A kind stranger's help

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Gil's POV
I managed to escape from the wolf den, I moved some of those big rocks out of the way, and walked a little away from it. I was feeling rather dizzy I wasn't sure what was going on.. my mind was all blurry. My vision too. I was trying to find my way out of the woods.

It was snowing some more, thank goodness I had my coat on. I was feeling very sick at this point, I had to get out here and quickly, or els I'm done for. It was almost dark. I saw some rocks ahead of me I made my way over to them. There was a small cliff under the rocks.

I stepped on one of them to get a better look, then suddenly, not knowing there was ice on the rocks, I slipped down from the small cliff, and landed head first. I didn't feel much pain because I was so cold, but it was still a rough fall. I tried to get back up, and walked a few feet, then I collapsed.

I lay there on my back, suddenly I see a few shadowy ghost things looking down at me. They kind of looked like the wolf. I looked up at them, wondering what they wanted. Then before I knew it, everything went black..

Meanwhile at the Shelbourne mansion:

Where is that boy? He's never been gone this long.. mayor Shelbourne wandered. His son had suddenly vanished, last night and was gone all day. Where could he have gone? This was very unlike him. I suppose I could ask Lockwood if he has seen him anywhere, mayor Shelbourne thought to himself.

Not that I care, I just don't know why Gil would just vanish for this long for no reason..

Some time later in the woods:

Gil's POV
I woke up and slowly became aware of my surroundings, I felt very sick, I coughed hard. I tried to move around a little, I felt dirt all around. I looked up and I could see the woods above me, where was I? It appeared that I was in some kind of hole in the ground? I saw the ghosts above me too.

Why was laying down in the ground? The ghosts were looking down at the hole I was in. It was shaped for my body to be in.. wait.. am I being buried!? No! I'm not dead! Why am I being buried alive?! No! This can't be happening! I saw a headstone being placed above me..

No wait! Please I'm not dead! I'm alive! What are you doing?? The ghosts didn't answer. They just kept preparing the grave I was laying in. I tried to get up, when I had another coughing fit, this one was more intense. I tried to crawl out, then suddenly the wolf came bit me hard through my leg.

AHHHHHHHHH!!! I let out a scream of agony as it's teeth went deep into my leg, I began bleeding. I collapsed back into the grave. Well if I wasn't dying before.. I definitely was now.. eventually I lost feeling in my legs. I then lost consciousness again..

I woke up a little while later, I heard a faint sound. It sounded like a man.. hello? Anyone out here?? I head the voice say.. hello! I reply, help! I'm over here! Help! Where? Over here in the grave! I then look up to see an older man looking down at me.. I heard you scream, what are you doing in there?? He asked. Please help me..I beg.

What happened?? The old man asked. Well, I know this is going to sound insane, but I think I'm being haunted by a wolf ghost! I reply. Wait.. a wolf ghost? Did it look like the one on the headstone in the graveyard nearby?? Yeah it looks just like that! How did you know about that?? Kid, I live up here in these woods, I've seen things.

Just hold on! I'm going to get you out, he said. I began having another coughing fit, I began to worry I was catching hypothermia, the man came back with a rope. Kid you really don't look so good, I know, I reply. I can't feel my body very well. I think I'm dying.. I'm scared.. just hold on kid, I'm going to try and help you out.

I have a bad back, but I'm going to try, said the old man. I can't bend down very well, so just grab the other end of the rope, and I'll help you up. I grabbed the rope, I couldn't walk well anymore, but eventually I was able to crawl out of the grave, I tried not to collapse. My name is Glen, said the old man. My name is Gil, I reply.

The old man helped me walk through the woods to his small house, there was some logs there in front of it for firewood. He helped me inside.. his house was very cozy, he turned on his fireplace. I laid down near the fireplace wrapped in a blanket he gave to me. I had another coughing fit.

So.. how did you know about the wolf..? I ask Glen. Well, the man who turned into the wolf, use to live here in swallow falls, said Glen. He says his son was killed by wolves long ago, but that wasn't true.. he killed his own son.. Glen said. He did?? I ask. Yes, Glen replied. How do you know..? I ask.

I saw him bury the body.. it was somewhere in these woods, he told me if I tried to report it to the police, or tell anyone, he would kill me and my wife.. my wife passed away years ago though.. oh, I'm sorry about that Glen.. I tell him. Anyway, he was half werewolf, and that man confessed to me, that he didn't want a child.

He didn't want to have the burden of raising a child, and they had him by accident. So he killed him.. said Glen. I felt my heart drop as he finished his sentence. As the years went by, he was stricken so hard by grief and regret, that he hated himself for years.. he wanted his son back.

He went absolutely mad at one point with all of his guilt, he killed other victims as well. The boys mother, lived a miserable life, after their son died. Why didn't she just leave him? I asked. I think she was afraid to, said Glen. I'm part wolf too, I tell Glen. Glen looked over at me, oh, well that might be why it's haunting you.

But what does it want me for? I ask. I don't know, but it might be because you remind him of his dead son, and it angers him.. it doesn't make sense, I know but, maybe it wants to take your life, so it can do something bad. I really don't know, said Glen. I let out another hard coughing fit, oh dear, said Glen.

Come now, here you are.. Glen put some more blankets on me. I'm going to get you help. I'm assuming you live in town, swallow falls, below this mountain? Asked Glen. Yeah, I reply weakly. My father is the mayor. Wait..? Mayor Shelbourne? Glen asked. Yeah that's him. I'm his son Gil Shelbourne.

Oh! Well it's a pleasure to meet the son of the mayor. Said Glen. Your father must be worried sick! He said. No not really actually, he doesn't care, I tell Glen. He never wanted me. I was a mistake. I can't go back there. I said. Well, you can stay here as long as you need to, said Glen. Thankyou Glen, but I'm worried that I'm dying. It's hard to breathe.

I'm worried about you too, said Glen. I'm going to call someone down in swallow falls, so your father at least knows your alive, but very sick. We need to get you a doctor said Glen. Yeah.. that's a good idea, I reply. I let out another coughing fit, then my eyes rolled back, Gil?? Gil! Stay with me! I'm calling a doctor just hold on! Stay with me Gil! Glen pleaded.. this poor boy.. Glen said..

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