Change is nature's way

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Gil's POV
I was still a little shaken up from last night, what happened? I can't even explain the way a sudden jolt just shot through my body. Anyway, I was cleaning the mansion like usual.

And cleaning took a while, because well it's a big mansion. I do it regularly so I'm use to it. Whatever I have to do to make mayor dad happy, I'm happy. I was just hoping today I would have some time to sneak away to flint's lab to tell him what happened last night.

Gil! Mayor dad yells out, as I was dusting the fireplace, coming mayor dad! Enough with the dusting! You call that clean?? He was sitting in a chair with a big pile of money in front of him. Clean this money pile and dry them, mayor dad said, as he threw a blow dryer at my face.

Owwww nice shot mayor dad! I tell him. Owww.. I thought to myself. I began cleaning his money pile. And do it quickly! I want to see my reflection in those dollars! Yes mayor dad! I told him scrubbing the money. He was sitting there, watching me clean. I was on edge just waiting for him to throw something els at me.

I finally finished cleaning and drying his money, you call that dry?!? He yells at me, I flinched, ready for him to hit me with something, then suddenly his cell phone rings. He answers, mayor Shelbourne here. As he was talking on the phone, I could tell it was just more mayor business he had to do.

Gil! Your not drying the money enough! Go to the bucket!!! He said in a low tone, as he was still talking with his work call. I walked over to the bucket and sat in it. I really need to get to flint's lab at some point today. I told myself. I could hear mayor dad yelling at whoever was on the other end of that phone.

He does that a lot. Mayor dad seemed pretty distracted at this point. UGH... Gil, I'll be back, I just have to take care of some work things.Mayor dad told me. This was my chance! I watched as he left the mansion living room, and I quietly stepped out of the bucket. I went upstairs to my room to grab my cell phone and put it in my pocket.

I quietly walked downstairs and out the front door of the mansion. It can be tricky sneaking off, as I'm always with mayor dad everywhere he goes, doing every little thing he tells me. I walked down the mansion driveway and walked to the gate.

The gate had barbed wire on top of it, and it was electric. Mayor dad really doesn't like people near his property or mansion. I typed in the code for the gate to open. After I walked out I typed it again for the gate to close. Okay.. now I just need to go to flints lab, and try and hurry back before mayor dad get mad.

            Some time later at flint's lab:

Gil's POV
Whatever is happening, it seems to be happening slowly, flint tells me. I was sitting down in his lab. I had told him what's been going on. You said it happened when you saw the full moon right? Flint asked. Yes I replied. Well Gil, I don't exactly know how to say this, but your father turned into a werewolf looking at the full moon.

I looked up at him. So, I think maybe... you don't mean..? I ask him. Yes.. I do unfortunately. No... no there's no way! No! This isn't happening! There's just no way! Flint put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I'm sorry Gil.

But how?? Why?? I ask desperately for answers. Well, flint began, your father has a very similar issue as your starting to have. Turning into a werewolf under a full moon. I'm thinking this is some kind of genetic ability, flint tells me.

But I've never transformed into a werewolf before! I tell him. Like I said, it appears to be happening slowly, flint tells me. But why now? Why just suddenly out of the blue I start to have these issues? I ask flint. Well, think about it, we're teenagers, flint said.

Your teen years are a transition from childhood to adulthood. I think the reason your experiencing this now is simply because your changing and getting older. And the werewolf ability seems to be a genetic problem you and your father have. So I think that's why it's suddenly starting to show up. And time has a way of changing things, Flint said.

This can't be true.. I thought to myself. There's gotta be some other reason! Have you told your father about this Gil? Flint asks. NO! I say suddenly louder then I meant to. I mean..No... I don't want him to know. Why? Flint asked me. Because I'm afraid of he'll think! I tell him.

What do you mean? Flint asks. I sighed heavily. Common Flint, this is my father we're talking about. He sees me as such a burden already. If he finds out about the issues I'm having he's just going to think of me as even more of a burden. I'll be stuck in the bucket of disappointment until I'm like 30! Please Flint. Promise me you won't tell my father. Please..

Alright Gil, I promise. I'll tell Sam and Brent not to say anything to your father as well. Thankyou flint.

                               Flint's POV

Poor Gil, was sitting here in my lab, all stressed out. Hey Gil! I said look! I pulled out an invention I was working on. Im currently working on a device to help with your nightmares! I tell him to try and cheer him up. Thankyou flint.. Gil said. I put a reassuring hand on his should again.

It's going to be okay Gil. I know this is scary. As we grow up we change, and start to see new sides of ourselves. Sides that sometimes we get from our parents, and some sides that are just you.. And it can be scary sometimes. Your side is just a little more.. unusual I guess. Gil giggled a little.

I smiled at him. Don't worry, I tell him, I'm going to tell Sam and Brent not to say anything to your father, and my dream device should be finished really soon! We're going to help you through this Gil. Your not alone. Gil looked up at me with hopeful eyes. Thankyou flint. I should get back to mayor dad before he realizes I snuck off. Alright Gil, I replied.

I want you to keep me updated on everything that happens. You have my number, text me whenever something weird happens. Okay flint, thankyou, I will, Gil responded. I watched as he started his way back home. I was worried about him. I really was. Between everything happening to him, plus his neglectful father, I just wanted to make the burdens he bares easier. But I had one question in my head that spoke louder then anything. How long can Gil hide this from his father?

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