21; Je T'aime.

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They say, there's no place like home; Agreed. The flight was stressful and exhausting as expected thanks to my Netflix it was less boring.

Ammar as usual spent most of his time on his MacBook as usual. The work he does is way more than that of a lecturer I believe he must have a side job, def.

We made small conversations here and there, it was Shaa only inquiring if I need anything, checking up on me here and there while I sat and relax receiving the baby treatment.

The events of yesterday are still clear and fresh in my memory, since yesterday I refuse to meet eyes with him, not coz I'm shy or anything but because his confession got me flabbergasted, to be honest, coz I def didn't expect that anytime soon judging by the mood of our relationship.

So we're currently home oh wait, did I forget to mention that Ammar is letting me stay with Maa for the weekends then he'd come to pick me up on Sunday night.

He's a very considerate person, Allah, that is one of the qualities I like about him but def not him don't get me wrong, please.

"Maa na" I whined encircling my arms around her cherishing the motherly hug.

She gave me a smack wiggling out of my hold, "Bawani chan, kinyi aure kin manta da Maa, what is your husband feeding you? You're growing chubby"

She knew just the right buttons to get to me, "Haba Mama, ya da haka"

She lets out a laugh messing up my hair to which I groan. I could still see the loneliness draped in her eyes, Baa's departure has made in great impact on her life.

For Maa to spend a week available that's a big change. Although she's been laying low ever since Baa's sickness was diagnosed, she still had time to do the other stuff.

She's an international trader, she's been into the world of business, Baa introduced her to all this. During their youth, after they discovered that Maa was Barren she went through a series of mental health issues that almost got her into depression, Baa thought taking her mind off things could hopefully help which it did.

So after they got to be, she was never really interested in having a kid, having gotten used to the motherless lifestyle it was hard for her but she knew she had to take responsibility, only coz I was her best friend's child.

I won't say she is trying but there's still a void that is left incomplete, no matter how much she tried I still felt the emptiness. I didn't get to meet my mother, I've only heard stories from Ama and I could tell what a beautiful soul she was if only I got to meet her.

"I can't believe Ammar let you spend the weekend here" She patted my back.

I fought back the urge to roll my eyes getting comfortable on the couch as I much on my potato chips. "Well, what can I say?" I wiped off the dust on my shoulder.

She huffed out a hiss shaking her head, "When will you ever grow up?"

"Sai na fara ganin grey hair a kanki" I joked letting out a laugh.

She sent me a playful glare, "You want to see grey hair huh? Give me a grandchild first"

My eyelids draw struggling to fight back the embarrassment I got up, "Okay Maa, this conversation is over"

"Ina ai karyan ki, dawo nan"

"Bye Maa. I'm so exhausted, I need a good night's rest"

I could hear her laugh as I ascended the stairs, it's good to hear that sound, it warms my heart.


*Did you get something to eat?* He asked, I could hear the sound of the keys tapping. Just as always, he's working.

I was getting ready for bed when his; my husband's, call came through. Is the care for me? Yeah! Def I mean, he couldn't possibly go a day without hearing from me, am I that missable?

Not to brag though, fills an imaginary rapunzel hair.

*Are you always on your laptop?* I found myself asking, doesn't his eyes strain ne out?

He huffed out a chuckle, *Why?*

*No offense but you are one workaholic*

He lets out a laugh now urging a smile from my lips, I find the sound very cute and calming probably coz he rarely laughs.

*Well Mrs if my wife was paying more attention, maybe I'd be less of one*

I kept mute, my cheeks stinging, a full-blown smile.

He clears his throat, *Are you there?*

Gulping down a numb, *Yeah! I'm sleepy, we should call it a day*

He smirked I can tell he did that, not me picturing a smirk on his lips but I'm sure he's doing that.

*Sure Bellà*


*Sleep tight, Je T'aime*

Uhm. He has got to stop doing that, weirdly that gives me jitters, don't get me wrong though but yanno what I mean huh?


What a day.

So bh! introverted_meeee  happened 😭😂 she came after my poor soul🤧😂

This chapter is for you bbygurlll!

And to y'all that are being supportive, I love you lots and lots❤️❤️

Heads up for the next chapter🌚


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