13; Mon Belle Râleur.

577 86 35

It's official. Congratulations roamed around, my lips ache from all the fake smiles. My friends and relatives teasing went on and on until I had to perform my nawafils.

Astagfirullah, at this point I don't know what I'm grateful for.

I need a break from all this, which I'm I don't seem to be getting any time soon.

I Shaa prayed for the sanity I'd be needing to survive the whole marriage thingy. I've always pictured myself to be a happy bride, a wedding to remember that we'd leave your Instagram feed trending and whatnot.

Newsflash, that ain't happening.

Deep down I hope this works out for me, at least for once maybe.

"Nadia he's here"

The awning crew began causing me to roll my eyes. Fatima helped in adjusting my plain white shantaly veil.

"Do I have to do this?" I mumbled to only Fatima and Khadija's hearing coz they stood on each of my sides assisting me in working out.

They shared a knowing look giggling afterward as though I said the funniest thing on earth.


My face drop into a scowl making sure to nudge each of them to which I earned a satisfying groan.

"Nadia you sure got yourself the man" Khadijah states emphasizing 'man'

Yeah yeah! I sure did.

"I mean he has his back at us, but his nerve-racking physique says it all" Fatima teased giving me a slight nudge.

I rolled my aching eyes, they would at least tell me something I do not already know. Who am I kidding? The guy is the full definition of a Greek god.

As per his wife, I have to get used to well yanno, I don't want to sound smitten, so I'll pass.

"She's here" one of the groomsmen announced urging him to turn around. I had my head hung low somewhat afraid to meet his gaze.

But the look he gave me was penetrating. It made me shiver awkwardly.

"Allez mec c'est ta femme; go on man, she's your woman" Amongst the groomsman spoke yet again.


Wait, is there something I'm missing?

Don't tell me he speaks French!!!

"Dis-Moi quelque chose que Je ne sais pas; Tell me something I don't already" he sent him a glare offering back his full view at me.

I died!

Omoh! In a normal circumstance, this man has ticked and passed all the criteria of 'my' dream man.

Just when I thought I saw it all, his facial view had me ogling but thanks to my veil I was safe. His now trimmed beard added to his full sharp jawline, with a dose of his usual mischievous smiles had me drooling.

Maybe, but I did gulp down a numb.

His manly-scenting perfume hit my nostrils making my stomach churn in satisfaction, this is not starting to be fair. It's Almost as though he's doing all this on purpose, or rather an uhm! Well yanno.

My heart rate escalated as he proceed to lift my veil, the small blush that crept had me chewing hard on my lower lip.

Damn it!

I struggle to keep a scowl that I'm pretty sure he'd know how fake it is, presuming he's not observant he wouldn't.

I swear, I'm very good at faking facial expressions.

I refuse to meet up to his gaze. My shoe is now the entertainer of my situation.

His cold hands cupping my cheek had me taken aback. Def what I wasn't expecting, he also must hav sensed that but your nigger still didn't pull away.

His hands felt too cold yet soft and welcoming the slight brush had the butterflies erupting, something tells me he was doing this on purpose just so he could get a reaction from me.

"Mon femme, Mon belle râleur; My wife, my beautiful grumpy one" he hushedly spoke running his thumb on my pale lips.

Not me fighting back the urge to bite on it, deciding to be nice at least for today.

I wrote a mental note to begin taking French classes.

The photo session lasted for more than an hour, the groomsmen are one hella of a squad.

Dey no get shame at all.

Plus they all didn't seem Nigerian on a bit, I shaa kept my thoughts to myself although I heard some of the girls speaking about them being Niger-ians

"Nadia come, it's time for the khuduba" My aunt announced guiding me to Maa's room which had most of the elders there.

I made sure to hold on tight to Fatima that had earlier tried to escape, I believe if I was going down so should she.

"Hajiya ai sai ki fara koh?" My paternal aunt ushered my maternal grandmother.

She began with the Islamic greetings placing a hand on my left shoulder making my figure more tensed and worked up.

"Kiji tsoron Allah, aure ba Abun wasa bane. Your husband should now be your number one priority coz your Jannah lies underneath his feet, treat him as you'd treat your parents. I'm sure Khadijah and Kamal raised you right, I can see such a responsible woman you've grown to be. I won't say much other than be patient, the key to a successful marriage is by Sabr, there are times that things get rough but the best thing to do Is resolve your issues within yourselves, never include a third party other than your Rabb." She spoke patting my back, "kinji koh?"

I nod faking sobs.


You don't expect me to tear up now, do you?

Maa still didn't say a thing to me but she did give me a journal and asked me to go through it when and if I was alone. She also mentioned that it was my mother's, she always wanted me to have it.

After the wakan amarya, I was conveyed to the groom's house.

Another khuduba from Ama that 'almost' had me shed a tear, but Nah!

Your girl is a tough one.

And then finally, My matrimonial home.



Toh toh toh! We're now taken Jamaa! Allah ya yada

To y'all against Ya Faruk, Toh Nadia is finally Mrs. Ammar😂💃🏽 let's sha hope it last.

Coz this one that that she's misbehaving like this, make I no talk😂💔

Oya oya comment lemme drop another update.


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