1; A Leap To Fate.

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The cars came to a halt ere to the Ochre scenic door, just in time the tediously armed escort came in a row to welcome their ace. One of the guards pulled the door open coming in view with an infuriated El-Samad.

His aura screams power that one would think twice before getting in his way.

He stepped into the house finding his way to his wife's room. Each of the workers could sense the peevishness he carried as he walk past them. Hush murmurs filled the environment after making sure he was out of sight.

He barged into the room meeting a worked-up Hajara, her pace paused as her eyes set on her husband. Her face screwed up making panic clog her throat.

"Where is he!?" He rumbled inching closer to her.

A knot formed in her Tommy as she struggled to come up with something believable but failed miserably. Anyone in her current state could wish death over living in the presence of her good-for-nothing husband.

"I demand you tell me where he is!?" He roared yet again snapping her out of her trance.

Her lips were still sealed unable to utter a word. Her eyes swam with tears while struggling to not give in to his demands.


"I don't know" She cackled with an awful hoarse voice.

He hissed picking the nearest object; a vase that happens to be a gift given to Hajara by her mother. She cherishes beyond expectations and he just had to ruin it.

"Don't test my patience woman." He warned.

That wasn't going to make her say a thing. She's learned to outgrow the fear she has for the man, cox is the only option left.

He got that she isn't going to say a word, so he gave in. "Very well then" he turned on his shoemaking his way out, his steps came to a halt just as he got to the door.

"Bear in mind, you will get what's coming for you and that twirp son of yours" he was out of sit before she could survey his threat.

She knew he does not lay empty threats. He's a man of his word, and that shook her to the core. Did she make the right decision by letting her son leave?

Hajara couldn't say where he left, but she did know about his run-away plan. Her husband is the reason she didn't inquire on where Ammar would be settling, cox she knew he'd stop at nothing to get the address out of her.

Hajaar hopes and prays that where ever he is, he's safe and guided by the almighty. He deserves better than his awful father.



He pulled off the hood of his hoody over his head, spreading out his hands, and inhaling the fresh air. The blazing sun hit his light-tuned skin turning it a bit reddish.

Nigeria, It's his first time here but he already has this gut feeling that maybe, just maybe he's staying here would be eventful.

He's heard stories from his mother, but never actually pictured it to be this good. His mother Hajara is a citizen of Nigeria Kano to be precise. Eloping with his father is the worst decision she ever made and now they both had to suffer the result.

Not that he's blaming his mother for it cox the woman has been and is still the best parent he could ask for compared to his father.

He pulled out a note from his black sweatpants. Lamido crescent, Moriki Villa, he read. Huffing out a tiring sigh, he walked out with his Trek Baron luggage.

He stopped a tricycle known here as Keke Napep. He didn't expect to find one here in Nigeria, they are normally common in India.

"Mallan sai Ina?; where to?" The man asked urging Ammar's left brow up. Funny enough his mother tried teaching him the language spoken here, umm...what do they call it again? Right, Hausa, but menh! It's too hard for him to grab.

He could only speak; Arabic, French, and English nothing apart from them. Now he's starting to regret not accepting his mother's offer. Okay, he takes back what he said earlier, his new life is going to be one hella of a lot to take in.

"Mallan; sir." he snaps him back to reality.

He takes out the note giving it to the driver from which he collected it. "Toh shigo na kaika; hope on." he motioned.

Ammar unbelievably turned deaf for the day, serving him right for not being able to comprehend Hausa. He settled in and off they went.

He couldn't help but stop to think about what the future holds now that he has managed to escape his father's despicable self. His only concern is his mother, sooner or later he'd make sure to take her away from El-Samad.

"Bawan Allah lafiyan ka Kuwa?; Is everything okay?" The middle-aged man queried pulling Ammar back to reality.

He nods though as if he understood what he just said, running his gaze around the empty streets that had only a few cushy houses, his stare stiff at a particular one, that must be it.

It's nothing compared to the one back to the place he once called home, but it had on singularity.

"Is that it?" He questioned forgetting the fact that the man couldn't maybe have presumed what he said.

The man figured Ammar could only speak English, no wonder he kept numb replying to him with only a nod.

"No Hausa, English only" he spoke with his funny English accent.

Ammar gave him a curt nod. He brought out a thousand naira note handing it to the man. Luckily he was able to visit the BDC before his departure.

He pass down the change to Ammar but he motioned for him to keep it, he thanked him and help his trolley out before he drove off.

What now?

Meet his maternal relatives that would bombard him with endless questions that he's not ready to entertain at the moment. All he needs now is a warm bath and nice rest, he's overly tired you could tell just by a look, that's if you're very observant.

Being able to spot Ammar's emotions takes a prof.

"Is anyone expecting you?" The armed security guard asked.

Thank God for the short notes he had his mother right down cox he's an inch away from snapping out in annoyance. Ammar passed him the second note.

He went through it. "Okay. Stay here"

Ugh! Ya Allah give him the patience to keep his sanity. Never has he been ordered, questioned, or stopped but ladies and gentlemen, here he stood unbelievably.

Patience Ammar, be patient in every situation you find yourself in, life's not always a bed of roses, his mother's words rang in his head making him shut his eyes for a second.

Only she had that power over him...


Tohm! Tohm! Tohm!💃🏽

How is y'all doing jama? We're good? Toh mandala.😁

Without dogon surutu, drop yh thoughts on this chapppy!

Carry your crush commot! Nadia is no friendly person when it comes to sharing, lol😂💔


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