17; Tom.

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After what seemed like forever, I finally decided on a white pair of Jeans with a coffee brown off-shoulder shirt topping it up with a chiffon veil to complement the dress.

Having done getting dressed I picked up a Louis Vuitton wedge shoe with a shoulder bag that had all my necessities contained. Taking a glance at my appearance a small smile crept on my lips.

There's no better feeling than dressing well.

I met him on his phone all dulled up; he wore vintage wash jeans with a white scoop short-sleeve shirt, adoring his biceps that almost had me ogling.

I must say, he has a pretty good sense of fashion, it's surprising though.

I cleared my throat notifying my presence, he had to finish up what he was typing before clicking the phone off and slipping it into his pocket, then looking up to face me.

His brows drew together as he scan through my appearance making me insecure about my choice of dressing.

What was wrong with it?

Color Mismatch?


"Excuse me?"

"Go and change, you're not going out like this" he spoke urging me to stare through the console ahead of me, taking once again a look at my outfit.

"What? I don't see anything wrong with it" I spoke sharing a look.

He got up erasing the distance between us made me swallow down a gulp.

First thing he did is place a hand on my bare shoulder, a shiver ran down my spine, not because I was uneasy but because his hands felt cold on my skin yet hot.

He used his thumb to brush on my neckline my legs suddenly began to feel wobbly, "I can't let other people stare at what's meant for me"

"—I, you—"

"Alone" he caught me off taking a hold of my hand and guiding me back into the room. I stood numb watching him disappear into the closet.

He came out with a peplum shirt.

"Take wear this, I'll wait outside"

And just as a blur, he disappeared.


I let out a silent groan. Why? The effect this man has on me is starting to get out of hand, I need to buckle up.

No, he doesn't get to decide on what I wear, it's my body, my choice. What I wear or do with it has nothing to do with him.


Saving myself the trouble I changed and went out less spirited than earlier.

His lips stretched into a smile as he sighted me, "Yes. So shall we?"

Sending him a glare to which he chuckles we proceeded outside.

So our first stop is Louvre Museum which turned out to be very very boring yet a sight to behold. Normally I'm not a fan of historical stuff but then the arts and whatnot that were packed all had a story to tell.

Ammar got someone to guide the tour, each portrait we stop on, the man had to fill us in on the details, Ammar seemed to be enjoying it but most of the time I was faking smiles and amusement for heaven's sake.

Later on, we went to Jardin du Luxembourg and that's where the real fun began, I loved every part of the place, I could live there if I was given a chance to.

Even though there were a few people here and there, the garden didn't fail to exert serenity.

"Having fun?" He question pulling me out of my thought train of thought.

I nod.

"Sorry about earlier"

"Huh" I sent him a meh look taking my eyes off instantly.

He chuckles, "You're married now, gotta stay decent"

"Oh, so you're saying I'm indecent?" I blurt taking offense.

Okay does he have to ruin the moment?

"I see what you're tryna do? Stop putting words into my mouth darling" he spoke pulling the tip of my nose walking off to the ice cream car ahead of us, leaving me dumbstruck.



I held onto my lower abdomen squeezing tight my eyes and huffing out a groan. It's the time of the month y'all.


Note the sarcasm.

Luckily I came along with emergency tampons. Back at home Maa usually makes me this herbal soup that makes it less terrifying.

Ammar went to the gym after ishaa and it's already so late yet he's still not back.

I crawl to the bed breaking into sobs, as though the pain is intensifying the more I shift. Just a few crawl away from the bed, I gave In.

I don't even have painkillers, nothing.

Hours later almost dying in pain his royal highness made an appearance.

"Subhanallah" I felt him moving closer.

I drew my body snuggling to the grown as though it was a fluffy sorta thing. Ugh!

He squat getting a hold of my head, "Shit! You're burning up" he picked me up from the floor and placed me in the bed.

He disappeared into the bathroom not long after exiting with a bowl of water and a small stainless towel. He settles down adjusting my head comfortably on the pillow.

He placed the warm towel on my forehead running his hands on top. The grip I hand on my lower abdomen must have given him the hint.

Nature menh!

He got a hot water bottle turning off the lights leaving only the side light on but somehow the lights were still deemed nothing could be seen visibly.

He helped.

"Ammar" I bit on my lower lip, my lips felt heavy maybe coz it was the first time I'm saying his name but it sure felt weird.


"I'm cold"

I felt the weight on the bed reduce on the bed a sec after laying beside me drawing me to his bare chest.

I swear, I'm certain he went shirtless. Placing my hands on top to confirm my assumption and guess what? I was right.

I could feel his heartbeat, steady and calm, I wonder how he does it. I'm pretty sure he could hear how mine is palpitating.

"Better?" He inquired a few minutes later.

"Uhm" I snuggled closer my eyelids dropping.



Toh fh😂 my girl don turn shameless!

Do I smell uhm uhm! 🌚😂 there is more to this.

Guys abeg let's gather an audience and I need motivation I want to be done with this book this month, I need your help, please.

Tag tag and share. Thank you❤️


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