway I could. It always made me so happy when he's happy. But those were rare days.. and nothing I ever do is enough. Young man where have you been?? Mayor dad asked me angrily. He was standing in front of me, still wearing his business suit. I thought he would have just gone to bed by now, and not even notice me gone. Although sometimes he waits until midnight to go to sleep.

I was just at Flint's lab- I could barely finish my sentence before he interrupted me. Balderdash! You never finished your chores! I know, I responded, I meant to I just forg- just forgot?!? He asked me harshly. You are such a disappointment!!! I know said, my head hanging down. The mansion isn't going to clean itself Gil! You know what my expectations are of you! He tells me.

I hate it when he yells at me I always feel terrible, he was still yelling at me when suddenly my anxiety began to rise. Crap.. I thought to myself.. whenever I get upset it triggers that feeling..I could feel that jerk feeling begin.. No!!! No!!! No..no!!! I thought to myself, please!!! Not here! Not now!!! Please!!! This cannot be happening right now! Mayor dad is literally right here! This was the worst possible time for this happen right now!

I looked at the window on the other side of the room, with a face full of fear.. I could see some moon light coming in. What in blazes are you looking at?? Mayor dad yelled out. Look at me when I'm talking to you Gil! Are you even listening to me!? I looked over at mayor dad I uhhh, ummmmm, was all I could answer. Umm is not an answer! He yells at me again. I heard the grandfather clock on the other side of the room, struck midnight. The clock chime sounded. I look over at the clock tick tock, tick tock.

You see that! Mayor dad pointed at the clock, it's midnight! He was still yelling at me about his expectations of me. It was stressing me out. Suddenly I felt another jerk similar to last night, in my body, like something was threatening to burst out. My hand and feet suddenly snapped, and they swelled up, I freaked out and hid them behind my back, so mayor dad couldn't see.

Go to bed Gil! Mayor dad told me. Yes mayor dad.. I tell him. And I expect a clean mansion from top to bottom tomorrow! I heard him yell as I walked out of his bedroom. I hurried to my room with tears threatening to spill out my eyes, I was starting to get really upset. I had to calm down before this gets any worse.. getting upset will only fuel the fire, I told myself. I just want to go to bed. I looked down at my hands, they were bigger then usual, and my fingers longer. What the heck?? I looked at myself in the mirror with tears in my eyes. What's happening to me..?

I changed into a t shirt and sweatpants, brushed my teeth, turned my nightlight on, and I tucked myself in. I looked at my hands again, they've swollen up. They're like these bigger fists now, what the heck?? This is just part of the process, I thought to myself. It's okay Gil.. just try and hold it together. I wonder if my dad went through the same thing growing up. Eventually my hands went back to their tiny usual size. I said my prayers, and closed my eyes for the night.

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