19; Little By Little.

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Ammar has completely reverted to probably his old self I guess coz he does less of paying attention to anything in particular. Not that I'm bothered but things are too awkward.

I don't know why but now I kinda feel bad about what I said two days ago, yeah! It's two freaking days of all this.

I wanna go home now, but I can't tell him that coz I don't even see him anymore, I'm not sure he sleeps here.

Okay now I'm beginning to think I make bad decisions, I need to get my life sorted out something Ya Faruk never fails to mention all the time.

A teardrop had me zone off. My body began to quiver panic clinging at the depth of my throat.

I didn't have my pills with me, I hurriedly grabbed a hold of my phone but it slipped instantly urging a groan from my lips, my vision beginning to blur due to the amount of tear it capacitated.

I manage to dial Ya Faruk's number my figure trembling, head pounding, and heartbeat escalating.

"Hello" his voice beamed from the other side.

"Y-ya Faruk" I stutter I couldn't even construct a coherent sentence.

"Subhanallah meya faru?" His words were laced with worry.

I burst into tears shuddering as I drew my knee to my chest.

He huffed out a sigh, "You're okay, we're okay, what exactly do you feel?"

His words only had me crying harder. This is all too much to conceal, the panic attacks, anxiety, and scars no matter how much I work on them never fail to show me who I'm.

I'm too dismantled to be worked on, no one could love and understand me no one but him, I need Aryaan, I still love and want him beside me regardless of the troubles he's caused me.

I love him, I really do or could it just be an infatuation? No, I don't think so, if only he could undo the mistakes and set this right then maybe I would have gotten my happy ever after.

"Don't let the suicidal thought consume you, we're beyond this. We're humans; Allah's servants, we're tested each based on how strong our Iman is. He knows and sees what you're going through, he loves you, Nadia, you're not alone. With every hardship comes ease, we'll get through this." His words seem to be taking control of my emotions.

"I don't know, I don't get ya Faruk—-"

"Hey! Shhh! It's alright."


"Where's Ammar?"

His question made my eyes sting making me gulp back a lump.

He lets out a light hiss, "Fine, I'll speak with him"


"Don't, it's your story to tell, it's not what I mean. Do me a favor, perform ablution and pray two rakaa and also turn on quranic recitation, please"

I nod as though he could see me mumbling an okay.

"I love you"

"—I love you too"


Author's Pov.

Sweat and tears streamed down her face as she mutters incoherent words under her breath. Her figure trembles to let out silent screams.

He had his MacBook typing away on something he's been working on for quite a while now. Her silent sobs could be heard lightly at first he wasn't too sure till he heard well again. He flips close the system got up, stretching his sore muscles.

He went straight to the room. He's been keeping his distance away from her, he didn't want her being suffocated by his presence, he was taking it very slow and easy he didn't want her feeling forced or anything but these days he's patience was beginning to run very thin.

Abstaining away in the meantime could work.

She's having a nightmare...

The conversation he had earlier with Faruk came rushing down. He knew something was going on, there was a truth concealed underneath all this but he didn't want to push through.

He could get answers with just a call away but he wanted better, he wants to hear it from her, it was her tale to speak off, snooping around her privacy didn't sit well with him.

She deserves much better but if only she'd let her guard down and embrace the fact that he likes her and is willing to help in any way he could, too bad he's gotten himself a bullheaded wife.

What is really going on?

"Shh!" He comforted running his hands around her back.

Minutes later her cries died.

"I'm sorry" her shaking voice came through cutting the pin-drop environment.

He remain mute huffing out a deep sigh he pulled her off his chest cupping her cheeks, he wiped off her tear-stained puffy face boring his eyes into hers.

"Let me help you,"

She tore her gaze away with tears accumulated at the brim of her eyes. "Its easier said—"

"Then let me, I signed up for this. I want to assist and I can't do that when all you do is push me away" his words urged a teardrop which is fast to swift off.


"You don't get this, do you? We all have our ups and downs no one ever gave the assurance that life was gonna easy but our lord said there would be ease. If only you'd let me; we'll heal, fight and conquer with each other's back, that's commitment for you." He spoke letting out a series of breaths.

She shut seal her eyes the drops dripping more his words getting to her she turns to face him getting lost in his captivating sincere eyes.

If she'd ever fall for him, then she'd count herself lucky.


He leaned in trying hard to fight back the temptation of sealing her plum-inviting lips. He was just a move away and surprisingly she didn't fight back.

A slight move would have done it but no, he didn't want to take advantage of her current state, as it is baby steps.

Little by little...


Toh fh! Who smells what I smell😂

This Aryaan get serious issue aswear wetin he use Jazz Nadia that she's can't keep him aside me wai, mtsw🙄😒😂💔

And Ammar omoh! Mah guy is serious ooo, god when? When this love thing go reach us😭

Anyways drop comments make i update.

This chapter is dedicated to TheLostAndFoundPile  your comments are motivating🥺❤️

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