33; You And I.

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"I told you, you've made your choice now it's time I make mine. This alignment is of no use, relationships are built based on trust, communication, and time...Now tell me which one does ours have?" He was on the edge but somehow her expression was at the peak of giving him away.

She wiped off her cloudy vision tongue-tied, just as always she couldn't look him in the eye and say it. the words were at the top of her tongue yet too heavy to blurt. She groans in annoyance walking up to him.

"Ammar" he turned his back at her.

He didn't like how the conversation was getting heated up plus it wasn't good for her health, he didn't want to trigger her panic attacks.

"I'm sorry"

After a short while he gave a nod, "Yeah I'm sorry too" heading for the door.

She rush to him enfolding her hands around him, she placed her head on his back bursting into a new set of tears.

His heart softens. Her muffled sobs filled in the air, he lift his hand placing it on hers, he pulled her hand off him turning to face him just after she fell to his chest clutching harder.

"—I love you" She mumbled in between tears, "I really do, please don't leave me" she cried soaking his shirt, "I can't bare it"

His lips spread into a smirk, his heart coming to rest, just what he wanted. The other time he said to his mum that he was ending things it was only coz he sensed her presence, he knew she'd be close by.

Shey she was playing hard to get? Well, now he can have his cake and eat it.

Minutes later he piled her off, "Nadia don't say things you don't mean. I use to love you, I still do but if loving you means letting go then I'll do it for your happiness, you can have the happy ending you always desired. I've always done things in your best interest,"

"Don't say that, please, let's start afresh. I don't know how I could make you understand or show you that I really do have feelings towards you, it has always been you, just that I was blinded by the infatuation I had for Aryaan, Ammar we can still patch things up, will fight, I am not losing you too" She blurts in one breath. "You can't get rid of me easily, I'll make you fall for me again, no more secrets, I promise" new set of tears ran down.

He had to fight back the urge to lift her and place a mind-blowing kiss, he had to refrain himself.

Now it was his time to shine.

"You can only love once,"

"Yes and that is why I solely believe that your feelings for me remain unchanged." She poked his chest line.

He got a hold of her hand fighting back a chuckle.

"Keep yourself together" placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't tell me to calm down, when you're the reason I'm like this, you did this to me. Somehow after you left, you made me realize that one could only breathe if the reason to do so was there, for me I began to notice that you have always been the one for me and I was stupid enough to have not noticed that, but now I'm ready to rectify that and no one, not even you can stop me. You said it yourself, it's a forever thing so mark this the beginning of our forever Ammar Muhammad El Samad"  he stares at her in amusement.

She huffed out a series of breaths, "I, you—-" she was cut off by his lips on her living her flabbergasted. She remains numb as she let him have his way.

He took a minute or so to familiarize his way around her before he pulled off, he stared at her squinted eyes a smirk forming on his lips, "You talk too much" his hoarse had her eyes open.

She bored her eyes into his her heart beating raggedly, she doesn't think the way she felt for him is normal, it was very unhealthy if she may add.




She merged their lips back savoring the mint taste of his lips. She tangled her hand in his hair keeping him close as he retaliated with just the right energy.

Let's not get outta line...

She pulled away catching her breath.

"Who would have thought" he teased earning a nudge he lets out a laugh, her lips formed into a pout, he slipped his hands around her waist pulling her close, he placed a quick peck, "You're cute when you're bossy, I like that"

She rolled her eyes placing her head on his chest, his heartbeat sounded like music to her hearing.



"It's You and I"

He puffed out a breath cupping her cheeks. He had his eyes lost in eyes, placing a kiss on her forehead his lips drawing into a smile he nods, "It's just you and me"

"I love you"


Wowww! Three chapters in one go💃🏽😮‍💨 I'm so proud of myself 😌

Before you have my headssss Ammar and Nadsss it's a forever thing😂😌🤌🏼❤️

7 more to go.


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