15; The L Word.

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I walk down the stairs adoring the scent of freshly made pancakes or so, it resonated around the house that I couldn't fight back the urge to seat while contemplating on what to eat or how to begin making it.

I miss Lara; our cook.

I stepped into the kitchen stumbling upon a half-naked; he only had his sweatpants on, yeah! He is shirtless, man.

I gulp down a numb my air sacs restricted of air.

Okay, this man needs some serious orientation.


Clicking out of my thought I only offered him a curt nod trying very hard to not look his way, I'm not giving him the benefit of that.

I opened the fridge in something for something eatable but unfortunately, I only got orange juice.


"Take a seat, breakfast is served" he spoke his lip lifting into a smirk while seating his ass down on the counter.

I so wanted to decline but the grumble made by my tummy beat me to it.

Oh, and the fact that he can cook is illegal.

"Serve yourself"

Duh! Why do I have hands?

Was I going to ask him to help? Def not.

The first bite had a moan escape, I promise it came out unexpectedly, it wasn't supposed to Allah.


He chuckled taking only a few bites before disposing of the spoon and knife just as his phone rang. A smile crept on his lip, sliding the answer slide.

Dammit! He spoke in French I couldn't get a word he was saying not that I'm bothered.

"Je T'aime"

Everyone knows what that means. Has he no shame? Telling someone the three-letter words amidst his wife.

Not that I care though, don't get me wrong o.

"What's your honeymoon dream site?" He asked out of the blue with the utmost composure.


"Answering a question with another question, wow! Is that what you Nigerians specialize in?" His left brow lifting.

"Excuse me?"

Rude. Okay strike the fact that he just fed me a satisfying breakfast, he's crossing his boundaries.

"No offense"

I huff out a hiss, "You don't get to spew harshly and last time I checked you're too a Nigerian" making a move to get up.

"Really? When? I don't remember mentioning such, enlighten me" he folds his hands to his chest as though I was about to entertain him, giving full focus.

We are Nigerians, aren't we?

"Who are you?"

I found myself asking. I figured it was time I learn a few things about my so-called husband, there's something that doesn't seat right.

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