6; Desperado.

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I paced back and forth chanting curses. They can do this to me, I by all means have control over my life, something tells me there's more to all this drama of getting me tangled. I don't even have a boyfriend not to talk of fiancé so what now.

I don't want Ama merging me up with some bossy spoilt brat, I believe she has bad taste. Last time she suggest I meet one of Uncle's friend's son, it was not good.

Turns out he had an issue with virgin ladies, per his words; you have to have a taste of what you're living with for the rest of one's life or maybe it's his way of convincing me to sleep in with him.


Aryan my ex showed me shege, he thought me a grave lesson that I still have carved in my insecure heart. Damn how much I loved that man, he wasn't only the man I plan to spend forever with but walk hand in hand through the gates of 𝒥𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽. I had so many expectations, the last thing I saw coming was the national dessert.

Fuck him!

Yanno you still love him, right?

Ugh! Shut up.

I hate you.

No matter how much I try to deny it, a part of me still has a soft spot for Aryaan, if only he'd come back and apologize then maybe we could set things off from where we stopped.

I wiped a tear that somehow stole its way out. Ugh! I hate that I'm too emotional.

"Are you okay?"

My head bolts to the direction of the sound, and behold the Greek god! Why does he always show up at the wrong time?

Sucking back a pile of unshed tears I manage to compose myself before turning to face him.

"Yes. Why?"

He walked closer dipping his hands into his ash sweatpants.

"Don't you think it's enough—" I mistakenly blurt butting hard on the tip of my tongue.

God damnit! It was supposed to be a thought.

Ya illah!

"Enough? Meaning?"

What I meant is; carrying around these muscles and biceps and still gym-ing it's a bit overboard Allah.

"—Nothing" I stutter looking away.

He chuckles, a cute one to be precise.

A'an toh it's official, I'm affected by him.

"Again, do I make you nervous, Miss Hashim" He folds his hands to his chest, I can swear he had a smirk dancing on his lips even though I wasn't looking.

Okay, Nadia. It's now or never, you need to calm yourself, no guy should have that much effect on you.

I needed that.

Huffing out a sigh, I turn to look him in the eye and so I got lost in his light brown orbs.


The time stopped, you know exactly how it happens in the India series, yep! The kin difference is there was no fan blowing my; my hair isn't as long butttt!

I should keep quiet.

He smiled his dimples popping out urging my lips to spread into one too, very unfortunate I don't have a dimple but who cares? I believe I have a beautiful smile.

Lifting a brow to go with my now formed intimidating stare, "No, not at all"

"What brings you out here? It's chill you should get back in, you don't wanna get a cold" His tune sounds caring.

Meye nashi?

"I'll be fine, thank you"

He nods turning on his shoe to leave, "Sir" I promise it slipped, I was supposed to let me leave to save myself from further disgrace-ment.


"If I ask you to uhm, well uhm, presuming I—"

I chop craze this night, def but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Miss Hashim"


"Breath. I don't bite"

"I'm sorry this was a bit harder than I thought, you know what? Just forget it, I'm just being silly" I fake a laugh looking away from his captivating stare.

He walks back towards where I stood my heart taking skip.

"No. I wanna hear it, go ahead" he ushers.

"No just for—"

"Miss Hashim" he calls boring his eyes into mine yet again getting me lost. I feel like he's doing this on purpose.

He seems to know the effect he has on me.


"—Marry me"

Who said a guy has to make the first move? Well, I have just now erased that, coz I literally did something I never thought I'd ever do. I didn't even ask to date but for marriage.

Some bulls o got there. Such confidence is very rare, I should be praised, highly.


Our staring contest sadly came to an end, I tore my gaze away meeting Fatima's questioning stare. She stood a few feet away with scrunched brows.

She walks towards us, I flicker my stare back to his retiring figure, wait he left!

Inallilahi! Oh, ni Nadia what have I gotten myself into?

What would he think of me now?

Just as she got to where I stood I burst into tears falling into her embrace. This isn't supposed to happen, taking such a rash step was so uncalled for and now I have to live with the shame for the rest of my life.

"Subhanallah meya faru kuma dake" She runs her hand at my back urging me to cry more. I'm time like this I wish doctor strange existed he could then use the time stone and make me undo my mess.


He didn't say a thing I didn't get to read his expression. Only god knows what is now running in his head, he must think of how lowlife of me.

I am no desperado.


Yarinya desperado😂 hehe wahala Dey for who get am aswear. Na wetin send her go save her😭😂💔

Watcha all think is on Ammar's mind?

Who could ask a guy to marry him😂  toh dai hajiya ku Nadia Mai zafin zuciya ta wakilce ku😂

Anyways drop comments and expect daily updates plus Dan Allah share with your friends, please 🥺❤️

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