36; This Is Fate.

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He knew something like this would happen, why did she have to be so bullheaded? Their safety is his priority, then why would she have to make everything so fucking hard for him?

He was frustrated, hurt, angered; the two most important people in his life were in the hands of his blockheaded uncle that thinks he had things under his control. Right from day one, they both didn't like each other, for some reason Uncle Mubarak wanted him to be under his control, like a lost puppy and that was one of the things Ammar didn't fancy.

Being underneath unworthy people. It's been two days since the disappearance of the duo, Ammar wanted to have every piece of evidence piled up against Uncle Mubarak before he could bring forth the case plus any slight move could endanger their lives.

Ama's condition wasn't getting any better, he had everything on the edge, he felt pressurized, he had to do this for her at least.

"Ama please" he consoled yet she wasn't ready to listen to that. "God knows where she is" she spoke.

He huffed out a sigh, "I'll bring her home"

"Promise?" He gives her a curt nod, "You have my word"

He called his trustee placing an order to go in with the next plan on his way to the warehouse they've been at.

Uncle Mubarak walked into the room with a gun small strap of sweat dripping, on his other hand are the papers he needed her to sign.

"Here, take it" he ushers flinging it to her.

Nadia snatched them away, "You're a despicable man" she fires.

He shot her a glare, "Stay out of this" he collected the papers passing them back to Hajaara, "Here sign it and I'll let you go"

She shook her head, "He found you, didn't he?" She spoke sending him a disgusting look.

"Yeah right!" He fires getting a hold of her hand"Now sign"

She tried to wiggle her hand off but his strength was no match for her, "Let go of me, I'm not signing this" he gave her a slap on her right cheek urging a Yelp from Nadia.

"Sign it now" he let go of her grabbing Nadia by the throat and putting her at gunpoint.


"You don't have to do this" she pleads.

"Wllh if you don't sign on this paper I'm going to shoot her" He threatens to pull the trigger.

With trembling hands, she begins to sign on them but stops midway. "This isn't right,"

He groans flinging me to the side and getting a hold of her, "Don't make me do this" he warns but remains obstinate even with the gun being held on her forehead.

"Mum please" I pleaded in fear of the outcome my vision becoming blurred.

Last thing I heard was the trigger being pulled before everything went blank.


He went back and forth in the corridors of the hospital trying to calm his racing heart and running mind. Different scenarios came to his head.

He doesn't know exactly how he feels about this but one thing was for sure if anything was to happen to them, he wouldn't spare the criminal's life.

He shot Hajarah at her heart, her condition was severe he knew that the chances of survival were very thin but he had hope, he couldn't lose her, he wasn't ready to say goodbye, she was his only family he couldn't lose her, not her too.

The thought made his eyes water but he blinked back the tears chanting any dua that came to his mind.

Nadia had a severe anxiety attack, the doctors are still running some tests. He was emotionally unsteady. His pace was getting heated, he felt the urge to scream out his rage but his composure always had his ass.

"Ammar" Ama's voice had him turn to her direction, Fatima, Faruk, and Maa came along too. He gave them a minute look before he tore his gaze of proceeding with the pacing duty.

"What happened?"

He gulped back the numbness avoiding her gaze, a single word that would come out from his lips may lead to his breakdown so silence was his way out at the moment and the fact that she kept trying to get him to talk had him irritated.

He groaned walking out on them maybe fresh air would help. He so much didn't want to blame this on Nadia even though it was her fault but, ugh!

Having someone you love so much cause you pain is a different sorta anguish.

Why? Just why?

He clenched his fist mumbling curses under his breath. He walked back in, just in time for the doctors to walk out.

The look n their faces where enough information yet he still hoped, it was the only thing he was holding unto.

"How is she?" Ama asks instantly wiping off her tear-stained face.

He pulled off his mask huffing out a sigh, "We lost her"

"And the other patient?" Faruk asks.

"Low chances of survival, we discovered she had glioblastoma so for now we can't say anything not until after the surgery and that could only take place after she wakes up" he explains.

"What do you mean; after she wakes up?"

"She slipped into a coma"

The End...

Toh jama at this point me seff I no get word to say me seff I'm heartbroken 😭

Alhamdullila we're done with the book I wantu end it here😂

Drops your reviews abeg, nice ones ooo😭😂


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