23; Sir A.

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"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked his stare glued to the road. We're currently on our way to school, he said to drop me a few feet away from the streets to avoid unnecessary attention which I was grateful for, I'm glad he agreed to help.

"Uhm. Why?"

He shrugged taking the next root. "You've been off since yesterday."

"Oh, I'm fine" I brushed off.


I could barely sleep yesternight, the nightmares gushed back. I had to take an overdose of my usual dosage just so I could fall asleep, it was hard to keep sane. I intend on moving to his room but it'll only raise wrong alarms.

I guess I've gotten so used to sleeping by him, you could say he became my pill or rather potion.


Honestly, I've had enough of all this, Aryaan has been a pain in the ass. I'm so done with him, I'm letting lose and embracing what I have in front of me, coz that's what matters right now, isn't it?

I'm giving our relationship a go, and seeing how it works out I do hope it does, I really do.

"Would you prefer I hire you a chauffeur?" He asked cutting off my train of thought.

Why? Of course not, plus the expenses I wouldn't want him to spend so much as it is he's a low salary earner. First, he has to get a new car and pay off his salary to the employer, which would be too much for him.

I gave him a no nod, "I'm okay with you dropping me off" my lips spreading into a tight lip smile.

"You sure? I mean I don't mind,"

I nod, "It's okay really"

He's too nice for his kind, I know I've maybe mentioned that a dozen times but you guys have to meet him, or not.

The car came to a halt not long after, "How many lectures do you have today?"


"What time does it end?"

"By 2 PM."

He nods, "Call me when you're done,"

"Okay" I begin to assemble my things clicking open the door, I felt his soft warm hands take a grip on my wrist pausing my moves.

He drew me back placing a kiss on my forehead, I found my lips twitching into a smile. The little things menh!

"Take care"

Hiding a blush I mumble a 'you too' hurriedly stepping out.

If not for my mask that was intact the eyes that would have thought otherwise of me, must reach a dozen. My smiles were beginning to turn abnormal, I'm sure.

It's Ammar now, yeah! Just him and I no more dramas or so. I really do hope so, I need first to know if I could trust him enough I did that once and it didn't turn out well, but as they say; it won't hurt to try again.

If and when he sees the real me, would he embrace that or walk away?

Ugh! Shit! The one thought that keeps my mind busy and my insecurities peeving.

"Amarya" I heard her yell, I was fast enough to erase the distance between us sending her waves of glares afterward.

"Keep it down, will yh!?"

Had to explain and convince her to shove back her defense mechanism to keep it a secret. Per her words, she didn't see what was wrong in letting out but then that's what we wanted, or rather I, you what? It doesn't matter if you get what I mean.

"Okay okay, Jeez!"

We proceeded to make our way to the administrative block brushing through the crowd.


Another semester another wahala but on the bright side it was our finalè, I wish I could draw the days closer.


"I can't believe it, You're getting married. Ugh! We are so happy for you" Kulthum rambled clapping her hands in excitement like a one-year-old kid.

Jumaima just broke the news of her all-of-sudden engagement with her longtime boyfriend. The duos have been together for six years it's high time they patched things up and start up a family.

"Allah ya sanya Alkhairi," Fatima says to which we chorus an Ameen.

By the looks of it, you could tell by the gleam on her face how happy she is. Her relationship may not have been as bumpy as mine but it wasn't easy.

"Hafsah sora keh Allah" I engaged my lips curving into a smirk.

Excuse me, did I forget to introduce the player amongst us, well uhm you have her here, she goes by the name Hafsah Abubakar Gidado son kowa Kin wanda ya rasa. The rate at which she switches guys is just as one changes cloth.

Don't get me started.

She lets out a laugh giving me a nudge, "I've got my eyes on one and this time, I'm planning to make him the one, he seems modest."

"Yeah right," Jumaima blurts with a hiss.

The two don't really seem to get along.

"Eh mana, since Nadia here is being stingy with her brother, I may as well look for another" Now it was Fatima's turn to send her a glare.

She rose her hands in defense, "Hey! Chill, he's all yours"

Ha! He sure is.

"So who is he?"

"Sir A"

I promise my heart didn't skip. Oh, and she didn't just say that, well hello! He has a wife now.

"Shey you no Dey fear face"

"Oh please, it won't be that hard to woo him, I mean take a look at me" She adjusts her seating position, they all burst into a fit of laughter.

What was funny? I def didn't find it funny at all.

"Allah ya baki sa'a" Fatima teased sharing a knowing look with me.

I rolled my eyes clearing my throat to change the topic coz I most definitely didn't find this discussion comfortable.

Later in the day, Ya Faruk came to pick Fatima up so I tagged along letting Ammar know so he didn't have to bother leaving work.

He said I could go see Ama, omoh I know say I get case with her. She'd def have my head fed to the dogs.



Triple update 💃🏽omoh o try for una ooo😭😂 oya come and gift me.

Yanxun kam no more updates till the book hits 3k views😌



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