11; A Forever Thing.

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Guys, please check out Forever Aamir by amaamawritess_   It's quite promising, I can assure you🥂

The tension between the Duo was very thin, a scissors could come in handy. Nadia was hella terrified to make even the slightest movement.

After the whole getting caught in the issue, Ammar manages to save her from the treachery of her brother, convincing him to let it be and have him handle it took time.

As for Aryaan, Ammar left him to Faruk to deal with.

So, here they were seated in a not-so-friendly atmosphere exerted by both.

Faruk's section is the only empty and not so busy side, compared to the main house, you could regard it to be more of a comfort zone.

Plus the couple needed alone time, don't yh think?

Her silent sobs is the only noise that filled the air, biting hard on her lip didn't seem to help one bit, she was trying so hard to fight back the fireworks.

Being under Ammar's daring stare could skin one alive. Her sanity was running short, his silence is eating him up.

He gulped down the glass field water gripping hard on the cup as though his life depended on it he shot her a blazing stare that could send her six inches under the ground.

With a mere look at him, you could see the blearing jealousy his eyes held.


Her lips part a Yelp squeezing out.

He broke it! Her heart skipped urging her eyes to shoot. The cries began, and she palmed her face quivering in fear.

All she saw coming was physical abuse as it happens nowadays. How could someone as calm, composed, and relaxed as Ammar look too devilish or rather beastly so quickly?

His groan had her muffle the cries, "Stop" he mumbled fighting back the rage soaked in it.

As though he ordered her to proceed, her shoulders shook as she tear up more.


Her cries eventually dried off after what felt like forever. He despised having to watch, it soared in his heart but there was nothing that could be done.

She did wrong, she needed to be scolded for that.


She looked up meeting his questioning stare, tearing her red-rimmed eyes off she puffed out a sigh.

"Who was that?"

She kept mum, contemplating whether to remain mute or not but she knew better than to that, her lips parted to speak yet no word could fly out.

He banged the center table in between them, "Dammit!" He didn't miss the shiver she wield.


"N-no one."

"Crap! You can't give me that"

"I don't want this, please" she spoke in newfound confidence.

"Is it because of him?"

She looked away from his gaze yet again. "It doesn't matter"

"Nadia" he softly spoke.

"I can't tell your feelings towards but I'm sure of what I feel for you and it's def not what you think, you're only just a lecturer, so please let's not get ourselves into an Uncouthly alignment. So please, let's end this before it's too late." Series of breaths huffing out.

He remained mute. He stood up urging a pang from her heart. She got up creating distance between the two of them but the more she did that, the closer he got till there was only a tiny bit of space.

"We're getting married. This calibration is withholding." He breaths out nuzzling his head further to her face a slight move could make their lips clash, "Darling, if making you feel for me is the last thing I'd do then so be it, by the time I'm done with you, I'll be your newest and only addiction. I can't promise you the world but you can take mine as you please In doing so, remember to watch your back." He pulled back turning on his shoe.

He stopped by the door, "You and I, it's a forever thing" he sent her a wink exiting.

Nadia's Pov.

Ya illah!

Ya, Rahman!

Ya, Rahim!

I kept on chanting as I walked into the main section, the first person I bumped into is Hafsah my paternal cousin that we don't get along with one bit.

"Amarya ta sha kamshi" She blurts to which I ignore brushing past her.

"You don't deserve all of this" She spat in jealousy.

The good old rants are about to begin.

Note the sarcasm.

I had bigger fish to fry ignoring her is the only worthy option right now so I did heading for the stairs only to be pulled back.


"Where have you been? Haven't you heard?" My maternal aunt spoke in a displeased tone.

"Meya faru?"

"It's your father."

My heart dropped.


Ya Faruk's warning glare had me stuck to my spot just in time for Maa to appear with barely contained sanity.

"N-Nadia" she sandwiches me for a hug bursting into tears.

Baa's health issue again. He's just too stubborn. We've tried so many times to let Ya Faruk take him out for better treatment but to no avail.

He claims "He has some minimum time left, he wanted to spend it with his family"

Alzheimer. He was diagnosed last month ago but we only found out some months back, it's just Ya Faruk and I that had such information.

Baa made sure the news remained secret from Maa, if you must know she worries way more than she should plus it won't help her heart issue.

"Is he going to be alright?" I ask in between tears.

She's home her head, "I don't know, I really don't know, I hope he will"

Our Paternal side of the family by now had filled the corridor all in anticipation of the doctor's results.

One hour...

Two hours...

Three hours...

It was in the fourth hour that the nurses and doctors decided to grace us with their presence.

"Inallilahi Wa'ina illahi rajiun"


Hey guys!!! I really don't feel like talking much today.

So please, let your thoughts out and also like, thank you❤️


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