24; J For Jealousy.

439 74 14

Just as a blur, it's already been a month things have been going really well I must, less drama more convenient. Our relationship is going pretty smoothly I must say. He's as cool and tolerant as he is, and I; well yanno.

I'm starting to get a bit comfortable with him now, I like that he's very open and supportive. I've got to learn a few things about him, he's not much of a converser but a listener, but yanno having a chatterbox for a wife it ain't easy.


He's been super busy these days. I don't even see him in school anymore, he's lectures are mostly online now. He seems to be on the edge nowadays, I don't want to be a punk noser but I'm beginning to snoop around.

The only time I get to see him now is in the morning when he drops me off. He comes home late probably thinking that I'm asleep, huh? Well if only he knew.

I want to talk to him, I wanna know what's going on, is he seeing someone? 

I probably sound like a jealous wife rn but I mean c'mon, put yourself in my shoe. I'm bound to worry, I guess I've gotten so used to having him around that it bothers me that he's slipping off.

Not fair.

He's a lecturer, I don't think he has any side job other than that, and for all, I know Nigerian lectures aren't overly occupied as the foreign, then what could possibly keep him busy if not a woman?

Or could it be Hafsah he's seeing? Did she succeed in wooing him? Nh! I expect more from him, he's a tough one, she can't with him.

But what if!?

Inallilahi I hate being in this kind of situation.

Letting out a hiss I decided on meeting up with him, I have the right to make inquiries per his ever-so-loving and adorable wife.

Yeah! You got that.

My stare flickers to the wall clock, wow it's already midnight and could you believe that he got back let's say 10 min ago?

See! That's the nice hat I'm talking about, he's def up to something.

I knock on his door waiting for a response but to no avail, I creep open the door stepping in, just as I expected the lights to be dim.

The sound coming from the bathroom urged an Oh from my lips. He's taking a shower. I ran my eyes around the room in search of a clue or something but to no avail.

My eyes fell on a bracelet a very ancient one, it most definitely didn't seem new to me but then who could it be?

I picked it up running my fingers around the piece, it's traditional, exquisite, and very pretty.

"It was my mother's" his deep yet soft voice resonated in the air making my heart skip.

When did he step out? I guess I was so engrossed that I didn't hear.

My hands quivered as I dropped it on the spot I picked it up turning to face him just to come in contact with his half-naked self.

He only had a towel wrapped around him his curly trimmed hair drenched, drops of water sizzling down to his abs and biceps, a scene to behold.



"I thought you'd be asleep. Work has been hectic" he spoke erasing the distance between us.

What work? Yeah right.

"Uhm...It's alright"

He walked past me picked up the bracelet, he got a hold of my right wrist, "She always had it on, it was her favorite set of jewelry," he explains settling it on my wrist, "I want you to have it"

"Oh no, you don't ha—" he cuts me off.


Offering him a tight-lipped smile, I gave him a nod taking a look at it, it's the second thing he's gifted me yet I still haven't given him anything.

Making a mental note to do so I mumbled a thank you.

"Happy birthday Mon Cherie" I felt his lips on my forehead.

Wait what!? Birthday?

What's today's date?

Ya illah how could I have forgotten? But then how did he know?

Birthdays have always been my thing but life happened, it turned out to be my least fav thing it remained me of things I want nothing to do with now.


He smiled pulling my nose that had my face screwed up," That shouldn't bother you, come" he ushered me to take a seat.

I swallowed down a gulp he should really consider putting on a shirt.

"Why did you stop?" He asked.

My brows drew together, "What?"

"Celebrating them"

"Who told you all this?"

"That shouldn't bother you either"

I let out an annoying groan beginning to lift but Sir here decided not to let me leave if anything he pulled me back, causing me to fall back on the bed.

He trapped me in between him his face immensely close to mine, I could feel his breath fanning me. He nuzzle his head into my neckline, I could feel him inhaling my scent, it made me shiver in fear I don't think we've ever been this intimate,

He traced kisses urging my body to quiver more in dismay, my tear glands were already beginning to act up.

"Ammar please," I stutter but he remained hooked to a particular spot kissing deeper that I'm pretty sure he left a hickey.

What was he doing? I tried pushing him off but to no avail.

Minutes later of wailing he pulled back brushing the tip of his nose with mine, "I am very attracted to you, I'm not sure for how long I'd keep waiting"

He got up walking off to the closet, I was fast to rush out of the room. I made sure to lock up my room just as I stepped into the room.

I placed a hand on my racing chest, I took slow steps toward the mirror. Moving the fabric of my nightie, my eyes fell on a reddish spot, my lips unknowingly fell into a smile.

Oh god! What is wrong with me?...


hehe! my girl don start to dey catch feelings🌚😂

love shaa sweet😭 make i vex marry seff i don tire with this single life its totally not my thing🤧

okay bye im talking too much😭


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