39; Hajaara.

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"For the love of Allah, what are you both still doing?" I sparked for the umpteenth time. Being in control of two boys is another job on its own, the wahala is too much.

And somehow I feel they both are doing things purposely, Ammar is a very bad influence on Adam, they both won't be the end of me.

I hissed placing a hand on my nine-month bump. I've passed my EDD two days ago and still no signs of labor, I'm afraid of any complications, I hope there weren't any though.

So today is Adam's first day in school, and being the very responsible father he is we're running late.

Yeah! Not the sarcasm.

"Adam!" I yelled just in time for him to come into view running down the stairs.

"Coming Mama" he announces almost tripping on the staircase.

"Ya illah! Careful" I rubbed on my temples letting out a hiss. Being a parent is not easy, not at all, kudos to all parents.

I felt a peck on my left cheek, I turned to send him a glare to which he chuckles licking his suitcase.

"This is your fault" I fire checking to see if he had all the necessities ready for school before we started to make our way out.

"Calm down mamacita, too much stress is not good for you or my girl" he pinched the tip of my nose earning a smack.

"Mama, are you coming to pick me up?" He asked as Ammar ignited the engine, hitting the road.

"No, the chauffeur is. Are you ready for school?" I ask looking through the rare mirror, shooting me a toothy grin and a beamed a yes clutching onto his toy story backpack.

How cute. Bonding with Adam wasn't easy but totally worth it coz once I got the hang of it, it was all a wing and of course with the help of Ammar.

There were tons of breakdowns and doubts about my capabilities but with the help of my partner, I was able to conquer and I couldn't be more thankful for having him.

"Goodbye baby" I waved my eyes glistening with tears.

"C'mon he's a grown boy, he'll be okay" he placed his hand on my shoulder guiding me back to the car.

The ride fell into a comfortable silence. Minutes later I found myself reminiscence the memorable moments of our lives. Who would have thought we'd come this far?

I love my life, everything about it; the challenges weren't the best of parts but I still am thankful that Allah guided me through I wouldn't have done it without him.


I shake my head, "Nothing"

"O-kay," he didn't sound convinced yet he brushed it off focusing on the drive.

He was dropping me off at Fatima's it's been a week or so since we last met, and things have been hectic for both of us. Me focusing on my motherhood journey, and her newly started cafe shop.




"I love you"

A few months back if anyone had ever told me I'd be head over heels for this man right here I'd probably laugh it off his face. So here I am, confidently voicing out my feelings toward him. I feel like regardless of how much I say to him, is still not enough to depict how I feel.

I just ugh! You know what I mean.

He chuckles, "Where is that coming from?"

My smile dropped into a scowl, "So you're saying you don't care?"

"What!!? Please, don't even think about it"

I bit back a laugh feigning annoyance. "What do you mean mister, that my feelings don't matter?" My tune was soaked with seriousness.

I always do that and it never seizes to get him worked up. During my early stage of pregnancy, I can also swear that I wasn't easy on him there are things that I'd purposely do and things that flow naturally yet he never failed to shower his care and attention.

I know, I'm one lucky woman, not to brag though.

Yes! I'm in love.

He sighed, "I'm not having this conversation"

I laughed clasping our hands together.


"Fatima" I screamed getting her more panicked.

Yes! I'm in labor and Fatima here is driving like a slug as she tested up. Her silent cries and constant sorry-s weren't working the pain I am in is times two of that.

She's a mother, yeah! A mother of a beautiful and sweet daughter Nana Aisha, so she could relate.

The nurses helped me into the labor room the pain got worse. The last thing I remember is giving birth to a girl I think before everything went dark.

Author's Note.

Her eyes split open struggling to adjust to the lighting of the room before she finally did. His sleepy figure is the first thing she set her eyes on her lips curving into a smile.

He had his head down probably sleeping with their hands entangled together. How much more could she love this man?

She remained stiff not wanting to wake him but the cough that burst through her pale lips had him shiver up.

"Babe!" He got he a cup making sure she had it all before settling next to her. "You have no idea how happy you make me" he kissed her forehead keeping a firm hold on her hand.

"What did you name her?" She asked running her thump back and forth.

He smiled, "It's your choice, as you please"

She nods the feeling of satisfaction hitting her, she's had the name at the tip of her tongue all this while just waiting for his permission which she was granted.



Awwwn! I am so in love too😭😂 omoh love sweet ooo💃🏽😂💔

Epilogue to go, ya illah! I can't believe it better prepare your reviews ooooo! Tohm yayi😌

Plus epilogue is dropping tomorrow and I'm taking the book off on Wednesday so anybody that hasn't finished only has a day coz I'm moving it to OkadaBooks.


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