29; Ace? Master?.

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These past few days have been pretty much hectic and less eventful. It's almost time for our final exams, a lot of tests have been taking place.

To add up to that, I've been emotionally drained, I haven't been able to keep my head straight, I've been avoiding Ammar, the mere sight of him sends waves of guilt down my throat.

Allah he deserves better than this, Aryaan on the other hand is being more active and caring even though I'm just going with the flow.

He's brought it upon himself to search for our son, deep down I want him back but I'm scared of the consequences I'd have to face. Ama and Maa won't-take it slightly with me.

I had him when I was only seventeen. I was young and too dumb to raise a child. After Aryaan's departure, I had gone through a series of breaks down. At first, when I found out about the pregnancy, my first thought was to get rid of it, I was frightened. I regretted all that I had done, plus Aryaan was always sure to use protection.

He said to me that someday we'd have children when both parties are ready and married. To think of how naive I was back then disgusted me, how did I let him manipulate me into zina.

Ya Faruk was the one person I could turn to, he helped me throughout the stage and when I had the baby, All I could think of was to give him up for adoption, Ya Faruk had always respected my decision regardless of what they were.

I just couldn't raise a child besides if Maa or Baa were to return and find out, I would have been buried six feet by now.

A day never goes by that I don't think of him.

"Nadia eats up, it's almost time for Sir A's class" Jumaima ushers.

I stared at the filled plate scrunching my nose. I had no appetite, did I mention I've been eating less these days?

Morning sickness, fatigue, and nausea. I missed my TOM for this month, I just hope it doesn't turn it to be what I have in mind, it's the last thing I want even though I'm def sure I may be expecting.

But no, at least not right now.

"Alhamdullila, let's get going" I gulped down a glass filled with water.

The class as usual was already filled up before we got there but as always Joe had us covered. Minutes later, he walked in looking as ravishing as ever.

I tore my stare at him gluing my stare to the blank page of my jotting book.

I suddenly felt lightheaded and suffocated, I needed to get out, but how?


Placing my head on the table didn't help one bit. After mustering up enough courage, I got up just in time for some men dressed in black tuxes with nerve-racking physiques assembled in the hall.

Whispers begin to circulate, somewhere panic where some stayed curious as ever.

Ammar's hands clenched into a fist his lips moving, sure he was mumbling cursing words.

"By the authority of Ace, your presence is being rendered Master." One of them spoke with his head hung low.

The environment suddenly became pin drop, the man's gruff voice resonated around the area.


Is there something I'm missing?

"—With due respect we aren't leaving here without you."

He stole stared at my stuffed figure quickly taking his eyes off it.


"Yes master"

Taking a last glance at me, "Lead the way"

He drawer the sleeves of his shirt down grabbing his stuff which was seized by one of thee men.

What was going on?


"Stay the fucking hell away from me!?" I held pushing him off.

It's been two days since the event no signs of him, and now he decide to come home today at midnight. Who am I married to? He's beginning to scare me, Allah.

He's a very secretive person I'm starting to think he may be involved in a cult group or something.

"Let me explain"

"Get out Ammar, leave...just go" do I even have a reason to be mad?

"Hear me out please" his tune was on the edge, I could sense that he was trying too hard to keep his cool.

"Who are you?" This is the third time I'm asking that, yet none has been answered.


"Go, please...I can not with this. You know you're really starting to irritate me, so leave" my lashes were beginning to get wet.

Fucking hormones.

He pushed me to the wall, placing his hands on both sides. "Not right now, plea—" he fell loose on my shoulder, his head was burning hot.

My heart dropped, I grabbed onto him assisting him to the bed. He fell to the bed drawing me with him, I try to wiggle off him but to no avail.

He had me squashed to his comfort, I couldn't fight back the giddy feeling even though I know it felt good.



"Do you have an ounce of emotion towards me?"

His question caught me off guard, but I saw it come.

Do I?

Hell yes!

Am I willing to accept that?

Hell no!

I know, I'm a very complicated person.

"Say it"

"N-no" I mumbled biting on my lower lip his hold on me began to lose.

He huffed out a sigh, "Then why did you give me all of you?"

"It was I choice I didn't have"

He puffed out a breath, "You, I...Alright" he got up and walked into the bathroom...

I am so sleepy rn😂💔

Abeg just drop your thought I'll update later depending on your comments.


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