16; Dieting or Gyming.

596 99 21

From; Hubbun❤️
-Congratulations Dia, I still can't believe you went ahead with this, I thought we were better than this.

My heart skipped as I read the message flickering my stare at Ammar that sat right next to me, luckily he seemed too engrossed in the MacBook in front of him.

We're currently on a flight to France, I mean, can you believe it? A part of me was overly excited not that it was my first time going to France it's just that I've always wanted to come with yanno my husband whom I so much love not the ever so grumpy and annoying man seating beside me.


I don't know where he got the idea of the whole going on a honeymoon thingy I just hope it turns out well. I need something like this actually, I need a change of environment probably coz of my mental health issue at the moment.

Don't get me wrong.

We've only been married for a week and some days yet this man still hasn't done a thing that would make me think otherwise. If I'm totally honest, he's playing his and my, yeah! Funny enough my role as the 'wife' is to be doing, just fine.

His calmness scars me, sosai.

I wonder how his other side could be. He's very tolerant no lies, I can say that with the little days I've spent with him. Not that I'm troublesome but I've tried a few times to get on his neck and have him disdain my essence but mah guy isn't taking it.

He's nice, very, that also scars me.

His aura doesn't really fit with his character; I mean fine people are mostly rude and tough headed and yanno people are nicer than nicer.


Yeah, get what I'm tryna say huh? Good.

-Please Aryaan, what we shared is over, I'm a married woman now.

I bit on my lower lip stealing glances at Ammar here and there.

From; Hunbun❤️
-For you it maybe, as for me I'll never be able to seat back without a fight. I promise you, I'd do all I have to just to have you back in my arms, my domain.

Somehow his words made me tremble in fear, I know Aryaan and how bullheaded he is, he makes stupid decisions nonchalantly and later comes back crawling.

I can't deal with this, at least not now.

His hands on my shoulder hand me quiver losing hold of my phone. Hurriedly picking it up I Lock Screen the phone.

"Is everything okay?"

I nod.

"You sure?" He insisted.

Faking a tight-lipped smile, "Y-yes. Why?"

"You seem tense"

Pft. Keeping a cool fake expression, "I'm fine, go ahead with your work"

He narrowed his stare at me boring his eyes into mine urged me to look away.



I don't see why we get to share a bed, bathroom, living room a whole room.

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