4; Him.

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The alarm bleated urging a groan out. Reaching out for it, I turned it off struggling to lift my sore body. I stayed up most of the night getting the cake and snack orders ready for today's pick-up.

I had forgotten about the client not until after she called late the other night. To add up to the wahala I have an early morning class.

This day isn't going to be funny.

My wobbly eyes flicker to the wall clock instantly my eyes popped put.

Shit, I'm gonna be late...

I sprinted to the bathroom almost tripping along the way. Clad in a silky maroon Arabian Abaya I adjusted the veil firmly taking a good look at my appearance before sauntering out.

Luckily the driver didn't bail out on me today which is very unusual.

"Ina kwana Hajiya karama" he greets with his usual grin. He very much is aware of how I dislike that name yet he still won't stop with it.

Fighting back a hiss, I got into the car not missing the laugh he let out. I'm not in for his shenanigans at least not today.

Throughout the ride I kept tabs on time, I'm already thirty minutes late but fortunately, it was Sir Mukhtar's class he won't be a problem.

"I'll call you when I'm done"

I walk through the empty hallway hastening up my steps. It's unlike to have Sir Mukhtar's class as quite most time you could hear the chatter of students as you approach the theater. His classes are usually engaging. He is the type of lecturer who fancies the opinions of his students, he'd say a few key points based on the topic of discussion and leave the rest to us.

And no I do not have a thing for him, he's in his late fifties. I don't do oldies.

Calm down!

"I'll be his substitute in the meantime. Your maximum cooperation is all I render. Any questions?"

My brows scrunched at his tune, who is this man?


What is going on?

I contemplated whether to walk in or keep standing out. My eyes fell on his figure that is now in full display and I'd be lying if I say I wasn't drooling.

I could only get a glimpse of his side view, but menh! His biceps are nerve-racking. If you must know, I'm a sucker for fit men.



What am I saying? Don't get me wrong, please...

Huffing out a sigh, I assembled my sanity and walked in with my head glued to the ground. My body quivered at the number of eyes on me, for a moment there I almost tripped.

No lies, Allah I hate situations like this.

Thanks to Corona I always have my mask on, I'm sure if my face was in full view they'd see how my lips tremble.

"My rules are simple. No tardiness, inappropriate dressings, and unnecessary discussions. Any assignments or projects must be submitted due, if not, be sure to propose fine reasons."

Whispers filled the environment, a clear of his throat has them mute.

"You didn't tell us your name, Sir"

He adjust his glasses bitting slightly on the tip of his tongue, you could tell he is fighting the urge from being blunt.

He dipped his hands into the pocket of his slacks, "You said yourself, Sir it is"

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