30; Beginning Or End.

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Alhamdullila. So this is what it feels like to bag your degree, the ease that comes with is a different sort of emotion. Exams trauma wasn't funny at all, but luckily we were strong enough to conquer.

"Alhamdullila ya rabbil Ameen" Jumaima blurts with a full grin.

Congratulations filled in the atmosphere, some had smiled while some were already beginning to tear up but one thing was for sure, we all were gonna miss the moments.

"Nadia, why do you have dozen of missed calls from Maa?" Fatima announced handing over the phone.

"That's weird, I also have missed calls from Ama"

My heart skipped, I really hope it wasn't mom's condition.

"We should go"

I gave her a nod bidding the rest goodbye before making our way to the parking lot.

My phone ding a message dropped.

From; A.
-You made your choices, it's time I make mine.

My heart dropped. I saw this coming, Ammar has been gone for the past two months. We barely meet these days, we're back now back to square one.

I placed my hand on my small bump biting my lower lip. I had gone through some tests just to confirm after a lot of signs I need to be sure. No one knows about the pregnancy, not even the father.

I don't know who I am anymore or who I'm turning into. My feelings are all over the place, I can no longer decipher what's wrong or not. I'm just lost and confused, if only I could depict how I feel without having to blabber.

No matter how much I try to terminate the pregnancy I always end up doing otherwise, I just couldn't find a reason to end it, it's all shade of good.

There was nothing wrong with me having it, for how I know Ammar, he'd surely be ecstatic plus I know he'd treat me right as always but, I just don't have anything specific.

We walked into the house heading straight for the parlor my steps literally came to a halt. Maa's eyes were all puffy and bloodshot probably from too many tears, Ama had usually bossy expressions, while uncle Mubarak seem to be on edge.

"Salam Alaikum," I mumbled notifying my presence erasing the distance between Maa and I.

"—Maa—" I felt a stingy pain on my left cheek.

"Kin ci amana mu ni da mahai finki, was this how we raised you? Eh? I am very disappointed in you, wanene shi? What has he? Everything, we have you everything, I made sure you had the best life had to offer, your father provided for you by all means, toh Mai ne zai kaiki ga halaka? Zina fah!" She scolds letting the waterfalls drop.

"Talk! Don't be quiet, tell me...what is it?" She fires pushing me off my shoulder causing me to almost lose balance.

I broke into sobs, I've never felt so wrong as I have right now. So this was it, the long-anticipated day is finally here.

"Idan baki bude baki kinyi magana ba sai na mugun saba miki Wllh. Me kika nema kika rasa!?"

"A mother! And a father!" I blazed mustering up enough courage. "I never asked for wealth, all I need was your time, care, and affection but instead what did I get? Huh!?... You and Baa were always moving from one country to the other, from meetings to conferences and trips, whatnot Maa! Do you remember whenever I asked you or Baa to be there at an important moment in my life, who do you send? It was always Sarah, did you know that she emotionally abused me? Did you? Eh? You were never there for me, you claim that I'm an Amana handed over to you but what I fail to see is you cherish it."

"That is not true!"

I let out a weary laugh, "Is that so? Then tell me Maa, enlighten—" she cut me off with yet another slap.

I held into my cheek face letting out a laugh a painful one, "That's right, hit me Maa but you can never change the truth, I did what I did and nothing you say or do is going to change that, Aryaan had played an important and meaningful role in my life that I'd never be able to forget. Yes! I've made mistakes that I'm not very proud of, bu—"

"Shut up!" He roars bombarding the charger over me, "baki da kunya. You dare not drag the family name into the mud, you have no right" he hits ignoring my wails.

Uncle Mubarak has never been this harsh, he didn't seem like the type, I pleaded with him but to no avail, for the first time, I had seen a teardrop from Ama's worn-out eyes.

She tore her gaze away from me, Ya Farouk has always been there to save me but not this time, it was high time I faced my crimes. I clutch on my bump.

Minutes later the hits came to a halt.

"You have no right to lay a finger on her" his voice sounded as daring and apex as ever my squinted eyes budge open.

Just when I thought I'd seen him raged enough, his sight wasn't good to behold.

"Get your hands off me Ammar" He shot back drawing off his wrist from Ammar's hold.

He stood in front of me his grand structure shielding me from the shame I'd put myself into.

"She's my wife, let me deal with her" his calm tune had me impressed for some reason. Even if the toughest of times he's still able to stay composed.


Another case on its own, I'm not sure how what he has in store for me but it wasn't going to end well.

This is the end...

Or could it be the beginning?

Nah! I highly doubt that.


Tohm tohm tohm! I know y'all don start to Dey vex😂 sorry keep calm it'll surely end in your favor or maybe not 😭💔

Nadia Dey mess up! Asiri wa tonatu😭💃🏽💃🏽😂 what do you think is going to be Ammar's judgment?🌚

Guys we have twenty more chapters to go💃🏽 before I finally begin with my new book CAPTAIN AMIR😁 y'all can go to my IG page and check out the book trailer, username is; faixatuu.__



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