35; Twist Of Fate.

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Happy ending? I think fate doesn't have that I stored for me, def not. Astagfirullah, just when everything is beginning to fall back into place something else comes knocking.

A lot has happened over the year. Fatima being married to Ya Faruk, Maa and I settling things, Ama and Mum hitting things off; you could say our lives we're going pretty smoothly.

Ammar and I are relationship was boasting up even with the ups and downs but Alhamdullila for all that, coz I can say we've built something tough and unbreakable that I couldn't be happier.

Ammar left for a business trip three days ago so I've been staying with Ama and Mum, the two never fail to get on my neck with teasings here and there, I Shaa liked the fact that things were more than okay between them.

*Please, c'mon you can't do that* I whined over the phone. I hate this overprotective side of him. So I wanted to go shopping today, and mah guy is telling me no, I mean I barely go out, okay I know what I said is a lie but then...ugh!

*No. Now can you drop this* He was on the edge I senses that, huffing a hiss I mumbled a fine.

*Good. I got a go now, I love you* He ended the call knowing very well I wasn't going to say it back not after he cut my wings.

Now what? I really needed to get out. What to do, what to do. Aha! Having had an idea pop in I rushed out of the room and headed toward hers.

I knocked before slipping in, I met her on her phone probably surfing through the net.

"No" She blurts taking me by surprise. Dang, it! He must have told her, okay I'm starting to dislike the fact that he knows me so well.

"Haba Mummy na, please I promise I won't even take an hour" I sat next to her giving her the look that always gets me what I want.

She shook her head, "Nadia learn to respect your husband's decision, I am not saying yes to this, if he says no then so be it"

My lips formed into a pout, "Dan Allah Maa I'll be back before you know it. Tomorrow is Ya Faruk's birthday I need to get him a gift" it was a lie, astagfirullah.

"Has he ever said no to you?"



"No, not that I know off"

She nods, "Good, then he may probably have a reason for it now"

"Mummy please" I kept ranting till she sighed in defeat telling me to go get ready and we're going out together.

And that's how we ended up abducted by god knows how. A wave of regret and guilt ate me up. If only I had listened then we wouldn't have ended up In such a situation.

I teared up at the sight of an unconscious sight of Mum tied up in the chain. I broke into sobs calling out to her but to no avail.

I tried to wiggle out of the chain and reach out to her but who was I kidding there was no way out.

The thought of Ammar come rushing down had me burst into tears. What have I done? If anything was to happen to Mum he would never be able to forgive me.

He said no, she also said no yet I dragged her into this. Trouble was an understatement. The sound of the door creaking open had my cries down, narrowing my stare to have a greater look.


Uncle Mubarak? What was he doing here? Was he also kidnapped, funny I knew I sounded stupid, the smudge look on his face gave me the right answers to my questions.

"Well, well, well...Look who we have here" he spoke leveling down to an unconscious Mum.

He whistled someone and walked in with a Jar of water. He collected it draping it all on her. She shivered at the contact waking up while coughing.

"Don't touch her!" I spat earning his attention, he gave me a look tearing it off just immediately, "I thought I made it clear" he barked.

"Sorry sir" the man or rather his minion apologized.

Uncle Mubarak hissed, "Take care of her" with a curt nod he proceeded toward me.

"No, please, stay away—" his grab on my neck had me chew back my words, he smiled sniffing around my neck as he ran his tongue here and there. My yells did no harm to him, I was helpless even if I was to be freed, I was no match for him.

He pulled back taking off one of his shoes. He pulled out his sock, stuffing it in my mouth before he went further with what he was doing.

"Mubarak it doesn't have to be this way, let her go, I'll sign the paper, I promise just don't hurt her" I heard mum plead.

He laughed, "What does she have to do with that?"

"Mubarak I said you could have the property if you let her go, I'll sign the papers" She spat In-between sobs.

"Spider" he calls before the man disposed of his nasty act paying head to his boss's others.

He untied us both before he and uncle Mubarak left making sure to shut the door.

"Mum" I stutter in between tears. "I'm sorry" choking on my spit. She ran her hands around my back mumbling soothing words.

I knew better than to feel okay, I was in deep shit!


Toh ashe dai no happy endings 😭😂💔 omoh! My heart dey break💔💔😂

5 more to go guysss😭😭😭


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