3; Meet Nadia.

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"But seriously Ya Faruk when do you plan on settling down?" I ask my irked brother who seems utterly frustrated. Baba and some of our family relatives have been on the poor guys neck on the issue of marriage.

They never fail to complain forth the situation. The truth is unlike Ya Kamal my immediate older brother, Ya Faruk is no-way a Mr ladies guy. Kamal always know his way around with women and he could easily woo them.

Ya Faruk is more of a reserved person. Being the oldest person of the house, he had a lot on his plate. You could say he's more like an introverted workaholic.

Only I/get to know what goes around Ya Faruk's head. Besides two of my other siblings, I am the closest to Ya Faruk. Just like I'm his human diary, so is he.

I'm twenty one and his like Thirty but we vibe just fine. I know how crimped he is but we needed to find a solution sooner as we don't have much time.

"You of all people know the reason Nadia. I'm not really into all this things, the load on my back is enough to clear women related issues off my mind" he sighs rubbing his temples.

Ya Allah! Only he knows what he must be feeling.

"Fatima" her name slips out of my lips as an idea popped into my mind. Fatima Abdulrahaman mostly referred to as Ikram is basically my sister from another mother.

We grew up together, attend the same schools, played together, had the same; everything. I'm only a week older than her, at times we wished our mothers had given birth to us on the same day and time as well.

Yeah! How crazy of us, lol...

He gave me the look which screamed 'Elaborate'

I adjust my seat on the couch completely facing Ya Faruk. "Well you see, Fatima has always had this itty-bitty crush on you to which I'm not suppose to be telling you about cause I'm hundred percent sure she'd have my head chopped off and fed to dogs"

Ya Faruk let's out a chuckle making me shrug. "Think about the age Gap"

I roll my eyes earning a nudge. "Ouch! What was that for?" I wined playfully glaring at him.

"For goodness sake Nadia the girl is just twenty and I'm thirty. Never heard of child abuse?" He inquires with his brow arched up.

"Age is just a number Ya Faruk" I sang earning yet another smack. Seriously! What's up with this guy and hitting me today.

Hello! I'm trying to help him...

"Toh I'm out of ideas gaskiya" I annoyingly state making a move to get up but he held me back urging me to inwardly smirk.

"Talk to her about it and get back to me. If she's okay with it, then I'll go ahead and talk to Baba"

I nodded trying to maintain my calm. Like what the hell! My brother getting married ot my bestie, dream come true.

Super excited to call Ikram and fill her in i sashayed to my room. I wasted no time in getting my phone and dialling her number while impatiently waiting for her to pick up.

*Girl! Can we meet up?* I ask not bothering to exchange pleasantries.

*Hello to you too* Ikram dramatically says compelling me to roll my eyes. This girl's wahala is on another level.

We decide to meet up at our favorite Cafe; Blue Cafe by four PM sharp before we ended the call.

It is just 2:45PM so I still had to time to rest not like I did something. Thankfully I had no lectures and so did Ikram. Most times when we both didn't lectures we would go on outings or something that is related to fun cause who doesn't like fun?

Truth be told I'm having a good feeling about this; Ya Faruk and Ikram. I know no with no doubt Fatima would be the luckiest bride. Ya Faruk may look cold from the outside but he's the softest, caring and loving soul.


I scan through my Abayas before my eyes set on a navy blue with a dose of white straps. If you must know , I'm super in love with Abayas. Menh! I can't begin to depict the love i have for them.

After getting ready, I ambled downstairs in hope that the drivers are available if not them then Ya Kamal cause I'm hundred percent sure Ya Faruk is out.

Humming love cycle I burst open Ya Kamal's door walking further into the room and to my utmost surprise, he isn't around.

Mtsw! I walk out praying for my last hope which is Baba Mudi; the driver but guess what!? Yeah! He's also not around. Kuma gashi your girl can't drive although I'm working on it.

The only option I have now is hailing a Napep. I strolled out of the house walking down the streets of Gwarimpa.

I luckily got a Napep without going through the stress of waiting. After settling the bills that I am to pay him when we get to our destination, I made a move to get in but a voice deep hush voice stopped me from getting in.

"Salam Alaikum" he says directing it to me. His brown doggy sparkling eyes are the first to catch my attention. He wore an Ash slack pairing it with a white T-shirt, you could say he is keeping it casual.

His hands waving towards my face snaps me out of it as I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Astagfirullah! But this man standing right here is damn sexy and good looking.

"Are you alright?" His voice lased with concern.

I turn back and I'm surprise to see the Napep man gone. I planned to ignore him and get into the tricycle to save myself from further bashfulness.

I gulp down a nob keeping a straight face before turning back to him. "I'm sorry do I know you?"

For all I know I've never seen him in my entire eighteen years. Lemme rephrase that; I've never come across a good looking man.

He chuckles originating my left eye brow to arch up.

"As a matter of facts you don't" he says putting his hands into his pockets. I turn back on my shoe and walked away. Not that I'm trying to be mean, but I really don't know this guy and with the way the society has turned into no one can be trusted, I repeat, no one.

I could sense he's tailing behind so I speeden my pace with him doing the same. I groan in annoyance deciding I've had enough, I stop to give him a piece of my mind.

"Look! I don't know and I'm least interested in knowing who you are so quite following" I firmly state with my fingers pointed at him. He stares at me in amazement urging me to roll my eyes.

"Having a bad day I see" A smirk stole it's way to his lips as the words slipped from his mouth.

Who the hell is this guy?



"Ahmad's the name"

Oh right! I may have said that out loud. I sometimes unknowingly spill my thoughts out which is the one thing I hate about myself. Ya Kamal once said I'll someday end up blurting out my secrets to which he's right.

"Care to tell me your name spunky?"

I snort. "I don't see how that's any of your business!" I spat sending daggers his way.

He raise his hands in defense making me hiss before walking away. Some men are just shameless, they think they can have their ways with any women they please. I thought he was going to come after me but this time he didn't and I couldn't be more thankful.

Great! He has absolutely ruined my mood...

Heyyo! I'm suppose to update this yesterday but I was cut up, sorry but here it is, lemme know what yh think.

Take a minute and pray for people we lost these days, may Allah forgive each and every late Muslims as for us that are alive may he take our souls when he's most please with us.


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