Gil in the wolf den

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Flint's POV
Okay, Flint.. don't panic, don't panic, Gil is going to okay..I tell myself. We're going to get help, things will be fine. I can't just sit here though! Gil needs help! Flint, calm down we will figure this out, said Sam. Yeah! We'll get Gil back one way or another! Said Brent.

But what if that thing kills him?! I don't want to be the one to show up at mayor Shelbourne's door and tell him that his son was murdered! We have to act quickly! We can't go back to the woods flint! It's too dangerous! Sam said. Well there has to be another way! I reply. I was pacing back and forth through my lab.

It was almost 10 am already. Every second that passes Gil could be in serious danger. That horrible infamous legend about that wolf man was really true.. and now he has little Gil in his clutches! I thought to myself. Flint, I know your worried, but panicking is not going to help, said Sam. I know, I know! Oh Gil.. I said sadly.

We will figure this out, we will Flint, we are going to find Gil. And we will do it together, said Sam.

Meanwhile at the Shelbourne mansion:

It's so nice to wake up in a quiet mansion.. said mayor Shelbourne as he woke up and stretched. He got out of bed, and got dressed. He brushed his teeth, then made his way down the hall. Gil, go make breakfast, I don't have all morning! No answer. Gil? Gil?? Mayor Shelbourne stepped into his son's room.

Gil! Where are you?! Where have you gone?! Mayor Shelbourne couldn't wrap his head around it. Gil was constantly at his side, clinging to him like he was his lifeline.. he's always anxious to get up and make breakfast and please him in any way he could.. so where was he? This was very unlike him..

Mayor Shelbourne finally gave up on trying to keep his son inside..Ugh.. he probably wandered off again! That irritating little Gil creature... mayor Shelbourne said to himself. Whatever, I'll take any day where I can be away from that clingy little suck up of a son! I'll just go on about my day. He will come back soon, surely.. the mayor thought to himself.

Somewhere deep in the woods:

Gil's POV
I woke up suddenly, my entire body hurt, everything hurt. Especially my head.. I must have hit something.. I tried to move, but it hurt. I let out a groan as I tried to sit up. What the heck happened, where am I? I was covered in scrapes, some of them were bleeding. To the point of needing stitches.. I tried to look around, then I suddenly became dizzy..

I had some vertigo, I felt like I had a possible concussion. How did I wake up here..? Then suddenly, the memories of last night came flooding back.. I remembered the wolf dragging me by my leg, I was screaming, then I hit my head very hard on a rock, then everything went black. My legs were cut up pretty badly.

I could tell I was outside, there was dirt below me. I see some small boulders above me. It looked like, I was in a den of some kind.. I had no doubt the wolf brought me here. He was up to something. I got up and tried to move the boulders, but I was too weak, I couldn't do it.. my body hurt, my head hurt, everything hurt.

I'm going to have to just try after I rest, then I will try and sneak away from the ghost wolf. Yeah that was a good plan.. some how I was too exhausted to even be panicked. That might actually-suddenly my thoughts were interrupted, as I began coughing pretty hard. Suddenly I wasn't feeling too well.

I hope I wasn't catching a fever, but it felt like I was.. I was so wrecked.. I was both injured, and getting sick?? This is the worst possible time for this to happen. It's going to make me defenseless... my body began to tremble and shake, I went into my wolf form so I had fur around me to keep me warm. It was snowing out.

I knew I was somewhere in the woods, because it only snowed up here in swallow falls on these mountains on the back of the island. What was this ghost going to do to me..? I had a bad feeling it was trying to take me to my grave.. no... it can't be.. I let out a whimper of hopelessness..

Of course it's going to kill me! What els could it possibly be! There's no other reason! That ghost hates me because I remind him of his son, and I have werewolf abilities! And now I'm done for! Tears began to form in my eyes.. I never even got say goodbye to anyone.. I never got to say goodbye to mayor dad..

Daddy.. I whimpered with tears falling, as I lay there in there on the ground in the den. I love you, dad..I know you probably don't love me.. but I love you.. I'm so glad you brought me into this world.. even if it was only for a short amount of time.. the 14 years I got to spend with you I will never forget.. I'm sorry I wasn't the son you wanted.. in fact you probably never wanted a child at all.. I said with tears flowing down my face.

This is it... I told myself. Im facing death.. it won't be long now.. I can barely even stand.. maybe someone will find me, and save me before that wolf thing comes back, but it was unlikely. All I could do was lay here and wait for whatever was going to happen to happen.. All I could do, was pray that someone will find me before it's too late..

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