32; Letting Go.

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Author's POV.

It was a chance for him to get away and clear out his mind plus to eliminate any source of impending danger that had to do with his family.

His father is a despicable man that could go to any extent to have what he wants. El Samad wanted him to take over his empire and the fact that Ammar was being bullheaded about it irked him urging him to force it upon it.

Mafia? Wasn't his thing, he knew about it for a very long time yet remained quiet about it as there was time for everything. His mum didn't, she only got to find out after he left for Nigeria. His mum is someone he once had alone, just her and no one else.

But the day he was tied to Nadia he knew she had become someone he'd breathe the last air with regardless of the circumstances that come their way, after all, there's no successful relationship that hasn't gone through a series of challenges.

At times he wished he could open up his heart and show her how much she meant to him and that all his feelings for her were true yet she never fails to make it hard upon him. He had tried so many times, to get her to open but her obstinate mind wouldn't give in.

He was compelled to dive deep into her, if she wasn't willing to share he may as well figure it out himself. It was all shades of wrong but all is fair in love and war.

He knew about Aryaan, their son, her scars, pains, and parents, everything was brought forward to him even things she didn't know about herself yet he remained oblivious giving her so many chances to give in and talk to him yet to no avail.

Ammar is the type of person that doesn't judge people based on their past, he's focused on their future and the change they're willing to make but for her, She kept messing up.

All the meetups with Aryaan had happened right in front of him yet he did nothing, for her, it was wrong but he wasn't gonna judge her, after all, she was human.

To err is human to forgive is divine, he let all that slide so many times. A few years back if anyone ever told him that he'd be prey to the word 'Love' he'd probably take that person to an asylum but here he is.

A year had thought him so much more that he didn't know. Thankfully he had cleared out the beef between his father and him, to get straight to the point, El Samad is gone, for good.

The news came to him from his trustee a few months back. He was killed by his partners after bagging their party's rules.

It stung but he got what he deserved at least now he didn't have to worry about protecting his mother from him. He wanted nothing of his father's property, he was starting his empire on a clean slit so he needed none of that.

He had given up at some points, it gets tiring, we all get exhausted at some point but he was never one to give up, after all, he was Ammar, Ammar Muhammad El-Samad, a son to his mother.

"How is she?"

Hajara sighed staring at her son, a slight smile busted her lips as she examines him. A flash of his childhood memory came running into her mind, how time flies.

"You should talk"

His shoulders dropped as he sucked in a breath puffing out just after, "—Mum-"

"I know, you all need that, don't you think" She wiggled her brows patting his back, he chuckled as she got up.

Was he ready to meet her?


He misses her, but this time, this time it shouldn't be about him, he had promised himself that, maybe that was even the problem from the very start.

"Mum" he calls halting her steps.

"Dad is gone" he announced out of the blue, maybe it was a reason to escape talking to her.

Her body went stiff, she found the nearest couch and sat on it, calming her racing heart.

She kept chanting Inallilahi waina illahi rajiun he walked to her settled down next to her, held onto her hand as she broke into sobs.

Minutes later, her cries died down she pulled off wiping off her tear-stained face.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

His heart pained even after so much misery he had caused her yet her heart bleed for him, it irked him for some reason.

So this is love?

"It's alright. I'll go call her" She got up yet again but he held onto her seating her back.

He shook his head, "It's over Mum, it's of no need, I've come to terms with that,"


"It's the end, I'm letting her go"


So this is it?😭💔 Ammar has given up!

Lemme carry my wahala and be going, bye guys😭😂💔

Faixatuu. Ya

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