40; Epilogue.

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Two Years Later...

When I look back, I can help but rant dozens of Hamdallah to my lord. It wasn't an easy one but a totally worth it one and I couldn't be more grateful.

Now I believe that if life gives you lemons, make juice outta it, sip and take a deep breath, then face it. No one ever does have a smooth life without bumpy rides but some are different from others but when you look at it, we all have our trials to face.

Mine weren't easy but the benefits I got from it are life thanking. My family at my number one backbone, they've played a vital role in my life that I couldn't be more grateful of.

At the beginning of my story, I oozed insecurities, and couldn't pick the good and the bad, but things changed, I met someone, a man; my man.

He filled every void and showed me that life happens once and making the most out of it is the only thing one could do. He also thought me that just coz you miss the first aim, it doesn't hurt to go again.

Mistakes happen, things don't Alamogordo your way but the best you could do is embrace it and face it. I can count myself lucky enough to have him as a life partner.

We all have our ups and downs yet the will to stick together has us working things out. Our kids, Adam and Hajaara; Arah, her nickname, raising them was a bumpy ride but it was a phase bound to pass.

The support we share is one of the pillars that has our relationship stand firm and rigid.

"Matar Lecturer" Hafsah calls earning a glare.

Yes! It's been quite a long, so Jumaima organized a get-together to catch up. Fatima offered to organize it at her cafe so here we are.

So ever since I confessed my relationship with Ammar she has been calling me that which I found very annoying.

I had this policy of keeping my relationship with my teachers, and colleagues strictly professional so that must explain why she found joy in calling that.

More like a lecturer in disguise.

"Ke kika sani, wai ashe yarinyar nan is married to Sir A" Jumaima blurts still finding it annoying.

Fatima laughed to which I shrugged, "Please oo! Don't ruin the fun, let's move out they're done setting the environment"

The day went back pretty quickly. I stopped by Maa's to pick up Arah before heading home. I'm pretty sure I'd be getting the grumpy face from Adam.

He wanted so badly to have a sleepover with a friend at his school yet his father didn't find it necessary so he declined. Ammar is very protective over his family, their safety is his top priority.

Adam may not be his biological son but the things he has done for him define other than that, he loved him as his own.

Yes! We are lucky to have him.

"Thank you Cleo" I walked in hand in her over to her.

"Sir is upstairs"

My brows drew together, "He's back?" She nods.

"Okay. Make sure to run her a bath please" She mumbled an okay before I head for the stairs.

I met him at Adam's room the door was slightly open so I eves dropped.

"I'll tell you what, You can go to aviation school at your desired choice"

His grump suddenly lifted, "Really"

"You have my word"

His shoulder slumped, "What about Mama? You know she so—"

"Don't worry about her, I'll handle things"

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