8; Double Proposal.

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Happy new year🥳

I'm convinced that karma is in the hunt for me. Shitty things have been taking place these past few days. I have two days to Ama's deadline, Ammar still giving me the cold shoulder, or is he? And the worst part of it is Aryaan had to make an appearance and admits to all this.

Just when I thought it was only Ama's troubles I had to deal with something that had to add up again. I would be lying if I say I have a way to handle all this, right now all I want is to cuddle up in bed and relax while watching Netflix and pretend none of this is happening.

But who am I kidding? There's a nagging feeling that this may be just the start.

First-semester exams are around the corner and for the first time, I felt unprepared. I've been doing more overthinking and less reading. Looking at the tons of handouts I had to study had me discouraged.

Fatima has tried immensely to squeeze the worries out of me by sharing but I believe I'm more obstinate than she thinks.

Ya Faruk, well I'm currently in one of our usual meet-up places. I looked at my wristwatch for the umpteenth time hissing, does he always have to be late?

"Hey" he appeared out of a sudden taking a seat.

I sent him a glare to which he shrugged. "Good evening to you too sis"

"You're late."

He nods. "I figured."

"So?" I narrow my stare at him, he chuckled mumbling a sorry.

A message pinged on his phone, he was quick to check it his lips curving into a smile. He typed for about a minute before silencing the phone and slipping it into his left pocket.

"Sorry about that. S—"


He nods with a slight smile. Who would have thought Ya Faruk would be this dedicated to a relationship other than work, I'm really happy for him, he deserves it.

"So, care to tell me what happened?"

I heaved out a sigh taking a sip of water to gulp down the lump that hung. I filled him in with the latest details skipping the Aryaan part.

"Wow, was I gone for too long to have missed all of this?" He joked but my sumber face didn't give in to that.

He cleared his throat, "Nadia you to pull yourself together. I warned you about this, didn't I? Y—"

"Ya Faruk I'm tired okay? I don't want to be this anymore, I— you I can't do this. There's so much pressure" My voice is cracking and I hated that.

Vulnerability is my least favorite emotion.

"I can't get married, I don't want that—"

"Hey! We'll get through this, okay?" There was a hint of assurance that hang in his tune but right now I needed more than that.

"I don't know Ya Faruk, there's just—"

"Shh. The big deal is Ama doesn't go on her words"

That is the problem. That old woman is just too resolute for one's thinking.

My lashes were moist, being under Ya Faruk's skeptical stare had me shift in discomfort. I bit on my lower lip sucking in a harsh breath, it was hard to hold it.

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