10; Fate's Predicament.

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"—I am sorry" my lips quivered, new set of tears streaming down. In times like this, I tend to lose control over my emotions.

I've never felt as ungrateful as I did now. Let's say I've been blinded by so much attention and freedom they gave me that I lost count of the bigger picture.

"Nadia I made a promise to your mother to raise you right, ama kuma yanxun I don't think I'm doing this right. Is it a crime to cherish too much? If it is, then I should be announced guilty." Maa spoke sucking in sobs.

It's only a week to the wedding, Ama had me return home and set things straight with Maa and Baba their blessings are also required.

I've been avoiding Maa since I returned but unfortunately, she had me caught red-handed and asked me to meet her in her room.

I have a feeling it's Sabira; the maid that is responsible for this.


So! This is how I got cut up in this now I feel so very bad.

"It's okay. I just want you to know that everything we ever do is for your best." She heaved out a sigh getting a hold of my hands. "I won't hide my disappointment—"

"Maa" I fell into her embrace breaking into sobs.

The session ended with settling the unsettled beef thankfully I did Shaa get an earful. I'm glad it worked out.

I walked through the bustling house finally finding the comfort of my room or not, it's already been evaded by my maternal cousins and friends.

Yeah! It's a week from now, remember?

Who thought getting married was a pain in the ass? Is not something I signed up for but forget, I want a fairytale wedding so that when I rush through the memories, it should be as memorable.

Forgetting the fact that we both don't have feelings for each other.

I feel like Ammar is only trying to mess around with me or there has to be more to this. His confession gave me a sleepless night I must admit, I don't know why but I had this gut feeling that there is something up with this guy.

Last time I asked Ama for details about him she said a few things, there is something she was hiding. She ended up sending me off to Ammar and ask him instead.

Eventually had to drop it, but I will find out, that's for sure.

"Amarsu ya Ango" Hafsah teased wiggling her brows, I shot her a weary look. I was so exhausted honestly, last time I had a good night's rest should be a week ago.

Falling to the bed just in time my phone beamed signifying a message coming through had to fight back the urge to ignore it.

From; Hunbun❤️
-Meet me in five.

I suddenly sprint up to the bed clutching the phone to my chest my breath beginning to seize.

"A'an wanan kuma lafiya?"

"Don't mind her. Must be Habibi"

The awwn crew began their jobs.

Saving myself the trouble I exited the toilet making sure to close the door. I lean to the door slinging down as I lost balance.


From; Hunbun❤️
-I'm parked at the usual spot.

No, please. Why now? Why did he have to show up now? What is this?

I palmed back the sob tears pulled at the brim of my eyes. Even after these years I still couldn't erase his spot the more I try the worse it gets.

I came to terms that the more you force feelings away the more clingy they get only end up hurting you, therapy sessions helped in this aspect though.

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