14; Day At A Time.

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"I'm not hungry" I spoke avoiding his stare.

So bh! All those formalities that newlyweds usually do weren't exercised apart from the praying nawafil part.

Only for the sake of our lord though.

The inconvenience is enough to make him understand that this whole marriage is a mistake but no! Mah guy fails to understand or rather is putting on effortless effort.

I'm a nice person if you must know.

"I wasn't asking, come down and let's eat" he spoke with utmost confidence that I couldn't help but send him a look to which he shrugged hugging his biceps to his chest.

I rolled my eyes, "No" I replied covering my worn-out self with the comfy blanket.

Thankfully I had enough time to take a shower and get dressed into my feminine nighties before he got back after offering the prayers.

"Nadia" he calls out which I ignored. I am so very sleepy to have any sort of conversation.




And up I go. I let out a yell struggling to get down. He took me off guard by scooping me up in his arms.  I was immensely close to him, the closest I've ever been his breath was fanning my face.

I remained dumbstruck with my hands on his left pack maintaining balance.

I was lost, lost in adoring his face, I tried but man was he irresistible.

"You can stare as much as you please, All yours" he spoke pulling me out of my thoughts.

I also didn't miss the smirk that dangled on his lips. I let out a series of coughs my cheek turning crimson in embarrassment. Mustering enough courage, I hit hard on his pack earning a wince.

Smiling in satisfaction, "Put me down" it came out more as an order just as I intended.

"You sure about that?" He asked, we were almost in the living room just a few steps away.

I nod sending him a glare, the next thing he did was let me go on the bare floor my butt hitting hard on the surface, I let out a scream in displeasure squinting my eyes to absorb the pain.

"Are you insane!?" I roared tearing up as I rub on my ass.

Gosh menh!

He dipped his hands to the pocket of his slacks spreading his lips into a smile, not a full one though but then he seemed to be pleased with his actions.

"Next time, be careful with your choice of words" he spoke letting out a chuckle.

I let out a groan, trying to get up.

"Need a hand?" He extended his right hand.

Sending him a glare, I hit off his hand letting out a hiss as I got up. I wiped off the little tears that accumulated at the brim of my eyes adjusting my silky night-wares ignoring the fact that I was standing barely dressed in front of him.

I could also swear that I saw his Adam's apple gulp.

"You Mister need to learn some manners, what were you thinking? I would have broken a bone" I scold to which he seemed unbothered, with not even a bit o remorse.


"And you Mistress need to stop being obstinate"



I face palmed myself, I see what he's doing here and I'm not giving him that vindication, "Look I don't have time for this, goodnight" I ended up walking past him.

And just as I step my foot on the first step a grip on my waist had me pulled back hitting hard on a hard surface that happens to be his full-blown abs.

Ugh! Show off.

I attempt to wiggle myself out but to no avail, not that he held me roughly, softly if I must say but then ugh!

I could feel his breath wiping up my left air, a mint breath.

Look! I'm just being detailed, don't get me wrong.

"You have a choice," he spoke made my heart skip at his tune, "It's either you feast on or be feasted on"


Someone help! He did not just say that.

I quivered my palms getting sweaty if not for the hold he had on me I would have been long disposed to the floor. After a minute or so he let go of me turning my numb figure to face him.


He offered me a full toothy grin his stainless teeth coming into display. By now I believe this man is definitely going to be the end of me.


"So, shall we?"

My lips part to speak or rather rant but can you believe for the first time I had nothing to say or is it that I had no sanity to speak out?

The things he does to me enh! This isn't fair Allah, I thought it was the girl's role to play, just as it happens in books.

Seeing as I remained wordless he assisted me with a hold of my hand guiding me to the parlor where he had the food assembled.

He poured half the bottle of milk into a glass cup taking half of it before stopping. He extended the cup to my lips, at the same spot he had placed his lips he wanted the whole me to do that!

Nah bruh! Never heard of personal hygiene? I looked away.

He slightly cupped my jawline trying to get me to take it but to no avail.

He sighed, "Stay still, I'm not trying to do anything rather than filling out the Sunnah of the prophet SAW"

This is a crime. The fact that he knows just the right buttons to pull and at what time to is def a felony.


And just like that he succeeded in feeding me all of it. Later on, he fed me almost half of the chicken me refusing to meet up to his gaze as he fed himself as well.

I mean, he doesn't expect me to feed him now, does he?

I am not mean, I promise.

He escorted me to my room for some reason, the way this man is threatening me as though I was a kid asking to be babysat didn't seat right with me.

"Nadia" I halt on my step to walk into the room.

What? Now? It better be not what I am thinking of, the hell I would be sharing a room with him.

"I understand that this is all happening so fast but I want you to know; baby steps are a path I choose and I assure you I won't rush you into anything you're not comfortable with, your atonement is my preference." He erased the distance between us urging my eyes to bulge out.


His warm lips fell on my forehead for only a second or more, "Goodnight" with that he left designating my poor self.


Just lost an aunt, say a prayer please.

Drop comments abeg.


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