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Luckily the car ride was as dead silent as a graveyard. I fiddled with my purse bitting on my lip, fighting back the nervousness.

In case you're wondering, I'm not usually like this somehow this man keeps me on the edge. His physique, I may be exaggerating things too much but anyone in my shoe can tell.

"Do I make you nervous?"


The rate of my heart escalated to a whole new level. This isn't the first time I'm hearing his voice is it coz this time his close enough or what.

"—no, of course not" it's obvious he does, judging by the expression I gave.

He nods. "Good. I see no reason you should, I don't bite"

"Sure sir"


"You said it yourself, it's Sir"

He remain mute for some sec making me regret my words but ai it's true, I could remember him making that clear, besides I don't wanna get involved, especially not with my lectures.

I exercise professionalism, strictly.

"In class, yes."


"No buts"

I nod wanting the conversation to end there. For the rest of the ride, I directed him to our destination and in less than an hour, he parked at the gate.

I proceed to make my way out but his words beat me to it. "Miss Hashim, no tardiness"

Gulping down a numb I offer him a nod shutting the door afterward. He roared the engine driving off.

Who exactly does he think he is?

Uff! I already do not like him.

Note the sarcasm.

That wasn't but my subconscious, ever so ready to be against me.

Huffing out a sigh I walked my way I'm ready to embrace Maa's scoldings, I won't hear the end of it.

And just as I expected I saw her figure sprawled on the coach. Her eyes were shut, and I limped my way to the stairs like some thief.


"From where are you coming from young lady"

My eyes squint as I mumble some cursing words under my breath.

"I was at Ama's place"

"With who's permission? Na gane yarinyar nan so kike ki wuce gona da iri."


"Yimun shuru, could have at least called. What part of you are an Amana to us do you not understand? We have every right to know your whereabouts, a single call would have done it, but A'a ai yanxun kin girma, wuyan ki ya isa yanka, bamu isa da ke bah" she moved closer her full face covered in annoyance and displease.

I let out a weary laugh, "Of course, I'm a grown-up now. I'm sorry Maa but I am no longer five, I don't know when you'd stop treating me as one. I'm twenty-one for goodness sake—"

"Twenty-one and still unmarried, huh? If you claim to be a grown-up then bringing forth a man won't be a problem—"

"Sabi da Allah aure lokaci ne Maa I'm sick and tired of you bringing it up here and there. I get that I'm a liability given to you by my late parents that you can no longer keep up with, you should have said it to me sooner." I barked my eyes moist with tears that I was doing a great job holding back.

She kept shut, her lips trembling, a tear slipping off. Her hands reach for my face but I saved her the trouble of stepping aside. I head for the stairs stopping mid-way.

"I'll be moving out tomorrow. Goodnight Maa"

Author's POV

Kamal; Nadia's biological father is Ama's second child that lost his life in a plane crash as said. On the day of his death, Khadijah; his wife brought Nadia into the world.

Her one wish was for Hafsah and Umar to raise Nadia seeing as how the lifestyle of the Moriki-s runs. She couldn't trust any with her daughter maybe coz she believed they wouldn't raise her right, the greed that runs in that family is enough to set one running but then with Kamal, he keeps her sane.

Alhaji was sure against it, he believed to have his blood right next to him and having someone take responsibility for his work is the last thing he'd do. Ama on the other side wasn't against it, she tried to convince him but to no avail.

It was after his death, Ama let Khadijah and Umar have her. By that time, Faruk; a son of Umar's younger brother moved in with them. Umar saw the longing of wanting a child in his wife, he did all he could, visited various hospitals, and tried so many drugs but after all, haihuwa na ga Allah.

Nadia's POV.

Thankfully Ya Faruk wasn't in town, I believe he's the only one that could change my mind, as heard he left for yet another business trip. Baba's health is deteriorating with each passing day, I can tell.

His brain tumor has him down lately. Ya Faruk is taking charge now, the poor guy barely has time now.

"What happened?" Ama inquires. I look away from her questioning stare huffing out in dismay.

I wasn't going to escape this, I should have thought about this, menh!


"Don't lie to me"

God! Why is it always hard with this oldie?


No. I am not disrespectful, don't judge.

"I need some time away—"

"It's about the marriage issue, isn't it?"

No. Not again.

"Kale ni nan, one month is all you have to introduce a man or you know the—-"

"But Ama that's not fair—"

"You may leave"

Inallilahi what have I gotten myself into?


She motioned towards the door.

I gather the remaining sanity left in me before walking out bumping into Ammar along the way.

Could my life get any worst?


Dan Dan Dan!

Wedding bells are ringing fh😂 bari mu fara preparations.

Thank you so much guys your support is highly valued. To the new readers barkanku! It's an honor having you😁

Oya oya drop your thoughts, lemme fill you up with updates.


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