7; Conflicts.

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In times like this one begin to face things he never saw coming. Ifs and buts rambling around my head with each passing day, it was starting to affect my mental health you could tell.

Regrets eating me up. What was I thinking? If only I hadn't moved out then maybe I wouldn't have to head to AMA's demand, or worst ask a guy I know nothing of to marry.

Ever since that day I hadn't seen him around, he had to be avoiding me it has to be. I just wish he could confront me and say something, anything would do.

It's been two weeks meaning I only have two weeks to the required time. Honestly, at this point I give up, I'll just have to compile to AMA's choice.

Ya Allah!

"Nadidi na" Fatima barged in, in full-bloom excitement grabbing a hold of my hand to join her dreamy dance moves.

I was too lag to even give in return, I stared at her dumbfounded. "Stop" I struggle to mumble, my voice sounds so unlike.

What is happening to me!!?

"Guess who's taking me out tomorrow?"

"Abbas" I answer my lips curving into a smirk. Abbas is Fatima's psychotic ex that still couldn't fathom the fact that she's done with him.

Giving me a nudge, "It's Ya Faruk"

My eyes drew in dismay, no, please! I had forgotten that I also had to face Ya Faruk. Inallilahi wai what wrong did I commit ne?

I've been avoiding his calls and texts, I'm pretty sure he knows, the reasons why I'm abstaining from anything related to him.

"When did he get back?" My lips stutter as I retrieve back my hands.

"Yesterday. He's in Abuja, he'll be coming down to Kano gobe"

"Oh toh Allah ya kaimu"


I snuggled between the crowd trying to escape from his dominating stare, he had his eyes on me right from the beginning of the class.

I didn't like the way things are turning out, I wanted us to talk and get this over with. I am willing to lower my ego and apologize and have him forget this had ever happened.

But the kind look he was giving me was as almost as if he was irked by my mere sight.

"Miss Hashim"

My steps come to halt. Fatima and Jumaima shared a look before mumbling meet us outside leaving afterward.

By now the hall had emptied it was just us. He gathered his papers pretending as though I wasn't standing right away, my legs are already killing me.


He ignores. I let out a hiss turning on my shoe to leave. Just who does he think he is? I can't let this slide it's now or never.

I thought against leaving walking further closer to him, mustering every nerve to spew my mind. Remember it's now or never.

"About the other day, it was uncalled for and I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. Do me a favor and forget I ever said, and whatever impression you have on me, it's not as it is." Heaving out a sigh at end of the statement.

Nothing. He only observed, probably my killer features, lol.

Adjusting his nerdy glasses he moves forth a piece of paper that had my name boldly written on yet blank.

So a week ago a test took place and as of that time I was still dwelling in the mess I created. To cut things short I lost focus throughout the week, I do remember writing my name but then somehow I couldn't pen a word down.

My panic attacks kid in resulting to me submitting a blank script and running off, passing out is the last thing I'd want.

I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder earlier this year my dozen of insecurities and overthinking have led me to this. With Ya Faruk's assistance, I've managed to secretly be seeing a therapist.

Yeah! He's the only person aware of the condition.

It's draining honestly the worst part of it is having it middle with one day-to-day activity. They take control of your mind and mistimes you'd feel that your sanity is on the verge of collapse.

Truth is, I've had mental health issues for a while.

"This is not how you earn yourself a degree not with this grade Miss Hashim."

I bit on my lower lip, somehow my tear gland was acting up.

I feel stupid.

"What's your CGPA?"

Gulping down the uneasy feeling, "4.0 plus"

His eyes widen, surprised. Yeah right? What must he have thought of me? He did judge me by my act the other day, def.

He folds his arms to his chest, "Good. You should buckle up if you want to maintain that"

Truth is I've always wished to graduate with a first-class upper, and that has been my aim right from day one reasons why I struggle so hard to reach that far.

This year hasn't been easy but as the saying goes the higher you go the tougher it gets. PTDS had been shitty, it's playing a big role in my life right now.

"T-thank you."

"You may leave"

I nod huffing out a breath I didn't know I was holding I stepped my way out. I spot Fatima in the parking lot but the person that caught my eye has my lips part.

I pondered about running off or facing him but that was too late he was already making his way toward me. I mumbled some cursing words under my breath.

I can do this. I'm not letting my emotions get in the way. But why is he here? What more damage is he here to cause?

Before I could register a thing, he had me sandwiched in his embrace, my heart rate escalating more than it should.

"Babe. How much I've missed you"

I struggled my figure out in loath who was I kidding, this guy is ten times my size, he has changed compared to the last time I saw him.

Seeing him unleashes the sore memories I've had concealed throughout these years.

"L-let go of me" I forcefully stamp my feet on his left foot earning a Yelp.

Pointing a finger, "Stay away from me Aryaan" I roared less concerned by the scene we were creating.

"Nadia please hear me out—"

I brush past him but he got a hold of my wrist seizing my steps. "What is the matter with you?"

"Please, I want to rectify my—"

"SHUT UP! Enough with your mind games, I am not as naive as I use to be. Fuck you Aryaan! I know better than falling for your traps. Just stay the hell away from me" he drew my hand away walking off.

A tear slipped, and I used the sleeve of my gown to wipe it off before could spill. I didn't hear what Fatima had to say, I slipped into the car.

He's back.

Toh fh? What has this Aryaan come with?

Watcha all think he's up to? Wetin he do to break our babes heart? Any idea? Oya share.



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