Puppies just want to have fun

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At the Shelbourne mansion:
Gil's POV
School was out for Christmas break, although I probably wouldn't be enjoying it much considering that I wasn't supposed to go out much. I'm getting a little restless again from being cooped up in the mansion. I saw some storm clouds rolling in through the window.

I guess another storm was coming, and very cold rain. I couldn't stop thinking about what old Rick said the other day. About that old man who disappeared one night.. man I was bored. It was dark outside, so maybe it was fine to go out. Suddenly I was feeling very playful again! I changed into my wolf form, my tail wagging.

I ran down the hallway on all fours into mayor dads room. Bark! I barked, announcing my presence. Mayor dad was watching some tv in his chair near the fireplace, a newspaper by him. I began circling around his chair. I really needed to get some of this puppy like energy out. I was running all over the place, on all fours.

Then I suddenly stopped very quickly in front of mayor dads chair, and began to chew the top of his shoe. Gil, stop that no! That is not a toy. He kicked me off his shoe. I want to go outside. I tell him. No Gil, it's about to pour down rain. You will get mud everywhere. Suddenly I see a rat bird fly near the window.

I ran over to it at a very quick pace. It was flying there staring at me. Bark! Bark! Bark! Gil! Be quiet! Mayor dad yelled, but I wasn't listening, I was way too distracted at the moment. Aroooooooooo!!! I howled. I continued barking at the rat bird.

Mayor dad threw a news paper at me. That did not work. I continued to bark. Gil! So help me... mayor dad said angrily. I began to scratch the window with my paws. Then suddenly the window opened. I practically jumped out of the window and climbed down the mansion. What the??! Said mayor dad.

I was chasing the rat bird around, mayor dad came out the front door. I guess he followed me outside. Gil! Stop! Its going to rain soon, your going to get mud everywhere! He watched as jumped on to the gate, and then squeezed through the bars. No Gil! Mayor dad ran after me and tried to grab me but I had already went through the gate and began sprinting down the street on all fours barking.

Gil!!!! I heard mayor dad yell out. I chased the rat bird a few blocks away and followed it up a tree. I began pawing at it and barking. Then I see mayor dad below, apparently he followed me. Gil! Get down here now! I don't have time for this! This is outrageous!!! Suddenly I hear mayor dad growl deeply as he transformed to his wolf form too.

The rat bird flew down to the ground. I crawled down from the tree my tail wagging. I jumped all around the rat bird. Then mayor dad picked me up by my collar. I flailed around trying to get out of his grip. I curled upward trying to nibble on his paw to get him to let go. Gil stop it! We're going home!

I growled glaring at mayor dad. Don't you growl back at me young man! It's time to go! There is a storm coming. And why do you have to be so irritating!? I nibbled on his paw some more, my teeth got under his fur. Owww! Gil!! He dropped me and I chased the rat bird down a few more blocks.

They could fly, and run fast on their feet. All the more entertaining for a wolf pup! I ran around in circles excited, barking at the rat bird some more. Then suddenly SMACK! I let out a squeal as the wind was knocked out of me. I fell down onto my side. I looked to see what hit me.

There was mayor dad standing over me looking very angry, like he was about to lose it. I tried to run away but he smacked me again with his paw. Oww! He then began showing his sharp teeth and lowered down to my level, I thought he was going to bite me at first, but no, he was holding me by the collar of my sweater in his mouth.

I kicked and flailed around but it didn't work. Then mayor dad carried me by my sweater collar from his teeth and walked quickly back to the mansion on all fours. I think he was trying to beat the rain. We finally got home and he carried me upstairs back to his room. He dropped me to the floor. He backed me into a corner on all fours.

He was growling deeply. You got some nerve pulling a stunt like that! He said angrily. Why do you have to be such a disappointment huh!? You couldn't do one thing Gil?!? I could hear thunder beginning to hum through the mansion. I don't want to be cooped up here all day dad! I argue. I don't care Gil! You do what I say when I say it!

He held out his paw threatening to smack me again, but he didn't. What do I have to do to get you to behave?? Mayor da- SILENCE! I don't want to hear another word from you... he said in a dangerously low tone. Go to bed Gil...I did what he said and went back to my own room to go to sleep for the night. Hopefully things will be better in the morning.

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