31; Fight Or Let Go.

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A year later...

The sound of the kettle heating up had me out of my thought zone, I rushed to it quickly designating the half-cut onion. Wiping off my hands with the towel I rush to it only to get burnt by the steam in the process.

"Shit" I cursed biting on my lower lip.

My lashes began to wet with tears, searching for immediate first aid. I sprinkled some salt on it wincing in pain.

The set of jugs I had assembled shattered to the floor yet again.


I've grown so clumsy and the fact that I'm being a crybaby made me look like a total grouse.

"Nadia...Subhanallah, meye make gani haka?" She rushed towards me. "I shouldn't have let you in the kitchen In the first place, it's all my fault" she enfolded me in a hug calming my panicked self.

That's how it's been for the past year. Mental health issues; serious anxiety attacks, pains, and suicidal thoughts. I'm currently undergoing a series of therapy sessions, been locked up in the house for a while now.

After the whole tonan asiri issue, Ammar toke me to this woman's place that I only got to find out some months ago that she was his mother. Since that day he dropped me off, I haven't set my eyes on him.

He left, for good just as I wanted but for some reason I later regretted it. I hated myself for not seeing the good in front of me.

I love him, if only I wasn't hesitant in admitting it to him that very day if only I'd been given a chance to rectify my mistakes. He was everything I needed but didn't deserve yet I messed it up.

I had a miscarriage, that was the actual pathway to my mental distraction. It was my negligence, I came to terms with that, I'm an unworthy mother undeserving of a child.

My life is a mess, ther was no meaning to it.

I lost my family, friends, husband, and kids, what more could I lose?

I burst into a new set of tears, clutching hard on her, I wonder how she's able to keep up with me even after learning my story.

She's someone any child will have been proud to have as a mum, I see why Ammar loves her too much and vice versa, how I wished I had a taste of that maybe just a moment with my biological mother.

Would she have treated me right? Will she have showered me with love and care? How could it have been?

"Listen to me," she pulled back lifting me from the floor, "You're okay, okay?" She cups my cheeks, "Did you have your pills?"

I kept mute, I've been bagging lately, I had enough of the medications.

She puffed out a sigh, "Jaya clean up the mess" she others the maid leading me out.

She sat me down on the couch getting the pills from the drawer side. She poured the glass of water and handed me the cup, placing the pills in my hands.

Mum made sure I had them all gulped down before settling down next to me. "Nadia" she calls getting a hold of my hands.

"I can't help you if you're not willing to help yourself"

I avoided her gaze sucking in a breath, I had no reason to lift to.

I want him.

I need him.

I love him.

Where is he?


So what was more?

Exactly, nothing.

The thought of letting My past cloud up my present agitated me, was I that blind? This wasn't fair, not at all.


I have come to terms that Aryaan is my past now yet the time I did was so late, that I lost him.

"You know, you have I have a lot more in common. We both were victims of a fallen relationship. Blinded my out feelings for them we let them take over yet still held on so much I hope that someday things would have been different," She chuckles miserably "A change maybe" she shakes her head sadly. "Look I know my son, I know who I raised,"

She held on my chin turning my face to hers, "Ammar is not someone that severe ties easily, I know that were ever he is, you are amongst his priority—"

I shook my head, "I've messed up, big time and there's nothing I could do about it"

A knock came through Jalila; one of the helpers walked in after Mum permitted her.

"Master is the lounge"

My heart dropped.

She gave her a nod sending her off. She smiled, Mum knew about his return she definitely did.

"Nadia, it's all up to you know, fight or let go" with that she left.



I can't wait to be done aswear😭💃🏽😂 there are only 9 chapters to go now😁

So it's been a year! Ah lallai kam, Nadia don fall in love now, inyeee! Doings😂

Shaa drop off your thought we go meet later hopefully 😮‍💨

Rukky this is for you🌚


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