22; Silencio.

435 69 45

Dedicated to introverted_meeee Jiddarhtulkhair____  and
TheLostAndFoundPile don't come for me after reading this😭😂💔


I ran through the dozen of unanswered messages, I wonder how people manage to clear out their unread messages, I could literally pay to have mine dusted.

Having read and answered enough I exited outta my Instagram feed just in time his message popped in.


From; Honbun ❤️
-I want to take you out, please.

The audacity, what part of I'm married does he not understand? Does he really have to make things harder than they already are for me?

-Aryaan what's all this? I've told you times without number, I'm married now; meaning all that we shared is labeled as the past now. Put yourself in my husband's shoes and tell me how you'd feel, Dan Allah let's end all this, I can't honestly. I'm focusing on my present and future now, as it is, it's high time I move on.

My lashes were beginning to wet, using my index finger I wooed the tear away. I hate all this, getting involved with Aryaan is a mistake I wish to undo but only if wishes were horses.

It's begging to seem like I'm cheating now. I'm married to Ammar, he won't find it funny knowing that I'm still in contact with Aryaan.

From; Hunbun❤️
-Please Dia, give me this one chance let's just meet up and talk, whatever you decide on, so be it.

He's very persistent, he can never take no for an answer, I don't get why though, mtsw.

Maybe he's right we should end this once and for all.

From; Hunbun❤️
-Please baby, just this once.

Huffing out a sigh in annoyance I sent him an okay flinging my phone away. I flicker my stare at the wall clock, great! It's almost time for Asr, I'll just shower and then leave.

Today is Sunday, meaning Ammar is coming to pick me up after Isha' per his words.

And guess what? Lectures begin tomorrow. Ugh! I've gotten so used to the break that I don't ever wanna return to that hell hole, but what choice do I have?

Plus my so-called hubby is a lecturer funny enough; a silencio like him outta all the choices he may have had went from lecturing to this Nigeria!

Ahh! Nawoo!


The usual spot as we call it. It's a designated garden we found or should I say I found during our teenage years. We'd sometimes skip important stuff and come there to clear off our minds.

We loved the place, it's where we could do stuff we are supposed and not supposed to do without having any soul-preying.

Gone were those days...

He rubbed on his temples hurriedly grabbing a hold of my hands. Unlike before that, I'd usually feel the spark, jitters or so, but nothing. It wasn't there all of it. Just plain.

"Dia" he sighed boring his eyes into mine to which I look away, "Where do I start? I just, this is all happening so fast and the thought of losing you frightens—"

I cut him off, "It shouldn't, not when you've already lost me. See, this is isn't about you Aryaan, you can just be appearing when and if you please, And...I—" my voice was beginning to crack, I hated that.

He grips harder on my hands shaking his head, "I promise you, I'm back now for good. I want you, Nadia, it's always been you and no one else. I've not for once pictured myself with no one but you"

I let out a sarcastic laugh snatching my hands away," yeah right! Save me the lies. Let me ask you Aryaan"

Fighting back the urge to tear up, "That night that I submitted myself to you, all of me leaving no ounce of anything behind, what did you do?" I yelled the last part my heart clench at the thought of it.

"Nadia, I, you know I couldn't, Your brother got—"

"Don't you dare! Don't make this about Ya Faruk, you made your choice and it's high time I make mine" I barked wiping off a tear that escaped.

I got up assembling my purse to leave but his words had me glued to my spot.

"I knew about the pregnancy"

My eyes went round, heartbeat escalating more than its usual rate.

"—What?" I stutter turning to face him.

He nods, "I still kept my tracks on you. I've told you, you've become a part of me, and letting you off is the last thing I wanna do right now. I love you, if it's not you then it's no one"

I broke down into sobs falling into his embrace, he ran his hands through my back mumbling soothing words. I could swear we almost spent an hour or more Guled to each other before it finally dawned on me.

I pushed him off all of the sudden the bile of anger roaring as a blazing fire, "You were supposed to be there, if not for me but for our baby, I loved you, I really did. When we found out about it Ya Faruk wanted me to abort it but I couldn't" I barked, wiping off my cloudy vision, "You know why?... Huh!? Becoz it was a product of you and I, I loved, cherish, and took it for eight months while I anticipated your return but you never did, not even a call or text. You f*cling vanished as though you never existed."

He tried to get a hold of me but the glare I sent him thought me otherwise. I let out a weary laugh flaying my hands to the air, "If you knew about the pregnancy then surely you must have also known that I lost it" the last part came out as a muffled whisper.

Even though I was only seventeen, yeah! Too young to be a parent but I was willing to do all for him, but what did it cause me?

Every fucking thing.

He remained silent which only seemed to irk me more, "Speak! Why remain quiet? You knew huh!?"

He gave me a curt nod.

"Well of course, how wouldn't you"

"Nadia please"

I waved him off, "Don't! For what is worth Aryaan, I really I'm sorry" with that I picked up my purse dashing off.

No matter how much you run from the past it'll always reach out to you...


Now that's one hella of a confession😬

So bh! Imma let y'all digest this and jejely carry my slippers and be going😂

Ps. Don't expect an update soon👩🏽‍🦯


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