38; Insecurities.

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"I forgive you" that was all she needed to hear, coming from him made it a lot better, she had to fight back the urge to yell on top of her vocals.

"It's not your fault, I shouldn't have blamed you. What miss was never meant to hit and vice versa" His tune screamed composure yet the bitterness was still vibrant.

"I'm sorry" was all that slipped from my lip, not a day goes by that I don't feel guilty. The past few weeks have been the hardest for us, Ammar wasn't being cooperative, his constant frowns, nonchalant attitude didn't help as well.

But hopefully, it was all in the past now.

He nods. "It's okay" his lips spreading into a forced smile, not the usual full bloom ones, just lifeless. "They're a better place In Shaa Allah"

I got a hold of his hand bringing it to my lips, "I don't know how much I'm gonna keep apologizing but I want you to know that I really am in deep reg—"


"No Ammar, hear me out. The one mistake I made and I'd never be able to forget is the fact that I didn't embrace what Allah had bestowed upon me. I prayed for his choice and was granted yet I was so blinded by my insecure heart that I failed to see what I had in front of me. You, Ammar, are a Dua come true, the perfect guy I've always wanted, your patience and composure never cease to amaze me." I gulp down a pile of tears, "If I am being totally honest with myself, I don't deserve you yet you still stick around regardless of how obstinate I tend to be most time."

He huffed out a weary chuckle a tear slipping down, "Now I feel losing you is the apex mistake I would commit, and I'm not ready for that. I want us to start afresh, take things slow, no rush; let me show you that I am paying back the good you've done for me and proving my love to you"

Huffing out a sigh I reached out for his left cheek, "I may not know what the future holds but what I do know is he is in control of it, and just as he said in his holy book that he created us in pairs; now I could proudly state that I found my missing piece, I am sure that Allah wrote my name next to you. With you my forever and more lies, and someday we'd look far and see how far we've gone, what beautiful memories we've shared"

And for the first time in forever, he gave me that smile, the one I had yearned for, I broke into sobs falling into sobs.

"I love you Rabin rai" he blurts, I coulda fight back a chuckle at his awful yet cute Hausa accent.

Where did he learn that from? Oops! I'm forgetting, he's Ammar, always has his way around things.

"I love you too" snuggling more into him.


"Meet Adam, your son"

I froze, like literally.

So we're having a special dinner organized by Ammar at our lounge, how sweet, ikr! Well as I was saying it was going pretty smoothly before he went to get the supposed surprise he had for me.

The resemblance was vibrant and extremely strikingly, no doubt he had my features yet he owned his father's eyes. Those eyes that I sometimes found alluring and comforting to stare at.

My eyelids began to wet, I was stuck between running to him or keeping my shameful self to myself.

Memories of how I held him in my arms when he was a baby came rushing back. If only I didn't agree to give him up. I've missed the beautiful feeling of motherhood, his childhood was spent probably with some other people if he was adopted.

I was so lost in thought that I only felt tiny arms wrapped around my waistline.

A shiver went down to my toes making me feel giddy, I lowered my figure to his height pulling him into a more comfortable embrace.

I ran kisses over his hair my vision becoming cloudy vision. The feeling was ecstatic, I held him even tighter as though he was going to disappear in a blink of an eye.

Maybe this was after all my happy ending...


I can't believe we're almost there😭😂

Oyaaa 2 more to go💃🏽


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