28; Everything And More.

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"You can't give me that, who is she?" I barked biting back the frustration brewing inside of me. Right now I don't even know why I'm getting all worked up, I mean do I have a reason to?

I don't even have feelings for him, or so I think.

Whatever it is, I just don't like the way her name has been circulating for the past few days, who is she? Girlfriend? Lover? Or whatever.

He huffed out a sigh rubbing his temples as though he was fighting back the urge to lose his temper, he gave me one of his stares before brushing past me.

"Ammar" I call out causing his steps to come to a halt, "Why are you doing this? Are you trying to toy with me? Cause if you are I'm afraid it's...you know what, just forget it" I waved off. I didn't like the way I sounded.

Like a total bitch?

Yeah! Exactly conscience, so much for being on my side.

He walked back getting a hold of my hand, "I'll tell you, I promise. This isn't the right time, when it comes, I'll come clean. I love you, Nadia, my feelings for you remain unchanged" he gave me a slight smile placing a kiss on my forehead.

That was it.

Exactly the problem, he always had his way, I never get the chance to be mad at him, he's too good to be true.

You know what? I maybe think I'm starting to develop a liking towards him.

"Do you," It slipped, it wasn't supposed to come out but he shot me an urging look to proceed. "Have to leave?"

He said he was going on an uncalled-for trip I still see no reason why he has to leave.

He nods, "It's important, I'll try to come home soon."

I chewed on my lower lip avoiding his stare, "Fine but be honest with me, just this once, Who is she to you?"

His gaze drawer off mine, slipping his hands to his sweatpants pocket, "Everything and more" he mumbles.

My lips part a pang heating my chest, I should have seen that coming, I shouldn't have even asked that in the first place.



My hands tremble as I stared at his contact contemplating whether to call or not before I finally mustered up enough courage and dialed his number.

No, this isn't right, I can't keep running back to him, is not fair at least not to myself.

*Hello* his hoarse yet soothing voice resonated. I squint my eyes letting the tears slip.

*Dia, Hello...Are you there?* Giving a nod as though he could see me, I broke into sobs ending the call.

I hate how I feel right now, my feelings for Ammar are undefined but down there somewhere, I know I had started having some sorta emotions towards him, but my problem is acceptance.

I could never agree to that.

His words still sound clear to my ears, as I recall them.

Everything and More.

My ringing tone beamed but I ignored it till it was almost about to cut off before I brush away my tears sliding the answer button.

*Can we meet?* I mumbled in an awfully hoarse voice.

*Shit! Yes Dia, of course.* I didn't miss the hint of excitement lased In his tune.


"Did he hurt you? Talk to me please, I swear I'll—" I cut him off with a wave.

He puffed out a breath unclenching his fist, Ammar's demeanor was no match for him, that was no doubt, all his rants were valueless.

"Can I ask you something?"

He nods, "sure" he grabs a hold of my hand.

No spark, nothing just plain.

"What was the reason you left?" I never really thought to ask him about that.

He kept mute, holding me a bit tighter to my hand.

He ran his hands through his curly Fulani hair that I used to love playing with, the thought of that made me so very sad.

I really did love Aryaan, probably too much, more than enough.

"Look Dia pl—"


He remained quiet.

I let out a weary laugh. "Aryaan let me be honest with you, I've always known that you were too much for me, a plain Jane like me didn't deserve you, you had everything, a caring family and a steady lifestyle while I on the other hand was left with opulence, too much of it, a queen in her empire yet devoid of the beautiful thing called Family. I dragged you into my world, you leaving was only fair coz a free bird like you was for exploring while I rot at the depth of my misery—"

He hissed slipping his hands to my right cheek, and wiping off the drops that slipped, "No, don't say that"

"—I love you, but you know what?" I chuckled, "Loving you has only ever caused me pain, scars, and nightmares that will forever be bound to me." I let out a laugh, "I'm married yet I still can't replace you with my present, is that fair?"

"We can make it right," he spoke.


"We'll find a way, we always do"

I shake my head vigorously, "I wish I could erase the past and rectify my future. I, you know Aryaan, he..." at this point I was out of words, I broke down completely.

Only he knew that part of me.

I cried for almost an hour he let me cry like he usually does, back then he'd always tell me that it was okay to cry, coz crying doesn't symbolize weakness but strength, it shows that you were hurt but bold enough to conquer.

I wiped off the last tear taking a look at his sore expression, before doing the most uncalled-off thing I've done in a while.

Sealing our lips together for a moment he froze, he let me kiss him but it didn't stop me from going further I wanted him to retaliate, I need to decipher my feelings for him and it was the only way I could think of.

Minutes later he kissed me back till I was almost outta breath before we finally pulled back. I still had my eyes squint as I steady my breath.

"We have a son."

Dan Dan Dan😂 shocker alert!

Abeg don't come for me, is not my fault the two are too good together, Aryaan And Nadidi naa💃🏽😂💔

Ammar is just yanno abeg make he move😬😂

So una aunties you never know? Oya start to Dey bring forth gifts😂

Okay, lemme carry my slippers and be going👩🏽‍🦯



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