9; Ama's Sake.

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Okay I'm tempted to tearing the script I had to digest before the paper tomorrow. Whoever invented exams has some serious trust issue. Sometimes I stop to wonder if all this is necessary; I mean you've thought us something is now left to us to know it or not, so what's with having to test our capabilities?


Aswear stress is def not for me, lol.

I didn't have much trouble in the previous papers I wrote they where all meaningful coz most of the things I studied came out it was only a few things that I had to crack my head to pen down something.

Advanced management theory; the last paper and Sir Ammar's course. I despise anything theoretical, but when it's calculus count me in. Having to study business strategies is mostly what keeps be worked up, it's a pain in the ass.

Calculations are bae menh! Argue with your keyboards.

Oh and did I forget to mention that my wedding is a month away, did i? Yeah! I must have. These days I tend to think my life is in some sought of fictional novels Fatima reads and somehow forcefully have me listen to her gist me about them.

Yeah! I hate books, reading specifically.

Anything 'reading' count me out.

So about my wedding with my lecturer that has been a pain in the ass lately; yes! He's been way too hard on me but then on the bright side he's only trying to help me with my goal not that I'm siding him, but then yanno.

Our relationship should be tag as strictly professional, the man doesn't even act up to the right of being my fiancé not that I'm bothered too.

I just don't get it with with him, he's bipolar that's for sure. His expression is stoic and he'll he's not an easy to understand person but sometimes his actions gives him away. Aside his physique, his eyes are my fav feature of him.

Astagfirullah, what am I saying? I'm convinced this man brings out the shameless being in me.

Yup! Certainly.

Convincing Ya Faruk with my decision of accepting Ammar was another case on its own. It warms my heart to have him willing to make such sacrifices, it meant a lot but it'll make me a bad person letting me do that to himself.

I wouldn't want him to spend the rest of his life in regret.

"Maybe we should meet Sir for this" Fatima suggest falling to the bed with a groan, she was as frustrated as I was. Unlike I, she preferred theoretical stuffs to calculus.

I didn't like the idea, what choice do we have though.

"I miss Sir Mukhtar honestly. If it was him at least we would have a hint of what to expect" I puffed out a hiss.

She sent me a glare to which I shrugged off. Sir Mukhtar may have had a tiny bit of a crush on me reason I don't like him, I believe he too like woman.

No offense. But he does, shiyasa most of the time females no Dey fail his course.

"So are we meeting him or not?" She asks sending me a look with her left brow up.

I shrug, "You go ahead, when you get back sai ki mun bayani"

She clears her throat proceeding to get up, "Ai kuwa kina ruwa, idan Zaki zo muje da ya fi miki"

My lips forms into a pout, "Haba mana Fattu Ya Faruk, you know I love you riii"

A glare came my way but my eyes didn't miss the faint blush, "Yallah! Let's be going" she ushers.

"Allah I'm not going" I state with finality facing the unfinished business I had.

She shook her head in dismay exiting the room.

Yeah yeah! I know what you're gonna say, I'm way too bullheaded, Eh din! Got the trait from my grand pops.


"Why am I here?" I asked having enough from his captivating stare.

He remained numb tearing his gaze away huffing out a sigh. Somehow his expression was very unusual, he didn't seem okay, or I was just overthinking things.

He sent for me a while ago while I was with Ama, I had to refrain myself from sending the maid off after receiving lectures from Ama on how I should start treating him as a husband, that he's not yet is.


I've been seated at the gezobo for the past hour and this man hasn't still said a thing. The lighting isn't as bright nor dark, but enough to visible see.

Having had enough I made up my mind and got up, if he's not ready I still have a paper to read for tomorrow. I got up to leave but his next action took be aback.

He got a hold of my wrist not to tight, enough to make me flinch. He dragged me down cautiously. My soon found confidence lagged, leaving me numb to his mighty.

"A lot longer, please"

"Why? I, you don't expect me to sit here and do nothing. What is it? Is there a problem" I mustered up enough courage to spew.

The look he shot him had me bit on my lower lip.

"Don't do that" he mumble.

Do what?


Okay I'm beginning to think this man is insane. Allah there's something up with him.

"This may probably be the last time we meet or get to talk before the wedding. There are some clarifications I'd like to make before then." He let lose of the grip adjusting his seating position.

He clears his throat, "It's fair enough to make things lucid, I believe it's the right the thing. Nadia I don't want you thinking I'm doing you a favor by agreeing to the alignment." He paused and rubbed on his temples. "I like you, I choose to let you know before we venture into a new chapter. I want this relationship, I'm willing to build the future with you—"

I got up with quivering lips huffing out series of breath, "N-no"

His brows furrowed, "Na—"

"Ammar. We're doing this for Ama's sake, w-what are you talking about" I state letting out a weary laugh.

This is starting to go off planned.

"Ama's sake? This is a lifetime commitment." He chuckles, "What if your reason behind you doing this is no more"

"Then we call it off." I blurt.

He nods. "You may leave" he turns away dipping his hands to his pockets.

He saved me the trouble.


I halt. I could feel him getting closer to where I stood, with each step he took my heart skips as I let out series of breaths.

"When I aim, i shoot and doubt not, I never miss" He smirks, walking off.

Leaving me with a palpitating heart.

What have I gotten myself into?


Toh jamaa! Is it only me that sense wetin Dey come?

Ammar is not here to play ooooo😂 I envy his audacity menhhh😭😭😂

Oya who has a hint of what to expect? Oya oya drop suggestions make i update.


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